
常后接to do sth和for [of] doing sth的名词

时间: 若木631 分享

  1. capacity 能力,才能

  表示做某事的能力,capacity后可接 to do sth, for doing sth, of doing sth。如:

学习啦在线学习网   He has a great capacity for enjoying himself. 他很会想办法自得其乐。

  Her capacity to remember facts is remarkable. 她的记忆力很惊人。

学习啦在线学习网   The boy shows a great capacity to learn [of learning, for learning] languages. 这孩子显露出学习语言的卓越能力。

  2. means 方式,方法,手段;财力,金钱

  (1) 表示做某事的财力,其后通常接不定式,且尤其见于have the means to do sth这一结构。如:

  He doesn’t have the means to support a wife and child. 他没有钱养活妻子和孩子。

  Small businesses don’t have the means to develop a sophisticated Internet presence. 小企业通常没有财力投资建设复杂的因特网平台。

  (2) 表示做某事的方法,means后通常接of doing sth。如:

  We had no means of warning them. 我们没有办法警告他们。

  There is no means of finding out what happened. 无法弄清发生了什么事情。

  Can you devise a means of overcoming the problem? 你能想出法子来解决这个难题吗?

  有时也可后接不定式,但不如后接of doing sth常见。如:

学习啦在线学习网   My English teacher provided me with the means to enjoy reading poetry. 我的英语老师告诉了我欣赏诗歌的方法。

  另外,有时也可后接 for doing sth,也不如用of doing sth 常见。如:

  It’s an effective means for finding qualified job applicants. 这是寻找合适求职者的有效方法。

  3. responsibility

学习啦在线学习网   (1) 表示做某事的责任或负责做某事,其后通常接of [for] doing sth,而不接不定式。如:

  Mr Smith will take the responsibility of [for] doing the experiment. 史密斯先生将负责做这个实验。

  She is charged with the responsibility of [for] receiving callers and answering letters. 她被安排负责接待来访者和回信。

学习啦在线学习网   (2) 但是,在have [feel] a responsibility结构后可以接不定式。如:

  Every citizen has a responsibility to vote. 每个公民都有投票选举的责任。

学习啦在线学习网   They have a responsibility to discover which wives have walked out on their husbands. 他们有责任找出哪些妻子抛弃了丈夫。


  To my mind it’s the government’s responsibility to help these people. 依我看帮助这些人是政府的责任。