独出心裁 裁书叙心 → 心地正直 → 直捷了当 → 当前决意 → 意到笔随 → 随珠荆玉 → 玉卮无当 → 当耳旁风 → 风俗人情 → 情窦渐开 → 开怀畅饮 → 饮犊上流 → 流水桃花 → 花月之身 → 身分不明 → 明月清风 → 风驰云走 → 走笔成文 → 文治武力 → 力蹙势穷 → 穷里空舍 → 舍身为国 → 国无宁日 → 日引月长 → 长绳系日 → 日久岁深 → 深切着白 → 白首北面 → 面从背言 → 言不诡随 → 随世沉浮 → 浮词曲说 → 说雨谈云 → 云涌飙发 → 发荣滋长 → 长久之计 → 计斗负才 → 才高气清 → 清耳悦心 → 心闲体正 → 正点背画 → 画意诗情 → 情天孽海 → 海岳高深 → 深情厚意 → 意略纵横 → 横见侧出 → 出位僭言 → 言事若神 → 神志不清 → 清汤寡水 → 水宽鱼大 → 大方之家 → 家传之学 → 学行修明 → 明公正道 → 道听涂说 → 说来话长 → 长春不老 → 老熊当道 → 道路指目 → 目交心通 → 通无共有 → 有触即发 → 发喊连天 → 天长地老 → 老成之见 → 见钱眼开 → 开国济民 → 民富国强 → 强聒不舍 → 舍身为国 → 国家大计 → 计日奏功 → 功败垂成 → 成一家言 → 言简意深 → 深中笃行 → 行所无事 → 事败垂成 → 成家立计 → 计出万死 → 死不回头 → 头昏眼花 → 花貎蓬心 → 心亿则乐 → 乐而忘死 → 死生啕气 → 气壮如牛 → 牛衣岁月 → 月下风前 → 前庭悬鱼 → 鱼尾雁行 → 行浊言清 → 清廉正直 → 直捣黄龙 → 龙马精神 → 神怒人弃 → 弃其余鱼 → 鱼贯而行 → 行满功成 → 成一家言 → 言为心声 → 声气相求 → 求死不得 → 得月较先 → 先言往行 → 行不逾方 → 方刚血气 → 气吞湖海 → 海涵地负 → 负才使气 → 气得志满 → 满面含春 → 春光如海 → 海阔天高 → 高躅大年 → 年谊世好 → 好梦难成 → 成人之善 → 善门难开 → 开国济民 → 民胞物与 → 与日俱积
Few plots of plays are entirely original.
学习啦在线学习网 There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.
学习啦在线学习网 There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.
学习啦在线学习网 4卧室里独出心裁挂只胡萝卜制成的“活风铃”,也一样如诗如画。
学习啦在线学习网 Bedroom where only carrot hanging from the original "live useful, " is the same Poetic picturesque.
学习啦在线学习网 5这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魄力,所以使他们都很喜欢。
There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.
学习啦在线学习网 6罗申科的技巧独出心裁,以至于他本人的名字成为这些技巧的代名词。
学习啦在线学习网 Rodchenko's techniques were so strikingly original they became synonymous with his name.
学习啦在线学习网 He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for.
Innovation sex, the article of show originality does not suit new personality, it is certain to after waiting, had famous degree can try to write.
学习啦在线学习网 9谁知后来,这个官的贪污方式竟是独出心裁:凡有行贿的,都是在白天,不许在夜晚;
学习啦在线学习网 Who knows later, the corruption means of this official is show originality unexpectedly: Every has bribery, it is days, must not be in night;
学习啦在线学习网 In fact, the ingenuity that goes into their design and manufacture sets an example that could usefully be followed by the mainland's moribund cultural industries.
学习啦在线学习网 11老舍的戏剧视野宽广,他认为戏剧创作不必一味学易卜生,而要“独出心裁、别开生面”地创新。
Lao She's drama broad vision, he need not blindly believe that theatrical productions of Ibsen, and to "Duchuxincai, spectacular" innovation.
It is well known, 7 series handsets always designs in the Nokia handset family grows perceptibly, often has in the modelling and the design design is original the place.
This aspect produces a condition in which the natives' ideas are either behind or ahead of their times. On the positive side, the conjunction can bestow mental originality and independence.
Not being equipped to discuss General von Roon's peculiar geopolitics, I will make one or two general comments and then get to the battle.
学习啦在线学习网 15这家新生代的聚会场所其主导是以客为尊,由国际设计师设计的拉风吧期望能将客人带到独出心裁的海洋环境。
Windjammer Bar &Grill is a new generation venue developed with the guest in mind. Created by international designers Windjammer aims to immerse patrons in a unique ocean setting theme.