

时间: 张楚935 分享



学习啦在线学习网   1、你聪颖,你善良,你活泼,有时你也幻想,有时你也默然,在默然中沉思,在梦幻中寻觅。小小的你会长大,小小的你会成熟,愿你更坚强!愿你更自信!



学习啦在线学习网   4、我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见,心里保存着感激,感谢你曾给我那一份深厚的情谊。




学习啦在线学习网   8、认识你是我的欢乐,离开你是我的痛苦。对于即将的离别,支持着我的是对于重逢的期盼。


学习啦在线学习网   10、你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,学友,学友,不管你身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你!




学习啦在线学习网   14、同学啊,让往日夕暮中那些甜蜜的低语,都埋在心底,化作美丽的记忆吧!

学习啦在线学习网   15、很荣幸与你同窗共读四载,使我结识了你这位潇洒的“才子”,我欣赏你的气质,敬佩你的为人,想必你今后一定会成为我的挚友。


学习啦在线学习网   17、与你同行,回想起我们曾拥有过的共同理想;与你分手,憧憬着我们重逢时的狂欢。

学习啦在线学习网   18、随着时间的流梭,再过几个星期我就要离开生活了二千多日子的母校。虽然离别是悲伤的,但是我还是祝全体同学能读上自己心目中的中学,能取得好的成就。


学习啦在线学习网   20、我是一个即将离开母校,向知识的另一端跨进的人,在此,我对母校的一切格外留恋,但最让我留恋的是那些与我一起学习了三年的同学。因此,我送给他们一句话:好好奋斗,如果我们有相见的时候,就比比谁强,谁能实现父母望子成龙、望女成凤的愿望。


  1, you are smart, you are kind, you are lively, sometimes you also fantasy, and sometimes you are silent, in silence meditation, looking for in the dream. Small you will grow up, small you will be mature, may you be stronger! Would you be more confident!

  2, we are about to leave, leaving the friendship and teacher, take away the knowledge. We are about to leave, but will not forget the friendship between the students, will not forget the teacher's kindness. I hope here students good health, learning progress, all the best, admitted to their own ideal university.

  3, laugh together, sing together, with tension, with the preparation of the day, into a fragmented stars, dotted with my blank youth album. Will not forget, the moment of blossoming, flashing you of these lovely wizard figure.

学习啦在线学习网   4, we have to separate, softly say goodbye, my heart kept grateful, thank you gave me that a deep friendship.

  5, waved goodbye, sail voyage. Do not you can be thrown out of the friendship of the cable, virtually firmly in my heart.

  6, facing the years of the banquet, we smile each other graciously to persuade the wine, as if all did not say love and dismay, are collected behind the statement. Because we have to understand that this has no more than the hands of this cup more alcohol more beautiful wine.

学习啦在线学习网   7, no matter how distant the future, the growth of the way you have me; no matter when the meeting, we are always friends.

学习啦在线学习网   8, know you are my joy, leave you is my pain. For the upcoming parting, support for me is the expectation of reunion.

  9, we hurried farewell to their distant, no words, no tears, only the eternal thoughts and blessings, in each other's heart issued a deep resonance.

  10, you have the same wisdom and a pair of hard springs, Xueyou, Xueyou, no matter where you are, lucky and happy moments accompany you!

  11, and finally you have to go, that is far to go far to go to read a very far on the book. I am not surprised, because you should have been so.

  12, my friends, we have to temporarily separate; "treasure", I will not say. In this want to go to the night, trying to cast a few small morning star; although not much light, but also make the morning people happy.

  13, meet and bid farewell to the sail and off the coast, both the end of the joy of the past, but also the beginning of the future happiness.

学习啦在线学习网   14, students ah, so that the evening twilight in those sweet whisper, are buried in the bottom of my heart, into a beautiful memory it!

  15, I am honored to spend four years with your classmates, so I met your chic "wit", I appreciate your temperament, admire your man, presumably you will become my best friend in the future.

  16, your shadow is sail, my eyes are the river, how many times want to retain you, and finally can not. I know that the world is rare friendship, but more valuable is free.

  17, with your peers, recalled that we have had a common ideal; break up with you, looking forward to our reunion when the carnival.

学习啦在线学习网   18, with the flow of time shuttle, and then a few weeks I will leave the life of more than two thousand days of his alma mater. Although parting is sad, but I still wish all the students can read their own secondary school, can achieve good results.

学习啦在线学习网   19, you finally have to go, but you leave the image of the flowers down, you leave the fragrance of flowers down, you put our common hope of water also stayed down. In the future as long as I think of you, my years will always be bright, forever Fang Fei.

  20, I am a man who is about to leave his alma mater and step into the other side of the knowledge. Here, I am all the nostalgia for my alma mater, but the most nostalgia for those who have studied with me for three years. Therefore, I give them a word: a good struggle, if we meet each other, who is stronger than who, who can achieve the parents looked forward Jackie Chan, Wang Fengcheng desire.




学习啦在线学习网   3、柳阴下别百般惆怅,同窗数载少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量!

学习啦在线学习网   4、光阴似箭,一转眼,4年的同窗生涯已成为过去。但教室里,还回响着我们朗朗的读书声;操场上,还留着我们奔跑矫健的身影。这里的草坪、小溪、竹亭,是我们永远依恋的百草园。


学习啦在线学习网   6、人之将毕业,其言也善。



学习啦在线学习网   9、我的朋友们,我们要暂时分别了;“珍重珍重”的话,我也不再说了。在这欲去未去的夜色里,努力铸造几颗小晨星;虽然没有多大光明,但也能使那早行的人高兴。


  11、不管未来有多长久,请珍惜相聚的每一刻; 不管多少个春夏秋冬,我们是永远的朋友。




学习啦在线学习网   15、我用一麻袋的钱上大学,换了一麻袋书。毕业了,用这些书换钱,却买不起一个麻袋。

学习啦在线学习网   16、母校是什么,你刚来的时候巴不得早点走,可真当你要走的时候,又急切的希望能多留一两天。


学习啦在线学习网   18、你能否送我一块手帕?让我心上飘起一片帆。

学习啦在线学习网   19、不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我; 不管相逢在什么时候,我们是永远的朋友。

学习啦在线学习网   20、你的身影是帆,我的目光是河流,多少次想挽留你,终于不能够。我知道人世间难得的是友情,但更宝贵的却是自由。


  1, looking at the empty dormitory and cabinets, always feel what left, so I left my thoughts on you.

  2, with your peers, recalled that we have had a common ideal; with you break up, looking forward to our reunion when the carnival.

学习啦在线学习网   3, Liu Yin do not all sorts of melancholy, the number of students loaded a few years old love, hope journey thousands of thoughts, is willing to friendship into the strength of forging ahead!

  4, time flies, a blink of an eye, 4 years of classmate career has become the past. But the classroom, but also echoed our Lang Lang reading sound; playground, but also keep us running vigorous figure. Here the lawn, creek, bamboo pavilion, is our eternal attachment to the grass garden.

学习啦在线学习网   5, what is the alma mater, that is, you call him eight times a day but not allow others to curse the place.

  6, people will graduate, his words are good.

学习啦在线学习网   7, I cried, everyone laughed; I smiled and left, we all cry. Hey, this is the university ...

学习啦在线学习网   8, graduated, and how to keep those warm days, but how eager to be able to throw into the torrent of life as soon as possible. That the previous classmate life, is a string of sweet candy gourd; that charming sweet and sour, will never memorable.

  9, my friends, we have to temporarily separate; "treasure", I will not say. In this want to go to the night, trying to cast a few small morning star; although not much light, but also make the morning people happy.

  10, the leaves of the wind is sent to the wind or the tree does not retain, you leave my school is the promotion of life or youth do not stay.

  11, no matter how long the future, please cherish every moment; no matter how many spring and summer autumn and winter, we are always friends.

学习啦在线学习网   12, with wisdom depicting the life of the drawing board, with diligence to write the ups and downs of life, with sweat infiltration of youth journey. Believe in your tomorrow, not necessarily brilliant, but certainly full of no regrets!

  13, students ah, so that the evening twilight in those sweet whisper, are buried in the bottom of my heart, into a beautiful memory!

  14, meet and bid farewell to the sail and off the coast, both the end of the joy of the past, but also the beginning of the future happiness.

学习啦在线学习网   15, I used a sack of money to go to college, for a sack of books. Graduated, with these books for money, but can not afford a sack.

  16, what is my alma mater, when you first came to anxious to go early, can be really when you want to go, but also eager to stay more than a day or two.

  17, four years, we go to get out of class together, go to the library, prepare cheating with the children, with skipping to dance, together with the whole body boys, go shopping with movies, buy cheap clothes, and then put together In the school on all the Boulevard blatantly ... ...

学习啦在线学习网   18, can you send me a handkerchief? Let my heart float a sail.

学习啦在线学习网   19, no matter how distant the future, the growth of the way you have me; no matter when the meeting, we are always friends.

  20, your shadow is sail, my eyes are the river, how many times you want to retain, and finally can not. I know that the world is rare friendship, but more valuable is free.


学习啦在线学习网   1、毕业时节,相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。生活如一条长河,愿你是一叶执著的小舟;生活如一叶小舟,愿你是一名风雨无阻的水手。祝你前程似锦,幸福如意!

学习啦在线学习网   2、同学挚友,让我再抱抱你,最后轻轻的说声你好,虽然人生难免有聚有散,但你却是我心中,最美丽的记忆。毕业了,祝福你,前途光明,一帆风顺!


学习啦在线学习网   4、三年同窗,共沐“一片阳光”;千余日子,谱写了多少“友谊诗篇”!亲爱的学友,毕业了,愿你永远如向日葵一样,笑容灿烂,创造辉煌!



学习啦在线学习网   7、毕业了,有太多的怀念;分别了,有太多的不舍。忘不了你给我到来的早餐,真香!忘不了你送我的围巾,真暖!忘不了你对的关心,真温馨!忘不了告别时的泪水,真咸。今日发来我的祝愿,愿你永远开朗快乐,永远活泼美丽。

学习啦在线学习网   8、要毕业了,不想道离别,因为不舍,不想说再见,因为不忍,不想写留言,因为难分,唯有送上祝福,愿你一切都好,心中默默祈祷,愿你前程似锦,常联系哟。

学习啦在线学习网   9、我们曾是远方来的两棵孤独的小树,我们曾经是胆小柔弱的两只小兔,我们曾经是一张课桌上互相鼓励加油的学友,经历四年的拼搏我们勇敢自信坚强。今天我们将挥手告别说再见,请接受我深情的祝福,平安健康幸福快乐成功。

学习啦在线学习网   10、毕业了,几年的磨练,造就了你挺拔的身躯,高昂的斗智,坚强的毅力,练就了劈荆斩棘、追风捕雨、驱雷逐电的本领,祝你离开校园,不断开拓、不断奋进、步入无比绚丽的人生!


学习啦在线学习网   12、青春花开花红,离别才知情浓。你的身影是“帆船”,我的目光是“河流”,毕业了,送你一程又一程。祝愿你一帆风顺,前程锦绣!


学习啦在线学习网   14、阳光照耀的地方,有我“真挚的祝福”;月亮照耀的地方,有我“深深的思念”。毕业分了身,真情心连心。你一切安好,是我最大的心愿!


学习啦在线学习网   16、毕业季,要别离,好兄妹,记心里,同窗友,真情有,泪涟涟,心相牵,拥拥抱,开心笑,送祝福,互激励,愿以后,常联系,祝愿你,好身体。






学习啦在线学习网   1, graduation season, meet and bid farewell to the sail and off the coast, both the end of the joy of the past, but also the beginning of the future happiness. Life is like a long river, may you be a leafy dedication of the boat; life like a leaf boat, may you be a stormy sailor. I wish you a bright future, happy wish!

  2, classmates friends, let me hug you, and finally gently say hello Hello, although life is bound to have scattered, but you are my heart, the most beautiful memories. Graduated, bless you, a bright future, smooth sailing!

  3, memory, we in order to ideals, and strive to climb the scientific peaks; classroom, we Lang Lang reading sound, intense debate; sports field, we tenacious struggle, sprint when the shadows. After graduation, we have their own things, but our hearts are always together for our future blessings!

学习啦在线学习网   4, three years of classmates, a total of Mu "a sunshine"; more than a thousand days, and how many "friendship poem"! Dear friends, graduated, and you will always like sunflowers, smile, create brilliant!

  5, graduated, not too much words! Only a deep embrace, there is a shy words to tell you: with you, "you are everything"! Without you, "everything is you"! If you Well, it is sunny!

学习啦在线学习网   6, students read hard several days of autumn, love deep meaning heavy cut points; honor and shame a total of three or four years, could not bear to leave the situation according to Yiyi. Today will be something, classmates gratuitous. Graduation blessing information, Zhu Jun all the way more smooth, to the community everything, continue to learn success!

学习啦在线学习网   7, graduated, there are too many miss; respectively, there are too many dismay. Forget you give me the breakfast, really fragrant! Forget you send my scarf, really warm! Forget your care, really warm! Forget the farewell tears, really salty. Today sent my wish, may you always happy and happy, always lively and beautiful.

  8, to graduate, do not want to leave parting, because sad, do not want to say goodbye, because could not bear, do not want to write a message, because hard to distinguish, only to send blessings, may you all good, quietly pray, , Often contact yo.

学习啦在线学习网   9, we were two distant trees to the lonely, we used to be timid and weak two rabbits, we used to be a desk to encourage each other refueling friends, after four years of hard struggle we are brave and confident The Today we will waved goodbye to say goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing, safe and healthy happy happy success.

学习啦在线学习网   10, graduated, a few years of temper, created your tall and straight body, high wits, strong perseverance, trained on the demolition of Jingxiao, catching rain, flood driving ability, I wish you leave the campus , And constantly open up, and constantly forge ahead, into the incomparable brilliant life!

学习啦在线学习网   11, not tears weak, but the feelings of deep; not words much, but time is not urgent; not years wasted, just reluctantly; not naive blasting, but graduation landed, blink of an eye graduation, and is willing to all your friends, contact.

学习啦在线学习网   12, youth blossom flowers, parting only informed thick. Your shadow is "sailing", my eyes are "rivers", graduated, and send you a way another way. Wish you a smooth sailing, beautiful future!

  13, from the "all corners of the globe", to "far apart" to go. No matter where you go, no matter what position, remember our oath: never give up! Never give up! Never desperate!

学习啦在线学习网   14, where the sun shines, with my "sincere blessing"; the moon shines on the place, I have "deep thoughts." Graduation of the body, really heart to heart. You are all good, is my greatest wish!

学习啦在线学习网   15, a period of gathering, four years of ups and downs of memories; two hearts Unicom, we know each other's friendship; three lines of thoughts, sincere blessing each other. Graduated, my dear friend, may you be successful, happy life, happy life, always happy. I will always bless you in the distance.

  16, graduation season, to be separated, good brother and sister, remember mind, fellow friends, true love, tears Lian Lian, heart pull, embrace, happy smile, send blessing, mutual encouragement, is willing, often contact, wish you, good body.

  17, graduated, I can not forget: accompanied by lovelorn I drink you, when I am free when the money in the chariot you, hit the injured I back into the hospital you. You are my iron buddies, my good brother. Seeing will be different, I wish you love the cause of double harvest, good luck have come!

学习啦在线学习网   18, full of ups and downs for three years, forget our debate in the classroom, forget our running on the pitch, forget our struggle in the examination room, forget our singing in the candlelight, how wonderful it is worth recalling The Graduation graduation say goodbye, I wish the old students always remember me, always safe and happy.

  19, hope that graduation is only a brief difference, I hope you receive a college admission notice, I hope you often think of me, send a text message to me, I hope we have a beautiful future, for our good hope to work it.

  20, a video freeze our youth memories, a table party followed our constant friendship, a treasure Road to do our blessing each other, a Wang tears full of our reluctantly. Graduated, my favorite people, the future of the day we have to remember the effort to refuel.








马上就要毕业各奔前程,无论在何地不管就何业,请让我们经常联系问候,祝愿我们友谊地久天长!下面是学习啦小编为大家整理的给高中朋友的英文毕业留言带翻译,欢迎阅读! 给高中朋友的英文毕业留言带翻译【最新版】 1、你聪颖,你善良,你活


  • 给高中朋友一句幽默毕业留言


  • 给高中朋友一句感动到哭的留言


  • 给高中朋友写的一句毕业留言


  • 给高中朋友写的离别留言条句子
