学习啦 > 实用范文 > 毕业大全 > 赠言大全 > 离别赠言 > 2017年给高中同学的英文留言


时间: 张楚935 分享






  We look at the classes you are one of the best sports people! Windows every time you skip class when they are dancing like monkeys agile. I believe you in this life can not be official, and three are not representative of English language lessons on behalf of, on behalf of mathematics! You are an idiot!


学习啦在线学习网   你毕业之后千万不要唱歌啊!我不是怕你招来狼,我是怕你把狼唱绝种喽,不是我吓唬你,你唱的歌能把狼吓死!

学习啦在线学习网   Do not you sing after graduation ah! I am not afraid of you brought the wolf, I am afraid of you singing wolf species myself, I did not scare you, you can wolf singing scared to death!



学习啦在线学习网   等你毕业离开上高中之后我真的挺担心,不是担心你,我担心的是,下一个倒霉的老师会是谁?

学习啦在线学习网   You leave high school after graduation I am really very worried, not worried about you, I am worried about is a bad teacher who would be?


学习啦在线学习网   终于解脱了,每次看你的作文我都有一种想要自杀的冲动!

  I now finally free, and every time I see you have a composition of the impulse to want to commit suicide!


  1. Forever friend, forever brothers and sisters 永远的同学,永远的兄弟姐妹

  2.Years accumulated too heavy thoughts 岁月积淀了太沉的思念

  3.How much looking forward, how much pride, we not only gain, gain a sincere and pure friendship有多少憧憬,有多少豪情,我们不仅收获了学业,更收获了真挚和纯洁的友谊

  4.Some of us even though far apart, but our hearts are forever linked, some of us although usually associated with less, but between schoolmate's friendship never stopped. Even if it is only a phone, a message, a greeting, are all full of true class. Meet today, so we go back to yesterday 我们有的虽然相距较远,但我们的心却永远相连,我们有的虽然平时联系较少,但同学之间的情谊却没有间断。哪怕是只有一个电话、一条信息、一声问候,都无不饱含着同学的真情。今天的相聚,使我们仿佛又回到了昨天