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学习啦在线学习网   木瓜我们大多数人都会吃过,那么大家在吃木瓜的时候会不会突然想知道木瓜的英语是什么呢?下面学习啦小编为大家带来木瓜的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!





  If you like, add tropical fruits such as pineapple or papaya.

学习啦在线学习网   对于水果,你是否考虑过吃木瓜作为一个便秘的药方,或者把它作为正常饮食的一部分呢?

  For fruit, have you considered having papaya as a constipation remedy or including it as part ofyour regular diet?


学习啦在线学习网   Mix it with water and spread it on the bite. The papain breaks down the proteins found in the mosquito saliva, which will help reduce your body's reaction to the saliva.

学习啦在线学习网   木瓜这种热带水果的维生素C含量是橙子的两倍。

学习啦在线学习网   Papaya. This tropical fruit packs about twice the vitamin C of an orange.

学习啦在线学习网   想想胡萝卜、南瓜、橙子、芒果,还有木瓜。

学习啦在线学习网   Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas.


学习啦在线学习网   He says KARI has used the approach to develop varieties of crops such as pawpaw and sweet potato but some field trials were unsuccessful.


学习啦在线学习网   Similarly, while it is easy to start the day with a glass of orange juice, a handful of papayacontains 15 times more beta-cryptoxanthin - another vitamin A building block.


  Apply papaya pulp on the skin.


  The old woman looked round and whistled. A jaybird flew down from a pawpaw tree and lit onher shoulder.


  Raisins are the most popular, but these papayas, mangos, and dates will provide your daily dose of vitamin C, plus some vitamin A and iron.

学习啦在线学习网   像西红柿、番石榴、木瓜等红色的水果,含有番茄红素——一种红色的天然色素及营养素。

学习啦在线学习网   Fruits with a red hue, such as tomatoes, guava, and papaya, contain lycopene, a reddishpigment and nutrient.


学习啦在线学习网   Additionally, the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya have also been proven to reduce muscleinflammation and the healing of burns and wounds.

学习啦在线学习网   专家建议我们丢弃胡萝卜和柑橘,转而购买一些红薯和木瓜。

  Researchers say we should ditch carrots and oranges and buy some sweet potatoes andpapaya instead.

学习啦在线学习网   黄色的水果,如菠萝和木瓜,包含着大量的维生素C和维生素A它们能充分改善你的免疫系统。

学习啦在线学习网   Yellow fruits such as pineapple and papaya contain large amounts of both vitamin C and vitaminA giving a generous boost to your immune system.


  Get a selection of your favorite tropical or “romantic” fruits such as mangoes, papayas, variety of melons, plums, kiwis, etc and mix them as you wish and enjoy.


  Scientists have sequenced the genome of a genetically modified (GM) papaya, a step that could benefit both cultivation of the fruit and the understanding of fruit tree genomics.


学习啦在线学习网   In addition, GM varieties of papaya, potato, rice, squash, sugar beet and tomato have been released in certain countries.

学习啦在线学习网   你可以得到的木瓜,草莓,橘子,芥蓝,柠檬,甜瓜,菜花,等维生素C。

  You can get vitamin C from papayas, strawberries, oranges, kale, lemon, melon, cauliflower, and so on.


学习啦在线学习网   木瓜蛋白酶是一类巯基蛋白酶,大量存在于木瓜乳汁中。

学习啦在线学习网   Papain is a sulfhydryl protease from the latex of the papaya fruit.

学习啦在线学习网   木瓜牛奶真的能丰胸吗?

  Is papaya milk true can breast enhancement?

  木瓜和香蕉在这里被做成美味的馅饼, 以满足海盗们的需要。

  Here papayas and bananas are used to make the tasty fruit tarts pirates demand.


  The ground was covered with cocoanut trees and papayers.

学习啦在线学习网   敷木瓜浆在皮肤上。

  Apply papaya pulp on the skin.

学习啦在线学习网   我闻到了在烤箱里蘑菇和蕃木瓜烘烤时发出的喷香的味道。

学习啦在线学习网   I smell the delicious aroma of a mushroom and papaya pizza baking in the oven.


  Why is the ox papaya can breast enhancement?


  He ate a papaya and his tummy got bigger.


  Do papaya and pineapple juice help with hairballs?


学习啦在线学习网   I learned a lot about pawpaw by working with this recipe.


  1. You might be able to buy papaya or strawberry.

学习啦在线学习网   你可能会买木瓜和草莓.

  2. Among the enzymes which are particularly effective are pepsin, papain.

学习啦在线学习网   在酶当中特别有效的是胃朊酶 、 木瓜酶.

学习啦在线学习网   3. The ground was covered with cocoanut trees and papayers.

学习啦在线学习网   地上长满了椰子树和木瓜树.

  4. Papaya after all can breast enhancement? What is the reason?

  木瓜到底能不能丰胸? 原因是什么?

学习啦在线学习网   5. He likes to have fresh papaya, porridge, ham and eggs and coffee.

学习啦在线学习网   他喜欢新鲜木瓜 、 麦片糊 、 火腿蛋以及咖啡.

  6. Wash peanuts. Peel and pit papaya. Cut into thick pieces.

  花生清洗乾净. 木瓜去皮、去核、切块.

  7. Papaya and pineapple contain enzymes which break down soft protein.


  8. Radix ginseng by papain was that protein was hydrolyzed into amino acid.


  9. Popeye, the spy, smoking a pipe, peddle papa's papaya and pie.

  间谍卜派叼烟斗, 沿街叫卖爸爸的木瓜和派.

学习啦在线学习网   10. Besides pineapples, we have papaya, mango, banana and so on.

  除了菠萝外, 我们还有木瓜, 芒果, 香蕉等等.

  11. Refined papain, raw papain, papain serum, liquid papain etc.

  木瓜酶系列产品包括木瓜酶精酶 、 粗酶 、 木瓜酶酶清 、 液体木瓜酶等.

  12. Cockle papaya is also the health, wild and cultivated varieties.

学习啦在线学习网   皱皮木瓜又分实生 、 野生和栽培品种.

  13. Ingredients: papaya, glucose syrup, refined vegetable oil, flavor ( HVP, flavors, natural essential oil ), antioxidant.

学习啦在线学习网   配料: 木瓜 、 葡萄糖浆 、 精炼植物油 、 调味料 ( 水解植物蛋白 、 食用香料 、 天然植物精油 ) 、 抗氧化剂.

学习啦在线学习网   14. Papain - catalyzed synthesis of aspartame precursor Z - APM in biphasic solvent system wasinvestigated.

学习啦在线学习网   本文报道在两相溶剂体系中利用木瓜蛋白酶催化合成Aspartame前体Z - APM的研究.

  15. Organic oats, Corns, Wheat, Oat bran, Grape, Papaya, Banana, Pineapple , Inulin, Calciun carbonate, Citric acid, Probiotics, Natural fruit flavor.

学习啦在线学习网   有机燕麦 、 有机小麦 、 玉米 、 燕麦麸皮 、 葡萄 、 木瓜 、 香蕉 、 凤梨 、 菊芋纤维、碳酸钙 、 柠檬酸 、 益生菌 、 天然水果风味.