学习啦在线学习网 一部小说读了半年,但读到最后依然恋恋不舍。《悲惨世界》如同一个黑洞,从最最不起眼的一个点切入,进入其中却发现在这个点背后蕴藏的是包罗万象的宏伟世界和极其耀眼的精神光芒。
学习啦在线学习网 小说之中既有狠毒肮脏的恶贼,也有道德完美的圣人;既有纯粹无暇的爱情,也有充满悲壮的战争;既有天马行空的想象,也有严肃考据的历史。其中各色人物演绎着各种命运,也各自迸发着或肮脏或纯洁的色彩斑斓的精神光芒,并把所有展现出的精神推演到极致。伟大或低劣,生存或死亡,这些在本书中都有所涉及但绝不是真正的主题。《悲惨世界》名为悲惨,实则是在悲惨的境遇中寻求希望,最终获得光明的过程。无论是社会或人心都是如此。
学习啦在线学习网 "Holy Bible" impressions of after-reading "Holy Bible" is Christianity's soul. Must understand the Western civilization. Can not but read "Holy Bible". Today, the world has 1,000,000,000 above people treats as "Holy Bible" their spiritual food. "Holy Bible" translates into 1800 many kinds of writing, since long has been in the world spreads a broadest book. Since continuously, I have filled curiously to "Holy Bible", is honored very much understanding Mr./Mrs. Pan, teacher's influence, teacher has been also given me two about the Holy Bible book, I read the such classical book fortunately. Reads some classics the thing, for example Jesus's guidance “, if some people have hit your right face, also lets him the left face hit”, all sharing, “, so long as knows wrong, main will forgive you”, but will also have are many I to think that is unable the thing which understood, Adam Eve steals the pardoned crime which the food forbidden fruit will violate, the pardoned crime is what? Knows has the desire ashamed? If does not have the Satan enticement, they will be will continue in the Garden of Eden joyful life? What except carefree also has in theirs life? Hungry must eat thing this not is also the person most primitive desire? Between the desire and the desire also has the difference? Why is it the crime?!
God does not endure the crime which sees the people to massacre mutually, therefore decision reconstruction world of human beings, only then Noa is rescued, the humanity massacres the worst result also nothing but is mutually the complete deconstruction, God is only does not endure to put in nearly all people in the flood rainstorm, this is He Zhong does not endure?! The people make the exceedingly high Babylon tower, wants to go to have a look at the God Jehovah's homeland, God to worry that the people crime, then lets the people language not pass again, therefore no longer the unity cannot continue to make the tower again, the human wants to visit God's family is the crime, God steals peeps person's privacy is looks after?! The belief is one spiritual reposing, believes one spiritual strength. The human, cannot not believe! The recollection believes in the lord these days, I experience to the main leadership, feels deeply main to my blessing. Before advocating Jesus to become my foot's lamp, on road's light.