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学习啦在线学习网   母校,一个温馨而又甜蜜的称呼,你陪伴我度过了六年的小学时光,在这里我收获知识,吸取教训,不断进步……校园生活中的点点滴滴,始终让我记忆犹新。

学习啦在线学习网   一提起母校,我第一个想到的,就是那如园丁般辛勤的老师了。MissMei,你是我的英语老师。不知为什么,一上到你的课,我总是以百分之百的热情迎接。下课后,每当遇到我不懂的地方,你都会仔细、耐心地帮我讲解;在平时,你总爱与我聊天,我们像一对知心的朋友,聊家人,聊同学,聊理想……


学习啦在线学习网   谢谢你们在我沮丧的时候给我春天般的温暖。记得那次,老师阴沉着脸,抱着一叠试卷走进教室。一看这情形,我们就知道不好了,人声鼎沸的教室逐渐安静了下来,班里的气氛一下子落入了谷底。开始报分数了,“李毓,79。”我一听,吓了一跳,顿时感觉仿佛有好多双疑惑的眼神“唰”地射向我,我惭愧地低下了头。试卷发下来了,我仔细一看,发现有好几题根本不该错,真是懊悔不已。好不容易熬到下课,一些好朋友纷纷围拢在我身边,不停地安慰我,鼓励我下次继续努力。顿时,一股暖流涌遍全身。如果把考试当成一场无硝烟的战争,我想说的是:“我不是一个人在战斗!我还有同学做我的精神支柱!”

学习啦在线学习网   六年来,老师无微不至的关爱,同学间兄弟姐妹般的情谊,如一幕幕电影浮现在我的眼前,使我铭记在心。在一二年级,我还是一个不谙世事的小不点时,老师像母亲一样悉心呵护,耐心教导我,使我心中充满了温暖,消除了胆怯,快乐成长;到了三四年级,我长大了一些,同学们不论谁遇到困难,都会伸出双手前来帮助,使我感受到生活在集体里是多么幸福!如今多年的耳濡目染,已使我懂得了用爱心回报大家,回报生活。

学习啦在线学习网   母校,是您把我哺育长大,您教会我本领,让我知道了怎样做人,将我从一个不懂事的小孩子变成了一个有知识、讲文明的好少年,我对您的感激难以用言语述说。

学习啦在线学习网   母校,我们即将踏进新的学校,我真不希望离开。毕竟我在这里生活了六年了,对您有着一份深厚的感情,抚摸着这里的一草一木,望着高大的教学楼,看着宽敞明亮的教室,甚至教室里的桌椅板凳,都使我难分难舍。



  "Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do my own! Thanksgiving heart, thanks to fate, blossom, I still cherish ... ..." "Thanksgiving heart", this is our school Graduates sing songs in monotony. To tell the truth, usually singing, like playing like, to really about to graduate, sing, really can not say no feelings. The teacher told us to laugh, but, we all seem to laugh. After all, graduation, to leave his alma mater, who laughed?

  Large banyan tree, there are students playing in the play; playground, still has a school team hard work; classroom, the book sound loud and clear, everyone is working hard to learn the knowledge. But what about our graduates? After the exam, we should go from here? Is to junior high school it, his alma mater has sown in the heart, quietly blooming. We have never give up? We are here to grow, progress here, every corner of the campus, have left our traces. That sunny classroom, where we learned how much text, how many formulas, how many words? That silence of the blackboard, write down the number of operations, circular? That wide flat playground, the number of activities, where the ceremony held? How many words can sum up our love for his alma mater?

学习啦在线学习网   Laughter, tears, each of the contention in the present view, are so cherished. Every time learning, are worth recalling. How many people would like to make a contribution to their alma mater before graduation? Write an excellent essay? To participate in a performance, or cleaning his alma mater, let us part before, whether for his alma mater to do what they can do, let us regret and study.

  Own, do not know how to cherish, only when lost, only know how to remember. In school, happy, almost every day day after day, the friendship between the students do not cherish, the teacher's care when the ears, the job is also so-so to deal with. After graduation, we know that his alma mater, actually tie so deep! Began to miss the teacher's teachings, began to hope that the students fooling around, began to hope that the teacher re-layout of those operations. Everything about his alma mater, all hope to happen again, good sustenance, miss.

  I also remember, do not sensible me, once that work can not write, anyway, there are always worse than me, not the last not to become? The middle how I do not remember, anyway, now I have no such idea. The idea of ignorance has been forgotten, I have learned numerous truths, but none are in his alma mater.

  Flowers bloom, banyan shade, sixth grade I, blink of an eye to leave his alma mater. I do not know when I first grade, there are countless sixth graders are troubled with? Still remember that time, arrived at his alma mater, how excited! My school is so beautiful! Good teachers teach us; good facilities support us. We can not for this Jimei two small pride? Even if there is some monotony, but this is always our alma mater, to teach our alma mater, is not it?

学习啦在线学习网   We learn a alphabet alphabet in his alma mater, learn a poem, learn a letter, a word, we step by step in his alma mater to grow. Big banyan witness, we thrive here, blink of an eye, it is necessary to leave this, leave my six years to witness my alma mater, leave my partner, leave the beloved teacher, to leave this pure primary school time, leave me Primary school time another home!

学习啦在线学习网   Alma mater, may you flowers, deeply rooted. Primary six-year home, this do not over. His alma mater, life-long unforgettable. Do not, alma mater!


学习啦在线学习网   “感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有勇气做我自己!感恩的心,感谢命运,花开花落,我依然,会珍惜……”《感恩的心》,这是我们学校毕业生千篇一律唱的歌。说实话,平时唱,好像玩玩似的,到真的快要毕业时,唱出来,还真不能说没有感情。老师叫我们笑出来,可是,大家似乎都笑不起来。毕竟,毕业了,要离开母校了,谁笑得起来?

学习啦在线学习网   大榕树下,还有着学生在嬉戏玩耍;操场上,依然有着为学校努力拼搏的校队;教室里,书声琅琅,大家都在努力地学习着知识。但是,我们毕业生呢?考完过后,我们又该何去何从呢?是去初中吧,母校的情谊已播种在心里,悄然盛开了。我们又何曾不舍呢?我们在这里成长,在这里进步,校园里每一个角落,都留有我们的痕迹。那阳光明媚的教室,我们在那里学过多少课文,多少公式,多少单词?那沉默无语的黑板,写下了多少次作业、通告?那宽阔平坦的操场,多少次活动、典礼在那举行?多少话语能概括我们对母校的爱?

学习啦在线学习网   欢笑、泪水、每一次的争夺在现在看来,都是那么珍惜。每一次的学习,都值得回忆。多少人希望能够在毕业前为母校做一番贡献?写一篇优秀作文?参加一次表演,亦或是打扫一下母校,让我们离别前,是否都为母校做一件力所能及的事,不让我们抱有遗憾而升学。




学习啦在线学习网   我们在母校学习一个个拼音字母,学习一首首古诗,学习一个个字母,一个个单词,我们在母校一步步地成长。大榕树做见证人,我们在这里茁壮成长,转眼间,就要离开这,离开这见证我六年岁月的母校,离开我的伙伴,离开敬爱的老师,要离开这纯真的小学时光,离开我小学时光的另一个家!

学习啦在线学习网   母校,愿你繁花似锦,根深叶茂。小学六年的家,就此别过。母校情深,终身难忘。别了,母校!

学习啦在线学习网   "Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do my own! Thanksgiving heart, thanks to fate, blossom, I still cherish ... ..." "Thanksgiving heart", this is our school Graduates sing songs in monotony. To tell the truth, usually singing, like playing like, to really about to graduate, sing, really can not say no feelings. The teacher told us to laugh, but, we all seem to laugh. After all, graduation, to leave his alma mater, who laughed?

学习啦在线学习网   Large banyan tree, there are students playing in the play; playground, still has a school team hard work; classroom, the book sound loud and clear, everyone is working hard to learn the knowledge. But what about our graduates? After the exam, we should go from here? Is to junior high school it, his alma mater has sown in the heart, quietly blooming. We have never give up? We are here to grow, progress here, every corner of the campus, have left our traces. That sunny classroom, where we learned how much text, how many formulas, how many words? That silence of the blackboard, write down the number of operations, circular? That wide flat playground, the number of activities, where the ceremony held? How many words can sum up our love for his alma mater?

学习啦在线学习网   Laughter, tears, each of the contention in the present view, are so cherished. Every time learning, are worth recalling. How many people would like to make a contribution to their alma mater before graduation? Write an excellent essay? To participate in a performance, or cleaning his alma mater, let us part before, whether for his alma mater to do what they can do, let us regret and study.

学习啦在线学习网   Own, do not know how to cherish, only when lost, only know how to remember. In school, happy, almost every day day after day, the friendship between the students do not cherish, the teacher's care when the ears, the job is also so-so to deal with. After graduation, we know that his alma mater, actually tie so deep! Began to miss the teacher's teachings, began to hope that the students fooling around, began to hope that the teacher re-layout of those operations. Everything about his alma mater, all hope to happen again, good sustenance, miss.

学习啦在线学习网   I also remember, do not sensible me, once that work can not write, anyway, there are always worse than me, not the last not to become? The middle how I do not remember, anyway, now I have no such idea. The idea of ignorance has been forgotten, I have learned numerous truths, but none are in his alma mater.

  Flowers bloom, banyan shade, sixth grade I, blink of an eye to leave his alma mater. I do not know when I first grade, there are countless sixth graders are troubled with? Still remember that time, arrived at his alma mater, how excited! My school is so beautiful! Good teachers teach us; good facilities support us. We can not for this Jimei two small pride? Even if there is some monotony, but this is always our alma mater, to teach our alma mater, is not it?

  We learn a alphabet alphabet in his alma mater, learn a poem, learn a letter, a word, we step by step in his alma mater to grow. Big banyan witness, we thrive here, blink of an eye, it is necessary to leave this, leave my six years to witness my alma mater, leave my partner, leave the beloved teacher, to leave this pure primary school time, leave me Primary school time another home!

  Alma mater, may you flowers, deeply rooted. Primary six-year home, this do not over. His alma mater, life-long unforgettable. Do not, alma mater!


学习啦在线学习网   Graduation, the liberation. Gained, but also paid; happy, but also tears; strong, and weak; mature, but also Zhuo Zhi ... ... Oh! I really want to return to the past: with the "Dong Lei mining Chrysanthemum" mood, to "sit watching the clouds from time to time," reward "winding path" ... ... I really want to return to the past, back to the days before we get along , Astronomy and geography, heaven and earth, do not talk, nothing.

  Really, I began to hate the fall, the former 20XX class 8 classes no longer exist, the past laughter also with our separation and vanished; I began to like the playground that a shade - where, there Our innocuous footprints, our short figure, and the pure friendship we have stored there! Sometimes I really think: Why? why? Six years ah! So deep friendship you want me how to erase? . Six years ah! Why should we wade through the rapids of the river, but usher in the moment? . Six years ah! Why do not you longer, that is a point, a second is also good! Six years ah! A full six years, you told me how to let go! ??

学习啦在线学习网   Autumn, you are no longer my favorite season, you took away our friendship, took away the laughter, took the 2006 8 classes! I hate you, fall! See, even that violent rain, green leaves because of your ruthless and sad for me! Autumn, to my summer me!

  However, the time such as the surging river ran away, no longer return.

  "Rain off the leaves to sing the leaves, the summer had to hate the autumn ... ..." I whispered singing.





学习啦在线学习网   最让我感谢的一位老人,一位师生敬爱的老人,那就是我们亲爱的校长奶奶。校长奶奶。校长奶奶毕竟已经70多岁了,可她毫不偷懒,每天跟我们大家一起起床,一有空就专心致志地读起报纸。可称“活到老,读到老”。它还在大会上镇重地说:“我办学一切为了学生,为了学生一切,为了一切学生。”这几年,校长奶奶还亲自到山区去访问,给那些没钱读书的孩子帮助他们上学,深受了一些山区人民的爱戴。我为我们学校有这么一个好校长而感到自豪,心里暗暗下了决心:“一定要为我们大家敬爱的母校争气。”


学习啦在线学习网   金秋送爽,丹桂飘香,在这个收获的季节里,我们迎来了母校——集美中学90周年的校庆,也迎来了许许多多海内外的校友。

学习啦在线学习网   彩旗飘飘,鲜花束束,在这个隆重而又喜庆的日子里,许多校友不顾路程的遥远,不顾千山万水的阻隔,从世界的各个角落,纷纷起程回到母校的怀抱。在归来的校友中,有一个从桂林回来的101岁的老校友。尽管他年事已高,两鬓苍苍,行动不便,但他却还是专程赶来,赶来庆祝母校的生日,赶来献上自己的一份祝福。19日晚,海内外校友及学校教师,学生3000人在翔鹭国际大酒店进行了师生大联欢,更是将母校90周年校庆推向了新的高潮。海内外校友代表热情洋溢的讲话,仿佛在讲述每个属于集中人的过去,激起每位校友的热情。看着一幕幕感人的画面,有谁能不为之感动?同学们不禁要问,是什么让校友不远万里回到母校?是什么促使他们为母校准备了许多丰厚的礼物与诚挚的祝福?我想答案应该是他们都拥有一颗感恩的心。

学习啦在线学习网   校友们感恩校主,感谢校主创立了集美中学;校友们感恩母校,感谢母校为他们创造了良好的读书环境,为他们的成长打下了良好的基础;校友们感恩老师,感谢老师们辛勤的付出……



学习啦在线学习网   同学们,让我们行动起来,尽自己的力量来感恩母校,让集美中学的明天更辉煌更灿烂!

  There are so many things in the world that I want to thank the great motherland. I want to thank my parents for their support, but I am most grateful to my dear alma mater. In this case,

  My alma mater is a sound, body, the United States and a comprehensive school, with three tall teaching building, every day you can hear the sound of books, beautiful music. Each classroom is fully equipped. Dongnuanxialiang, into the classroom you can feel spacious and bright. A row of neat tables and chairs, a long and large blackboard. The ground is spotless. Subject teachers in this question we teach our knowledge, the language teacher will read the text will sound color. English teachers read English pronunciation clearly. The math teacher taught us to learn mathematics ...

学习啦在线学习网   Looked up to the classroom window, is a brand new plastic playground. The students chased and played here. Football teenager you kick me wins, all play sweat. So to spend a substantial extra-curricular activities. In this case,

学习啦在线学习网   I am most grateful to an old man, a teacher and student beloved old man, that is our dear principal, grandmother. President of Grandma. Grandma, after all, has more than 70 years old, but she is not lazy, every day with us all get up, one free to concentrate on reading the newspaper. Can be said to "live to the old, read the old." In the past few years, the principal also went to the mountains to visit their grandmother, to those who do not have money to study the children to help them go to school, deep into the mountains, to help the children to go to school, By a number of mountain people's love. I was so proud of my school that I had such a good headmaster, and I made a secret decision: "Be sure to live up to our beloved alma mater."

  During my four years at this alma mater, I had a setback, but I was proud of it at my alma mater.

  In the harvest season, we welcome the alma mater - Jimei School 90 anniversary, also ushered in many alumni at home and abroad.

  Many alumni, regardless of the distance, regardless of the mountains and rivers of the barrier, from all corners of the world, have set out to return to the embrace of his alma mater. Among the returning alumni is a 101-year-old alumnus who returned from Guilin. Despite his age, the temples, mobility, but he came to a special trip came to celebrate the birthday of his alma mater, came to offer their own blessing. 19 evening, alumni and school teachers at home and abroad, 3,000 students in the Xianglu International Hotel for teachers and students, but also to the 90 anniversary of his alma mater to a new climax. Alumni representatives at home and abroad enthusiastic speech, as if every one belongs to the concentration of the past, arouse the enthusiasm of each alumni. Watching scenes touching the screen, who can not be moved? Students can not help but ask, what makes alumni traveled back to his alma mater? What prompted them to prepare for their alma mater many rich gifts and sincere wishes? I think the answer should be that they all have a grateful heart.

  The alumni are grateful to the alma mater, thanks to their alma mater for them to create a good reading environment for their growth and lay a good foundation; alumni are grateful to teachers, teachers thank the hard work of the Pay ...

学习啦在线学习网   Yes ah, everyone should learn to Thanksgiving, from the moment we were born, many people have given us help, care and love, we should hold a grateful The heart is alive, Thanksgiving life gives us everything.

学习啦在线学习网   We should be grateful to his alma mater, thanksgiving teacher. Perhaps some students will think that Thanksgiving is too far away from us, we should wait until we have the ability to become famous after Thanksgiving. But that is not the case. Thanksgiving is not a source of money and property, but a grateful heart. Thanksgiving schools we should not discredit the school, should not undermine the school environment, readily pick up a piece of paper, is the expression of gratitude, its weight and weight of gold. Thanksgiving teachers we should not let the teacher for us to worry about, do their own thing to do, is the language of Thanksgiving.

  Students, let us take action, do their own power to Thanksgiving Alma mater, Jimei School for tomorrow more brilliant and more brilliant!






