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学习啦在线学习网   你知道苹果手机标准的英文名字叫什么吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的苹果手机的英文名叫什么,供大家参阅!



学习啦在线学习网   IPOD是苹果的随身听的名字



  In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone, which instantly became one of the most talked-about consumer products ever. Thousands of customers lined up to be the first to buy the phones, which featured computing and Wi-Fi capabilities, along with a crisp, computer-like display on an innovative touch screen. Rivals rushed phones with similar features onto the market. In October 2011, as Apple unveiled the iPhone4S, the competitive landscape had changed significantly. Millions of people were expected to start plotting how to be among the first to buy it. But millions more may be considering an Android phone. Android’s share of new smartphone sales is now more than double Apple’s share, a striking change from 2010, when the two were roughly even, and a reflection of how Android phones have improved and become more broadly available. Yet Apple, by many measures, still remains the smartphone player to beat, with better profits from the business, huge influence among mobile app makers and innovations that rivals scramble to copy. The new version, the iPhone 4S, comes with a "virtual assistant," Siri, that recognizes voice commands by users to schedule appointments, dictate text messages and conduct Web searches. Although the new phone is virtually indistinguishable on the outside from its predecessor, the iPhone 4, the company says it is packed with better technical innards, including a more advanced camera. The phone also includes a more powerful chip known as the A5, the same microprocessor that acts as the brains inside the iPad. The company also said the new phone would run on two kinds of cellphone networks, GSM and CDMA, allowing its operation worldwide. Prices were to start at for a model with 16 gigabytes of storage. Apple will continue to sell its older iPhone 4 through its wireless carrier partners, which will drop the price to $ from when customers commit to a two-year contract. An even older model of the device, the iPhone 3GS, will be free, instead of $, with a two-year contract. The new phone will be available on the AT&T, Verizon and Sprint networks. Read More... Legal Dispute Soon after the iPhone 4S was introduced, Samsung Electronics said that it would seek to block its sale in France and Italy, asserting that the phone violated its patents.



学习啦在线学习网   When you think about your iPhone, it's probably the object you use the most in your life. It's the product that you have with you all the time. With this unique relationship people have with their iPhone, we take changing it really seriously. We don't want to just make a new phone. We want to make a much better phone.


  iPhone 5 is the result of this approach. It's been completely re-designed. And for the first time ever, we've increased the size of the display. By making the screen taller but not wider, you can see more of your content, but still comfortably use it with one hand. And yet, even with the larger display, iPhone 5 is the thinnest, lightest iPhone we've ever built.iPhone 5 就是这种思路下的产物。它是经过全新打造的。我们史无前例的增大了显示屏,在保持宽度不变的情况下增加了屏幕的长度,你能看

  到更多的内容,但仍能流畅地进行单手操作。而且尽管屏幕增大了,iPhone 5是我们出品的最薄最轻的iPhone。

  To achieve a design this thin, we have to look into making

  many of the components inside the design smaller. It's actually 18% thinner, and 20% lighter than the previous iPhone. It took an incredible cross-collaborator effort to do this. From the beginning, we knew we wanted to bring LTE into the iPhone. What LTE does is it enables really fast downloads over your cellular network. You will notice a big difference compared to previous network connectivity. In fact, LTE can actually be faster than the average WIFI connection at home. The

学习啦在线学习网   conventional approach of designing LTE into a world phone uses two chips. With the new iPhone, both voice and data technology are combined onto a single chip. This is one of the real breakthroughs that enabled iPhone 5's thin design.为了实现这么纤薄的设计,我们必须把很多内部的元件设计的更小。事实上和,上一款iPhone相比,它不仅薄了18%,还轻了20%。这是在了不起的多方合作下才实现的。开始我们就想将LTE技术引进iPhone。LTE可以通过手机网络快速下载,与之前网络连接相比会有很大的不同。事实上,LTE会比通常家用WIFI更快。LTE的传统设计方式需要两块芯片,新的iPhone声音和数

学习啦在线学习网   据技术都合并在了同一片芯片上。这是让iPhone 5机身如此纤细的一大突破。

学习啦在线学习网   We are also introducing an all-new Apple-designed A6 chip. It delivers performance that's up to twice as fast as the previous generation. You will experience a big increase in speed, in everything you use your Iphone for. Especially in the way it delivers more detail, and boosts frame rate in graphic intensive apps. The A6 chip is so power-efficient that it increases

学习啦在线学习网   performance while also increasing its battery life.我们也推出全新的A6芯片,他的速度比上一代产品要快达两倍之多。在任何操作上,你都会感到显著的速度提升,特别是在帮助图形密集的应用呈现更多细节,并提高帧数。A6新片区效能很高,它不仅提高了性能,同时还增长了电池的耐久力。

  Giving the dimensions of the new phone, and all the

  capabilities that we wanted to add, we need to manage the space inside the phone very carefully. We've Created the new, much smaller lightning connector. It's all digital, so it's designed for today's uses. And we made it reversible, so it fits either way. We also moved to a Sapphire lens cover, which is thinner and more durable than the previous cover glass. This really

学习啦在线学习网   protects the optics, and keeps your photos looking great. I don't think the level of invention has ever been matched by any other

学习啦在线学习网   products we've done.考虑到新iPhone的尺寸,以及种种我们要添加的功能,我们得非常小心的处理iPhone内部空间。我们开发了更小的全新的lightning接头,它是完全数字的,所以是为当今的使用而设计的。而且我们把它设计成正反两面都能插用。我们还用蓝宝石保护罩更换了原先的玻璃盖,因为它相比更纤薄,更耐用,能更好的保护手机上的光学部分,并让拍摄的照片更好看。我想在我们之前设计的任何产品在创造性方面都应该无法与之相比。

  The seamless integration between hardware and software makes everything you do on iPhone 5 just feel more fluid, responsive and fast. And with this amazing display, you just feel like you can do more. It's great for watch HD videos full wide screen. And in portrait mode, iPhone 5 still fits so comfortably in your hand. Our all-new map application is fantastic, if you look at things like flyover, it's a completely different experience than you've ever had before in maps.

学习啦在线学习网   Then using turn-by-turn spoken directions makes it really easy to get where you are going. "Turn left onto Lombard Street. Then turn right onto Van Ness Avenue."硬件和软件之间的无缝整合,让所有你在iPhone5上的操作都感觉更流畅,更灵敏,更迅速。何况有了这么惊艳的显示,让人自然就想更多的去挖掘使用它,用它来全屏观看高清视频再合适不过。在纵向模式下,你

  也能很舒适的单手握持iPhone 5。我们全新的地图应用非常出彩,飞行俯瞰模式会带给你在地图应用上从未有过的体验。行车转弯的语音提示让你无论要去哪里都很方便。“到朗伯德街左转。到范乃斯大道右转。”

学习啦在线学习网   The panoramic feature is simply awesome. You can capture panoramic photo just by moving your camera through the scene. Once you are done, the app combines what you've captured into one beautiful panoramic shot. And now Siri can do more for you. You can get sports scores and team

学习啦在线学习网   schedules. Siri can also find places to eat and even help you make reservations. Facebook is now integrated right in IOS6. So you can post photos or share anything else you want to, directly from your apps. And now you can make a FaceTime call right over the cellular network. So no matter where you are, you are always able to see the ones you love.全景的功能也很出彩。你只要转动相机扫过眼前的景色就可以捕捉下全景。你扫完后,该应用就会把你捕捉到的组合成一张全景图。现在Siri还能为你做更多事情。你可以看到体育比赛分数、比赛安排,Siri还能帮你找到吃饭地点,甚至预定位置。Facebook 现在也整合进了IOS6。你可以直接通过app软件发照片或者分享一切。现在也可以用蜂窝网络进行FaceTime 通话,所以无论你身处何方,你都可以见到心爱的人。

  Along with the experience of actually using it, what makes iPhone 5 so unique is how it feels in your hand. The materials it's been made with, the remarkable precisions with which it's been built. Never before had we built a product with this extraordinary level of fit and finish. We've developed

  manufacturing processes that are most complex and ambitious. Starting with the aluminum. We machine all of the surfaces of the enclosure. We then polish and texture them. We then use crystalline diamonds to cut the chamfers. It's so exact that you are left with a near-mirror finish. These techniques create a dramatic distinction between the product's lightly textured back and its highly polished chamfered edge.除了使用时的体验,让iPhone 5特别的一点是它在你手中的感觉。使用的材料,精准的内部工艺,其精细程度超越我们以往的产品。我们研发了复杂精密的生产流程。从铝材开始,我们首先对铝制机身进行加工,然后抛光和进行纹路处理。家下来使用金刚石刀削切倒角,工艺十分精准,得到近乎镜面的效果。这些技术使略带纹理效果的背面和高度抛光的倒角边缘形成强烈对比。

学习啦在线学习网   This manufacturing precision extends to have these many

学习啦在线学习网   pieces seamlessly come together. The in-layer of the product is matched to the hardware through a highly sophisticated precess. With the part on the conveyer, two high caliber

学习啦在线学习网   cameras take pictures of the housing, and instantaneous

  analysis is done, and then the best match out of a possible 725 cuts is determined. The variances from product to product we now measure in microns. We believe that going to such

  extreme lengths is the only way that we can deliver this level of quality.这种制造精度也体现在组件装配方面。产品的内层利用高度复杂工艺和外壳组装起来。在生产线的传送带上,两台高功能相机对每只外壳拍照,然后做实时分析。最匹配的内层会从725件中被选出来。每件产品的偏差精确到微米。我们坚信,只有这样的要求才能成就卓越的品质。

学习啦在线学习网   To create the new iPhone, we began with a design that we really loved. But to build it, to implement it, we have to look way beyond what we knew to be possible. It took all of our learning, our best thinking, to realize something so simple, so clear, and yet so truely extraordinary.我们用自己喜爱的设计创造全新的iPhone,但在制造和实现过程中,我们必须突破现有可能。这倾注了我们的知识,我们最好的想法,来成就如此简单,如此明了,却又卓尔不凡的iPhone 5。






