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  Introduction to the Dragon Boat Festival

  中文名: 端午节

  The Dragon Boat Festival

学习啦在线学习网  外文名: Dragon Boat Festival或Double Fifth Festival

  Foreign name: Boat Festival Double or Fifth Festival Dragon

  又称: 端阳节、午日节、五月节等

  Also known as: duanyangjie, afternoon day festival, May festival etc.

学习啦在线学习网  时间: 农历五月初五日

学习啦在线学习网  Time: May in Chinese lunar calendar day


学习啦在线学习网  The Dragon Boat Festival every May in Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, festival, festival May afternoon. Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese people to commemorate Qu Yuan, to surround the talented, aloof from the world of Qu yuali and expand and spread to all over China, folk culture sharing, Qu Yuan celebrity is known as, remember the Chinese noble feelings. But there are exceptions, Soochow in the vicinity of the Dragon Boat Festival never is in memory of Qu Yuan, but a memorial on the fifth of may be into the river of Wu and Wu Yue area to the dragon boat races in today held tribal totem worship custom is as early as in the spring and Autumn period for a long time. The Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings, dragon boat race, hanging calamus, wormwood, Artemisia argyi, smoked herb, angelica, drink realgar Yellow Wine customs. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the national holidays and is included in the world intangible cultural heritage..



  In May five, is the Dragon Boat festival. Eat dumplings, radiant." You have heard this sentence, this sentence and a festival, and you guess the answer, of course, is the Dragon Boat Festival. Today, I had a meaningful festival..

学习啦在线学习网  早上,我早早地起来,刷过了牙,突然闻到了一股香喷喷的味道,馋得直流口水,心里一想:难道是爸爸、妈妈和奶奶给我做了好吃的?我“跟”着香味走了过去。噢,原来是爸爸、妈妈和奶奶在煮粽子,怪不得那么香呢!我奇怪地问:“爸爸,今天为什么要煮粽子呀?”爸爸说:“儿子,今天是我们国家的传统节日——端午节!”我听了,一下子就高兴得一蹦三千尺。只见爸爸他们把红豆先放到泡好的糯米之中,再加入酱油、味精、胡椒等作料,搅好拌匀,又抓了一点五花肉切成几块,拌在糯米之中,再用荷叶一点一点地把它们包起来,一个精致的粽子就完成了!

学习啦在线学习网  Morning, I arose early, brush teeth, suddenly smell a smell of delicious, a greedy DC saliva, the in the mind think: did my father, my mother and grandmother gave me the good? I "with" the fragrance walked past. Oh, turns out to be her father, mother and grandmother in the boiled dumplings, blame not so sweet! I curiously ask: "Daddy, why today to cook rice dumplings ah?" and the father said: "son, this is our country's traditional festivals - the Dragon Boat Festival!" I listened to, all of a sudden joy jumped three thousand feet. Dad saw them the red beans into a good soak glutinous rice, then add soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, pepper and other seasonings, stir and mix well and seized a pork into pieces, mix in the glutinous rice, then leaves a bit by bit to pack them up, a refined dumplings is finished!


学习啦在线学习网  Zongzi finally cooked, I want to also don't want to grasp a, just touched the dumplings, "ah!" shouted a voice, put dumplings and threw it into the pot, it is so hot! I had to carefully brought zongzi, leaves opened, wow! Red dolphin like agate inlaid in the dumplings, the fragrance filled the whole room, a bite, waxy waxy, fragrant, yum!


  After lunch, I went to the market to buy things with my father.. Just entered the market, just as the father was attracted to something like, oh! The original is wormwood! I curiously asked his father, "Dad, you buy the stem what ah?" and the father said: "this is the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival, people put it hanging in the doorway, get rid of vermin, avoid evil." My father bought me a sachet, like a little and dainty dumplings, exudes strands of vanilla, very cute. I wearing those sachets, carrying wormwood back home, the wormwood placed on both sides of the front door, they are like two swords, guarding the home.

学习啦在线学习网  快乐的端午节很快过去了,我期待着下一个端午节的到来。

  Happy Dragon Boat Festival is passed quickly, I am looking forward to the next day of the Dragon Boat Festival to come.







端午节就要到了,相信很多人都很期待,下面给大家分享关于小学生英语端午节手抄报文字内容最新大全_快乐的端午节.欢迎阅读! 端午节介绍 Introduction to the Dragon Boat Festival


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