cross country vehicle ;
学习啦在线学习网 1. He saw the grey Land-Rover down the by-pass. It was more than a hundred yards from him.
2. Bicycles, bikes, MTB, mountain bikes , road bikes recumbent , components , gears.
单车买卖,购物,脚踏车, 自行车, 摺合车, 越野车, 公路车.
3. Hybrid SUVs from Ford and General Motors ( GM ) have been slow sellers.
4. A mathematical model for wheel shimmy of off - road vehicle was established.
以一类 越野车 为研究时象,建立前轮摆振系统的数学模型.
5. Lean on the price go - anywhere vehicle NJ 2046?
学习啦在线学习网 依维柯越野车NJ2046的价格?
6. Brother bought a new cross - country automobile.
学习啦在线学习网 7. When the postman hops out of his jeep to deliver Pauline's and locks the jeep door.
8. At the same time, a suicide bomber driving an SUV detonated close by.
学习啦在线学习网 这时, 一位人体炸弹袭击者驾驶一辆越野车在附近引爆.
9. This is an ANSYS optimum design for driving axle housing of a off - road vehicle .
学习啦在线学习网 本设计利用ANSYS软件 对某 越野车 驱动桥桥壳进行优化.
10. Exactly two years ago the exceptional off - roader in Abt look celebrated its premier.
学习啦在线学习网 整整两年前的特殊 越野 阿布特看越野车在庆祝其.
11. ATVs allow you to climb goat paths to places other vehicles can't reach.
12. Main production truck, vehicles, tractors, tractors, armored vehicles and spare parts and so on.
主要生产载重汽车 、 越野车 、 拖拉机 、 牵引车 、 装甲运输车及散件等.
13. Katherine was already in the front seat of the SUV giving the agent directions.
学习啦在线学习网 凯瑟琳早已坐在越野车的前排座位上,向特工下达着指示.
学习啦在线学习网 14. Still, you have slightly tricked - out versions of today's buggies, armoured personnel carriers, and tanks.
而且, 你还有轻便的现代越野车 、 装人员运输车和坦克.
学习啦在线学习网 15. Strong power, specially adapt for ATV and off - road sport vehicle on raising speed.
爆发力强,低速大扭矩, 特别适应沙滩车及越野车对低速及提速性能的要求.
学习啦在线学习网 The car is sleek and low like no other offroad vehicle.
学习啦在线学习网 越野车结构和运行工况较一般车辆复杂。
Structure and running conditions of offroad vehicles are more complicated.
学习啦在线学习网 ATVs allow you to climb goat paths to places other vehicles can't reach.
学习啦在线学习网 轻型越野车车轮定位与悬架的相互影响
Wheel Alignment Matching Suspension of Light Off-road Vehicle
学习啦在线学习网 这是迄今最大的迷你,看起来像一辆越野车(SUV)。
This is the largest Mini yet, and meant to look like an SUV.
In fact, this land is designated for recreational all-terrain vehicle use.
学习啦在线学习网 越野车身前处理线的工艺及设备
Processes and Faculties of Pretreatment Line for Coating Cross -Country Vehicle
The same can be true of a good quality sound system for your car, truck, or SUV.
This is an ANSYS optimum design for driving axle housing of a off-road vehicle.
Rear Axle Housing Analysis Based on Simulation of Dynamic Vehicle Model
学习啦在线学习网 他会驾驶越野车去新公司上班,把椅子从车上卸下来,然后再推进办公室。
学习啦在线学习网 He drives up to his new office in his SUV, unloads his chair and rolls it inside.
学习啦在线学习网 站在停在斯台普斯中心的越野车旁边,“他把手放在我的肩膀上,”菲利普说。
学习啦在线学习网 Beside the SUV at Staples Center, "He put his hand on my shoulder," Phillips said.
学习啦在线学习网 但他还说,如果在城市和郊区建设更多的步行线路,肯定会有很多人步行而把越野车留在家里。
But if cities and suburbs put more effort into building better pedestrian routes, he says morepeople might leave their SUVs at home.
学习啦在线学习网 他说杰克逊走向他的越野车时显得很开心。
He said Jackson was optimistic as he walked back to his SUV.
学习啦在线学习网 汽车生产业已经向我们展示了他们如何提高燃料效率,而我们要必须及时地对汽车,轻卡,越野车,制定一个新的这样的标准。
The auto industry has shown how it can improve fuel efficiency, so we must work out a timelyupdating of such standards for cars, light trucks, and SUVs.
学习啦在线学习网 同时上海市建成了惊人的,宏伟的多层高速公路将人们从自行车上引至越野车中。
Simultaneously, the city erects the most astonishing, Cyclopean multi-level expressways toinduce people off bikes and into SUVs.
学习啦在线学习网 他轻松地坐在炉火前,他知道,他们的越野车有良好性能的雪地轮胎,但是,这么大的雪,妻子是不会冒险驾车上路的。
学习啦在线学习网 He sat down to relax before the fire. He knew his wife would not venture back on the road till the storm abated and he knew there were good snow tires on their SUV.
学习啦在线学习网 这些人就是我们当中的英雄,无论他们是使用越野车还是铲子,是使用电话还是键盘,他们的英雄壮举和无私精神深深激励了我。
These are the heroes among us, whether they use an SUV, a shovel, a phone or a keyboard.Their heroic deeds and selflessness inspired me so deeply that I can recall only one other such occasion.
学习啦在线学习网 他们以各种各样的交通工具巡逻,汽车,越野车,自行车,马,船,飞机,直升机。
They patrol in cars and all-terrain vehicles, on bicycles and horses, in boats, planes andhelicopters.
学习啦在线学习网 Rather than invest in low-margin cars, GM and the two other Detroit firms concentrated onbuilding profitable pickups and SUVs.
The ailing Big Three US automakers -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler -- meanwhile have faced criticism in Washington for being too slow to shift their focus from gas-guzzling SUVs.
学习啦在线学习网 以为跑车,奢华的越野车折价得最多吗?
学习啦在线学习网 Think sports cars and flashy SUVs depreciate the most?