联合国安全理事会 United Nations Security Council;
联合国否决权 veto;
学习啦在线学习网 联合国军 Armed forces for U.N.;
联合国粮农组织 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization;
联合国贸易和发展会议 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;
学习啦在线学习网 联合国人口活动基金 United Nations Fund for Population Activities;
联合国日 United Nations Day;
学习啦在线学习网 联合国十年发展计划 United Nations Development Decade;
联合国世界知识产权组织 United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization;
联合国宪章 Charter of the United Nations;
学习啦在线学习网 联合国资本开发基金 United Nations Capital Development Fund
联合国城 united nation cities
联合国系统 United Nations System ;
联合国共同宣言 Declaration by United Nations
联合国人居署 Programme des Nations unies pour les établissements humains
学习啦在线学习网 联合国历史 History of the United Nations ; 联合国贸发会议 UNCTAD ;
学习啦在线学习网 联合国维和行动 united nations peacekeeping operations
联合国统计司 UNSD
联合国统计署 United Nations Statistics Division ;
学习啦在线学习网 The matter was referred to the United Nations.
The United Nations assembly is a cosmopolitan gathering.
学习啦在线学习网 联合国骨折后切开复位内固定。
The fracture united after open reduction and internal fixation.
She says the agency is distributing blankets and mats.
学习啦在线学习网 It really overestimates its strength.
联合国秘书长潘基文 (Ban Ki-moon) 说:“气候变化是我们及后代所面临的历史性挑战之一。
Climate change is one of the epic challenges facing this and future generations.
学习啦在线学习网 他说,他仍然相信联合国需要成立一个委员会,对缅甸进行调查。
He said he still believes a commission of inquiry is needed.
学习啦在线学习网 日内瓦已经成为一个美食联合国。
学习啦在线学习网 Geneva has been a union of delicacy.
学习啦在线学习网 联合国的努力也不是每一回都以失败收场。
Neither has each effort by the international body failed.
1. Under his stewardship, the UN's repute has risen immeas-urably.
学习啦在线学习网 2. The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.
学习啦在线学习网 联合国在监督停火方面会发挥重要作用。
3. The decision will be relayed to Iraq's ambassador at the UN.
4. This commission would keep environmental scorecards on UN member nations.
学习啦在线学习网 该委员会将对联合国的成员国采用环境记录卡制。
学习啦在线学习网 5. A convoy of United Nations trucks rolled into Sarajevo today.
学习啦在线学习网 今天一支联合国卡车车队开进了萨拉热窝。
学习啦在线学习网 6. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.
学习啦在线学习网 联合国承诺协助监督扫雷工作。
学习啦在线学习网 7. U.N. aid convoys have unimpeded access to the city.
学习啦在线学习网 8. The agreement provides for United Nations mediation between the two sides.
9. He praised the excellent work of the UN weapons inspectors.
10. The United Nations has appealed for help from the international community.
学习啦在线学习网 联合国已经呼吁国际社会提供援助。
学习啦在线学习网 11. We will use air power to protect UN peacekeepers if necessary.
学习啦在线学习网 必要的话我们会动用空军保护联合国维和人员。
12. The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies.
13. A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month.
学习啦在线学习网 14. He is in charge of the civilian side of the UN mission.
15. The administration is throwing its full weight behind the UN plan.