学习啦在线学习网 肮脏的基本解释①脏;不洁净:衣服肮脏。②比喻卑鄙、丑恶:思想肮脏|一桩肮脏的交易。③读kǎngzǎng时意为不屈不厄。那么,你知道肮脏的的英文单词是什么吗?
肮脏 [āng zang]
学习啦在线学习网 squalidity
学习啦在线学习网 Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us.
I want no part in this sordid business.
They came tramping through the kitchen leaving dirty footmarks.
学习啦在线学习网 他住在一个肮脏的屋子里。
学习啦在线学习网 He lives in a dingy room.
学习啦在线学习网 如果你再穿这肮脏的袍子我就要扣你的分数。
学习啦在线学习网 I will deduct your points if you wear the same dirty gown again.
Whose idea was it to go to that rathole?
学习啦在线学习网 The scrapsof should be in the whole rewinding and slitting elections.
学习啦在线学习网 孩子们仍在肮脏的环境中生活。
The children still live in squalor.
Dirt and disease are adverse to the best growth of children.
学习啦在线学习网 The city's streets are filthy and choked with exhaust fumes 那座城市的街道肮脏不堪,弥漫着令人窒息的废气。
They chased down the stairs into the narrow, dirty street 他们冲下楼梯,来到狭窄、肮脏的街上。
He found his brother in a seedy, roach-infested apartment 他发现自己的哥哥住在一套破旧肮脏、蟑螂肆虐的公寓里。
Four candidates are slugging it out in a dirty campaign 名候选人将在一场肮脏的竞选中一决高下。
Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide 据《好酒吧指南》所说,酒吧一般环境肮脏,气味难闻,而且气氛很不友好。
The best housing they could afford was crowded and filthy 他们能住得起的最好的住所也非常拥挤、肮脏不堪。
学习啦在线学习网 War is inherently a dirty business 战争与生俱来就是肮脏的。
They suck you in to their seedy world 他们把你卷入他们肮脏糜烂的圈子里。
学习啦在线学习网 It is a dangerous, crime-riddled, filthy city 这是一个危机四伏、犯罪横行的肮脏城市。
I find public squalor very saddening 公共场所的肮脏污秽让我感到非常悲哀。
学习啦在线学习网 He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires 他可以看到肮脏的屋顶 、 工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶
学习啦在线学习网 She looked round with blank eyes at the dirt and confusion 她茫无头绪地看着周围这一片肮脏和混乱
It's very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours 住在我们这样肮脏的破屋子里,太不舒服了
Booker T put on his grimed and grease coat 布克·特 穿上了他那件肮脏油污的上衣
Booker T put on his grimed and greased coat 布克? 特穿上了他那件肮脏油污的上衣
Sometimes papal Rome was a den of corruption and uncleanness 有时教皇的罗马城是腐败肮脏的魔窟
Here were crumbling tenements, squalid courtyards and stinking alleys 随处可见破烂的住房 、 肮脏的庭院和臭气熏天的小胡同
He was solitary from his dark and solemn vices 他之所以孤独,是由于他那邪恶而肮脏的罪孽
One girl said: " White is clean and black is dirty " 一个女孩说: “ 白色是清洁的,而黑色是肮脏的 ”
学习啦在线学习网 She has to wash slimy dishes and dirty clothes 她要洗油腻腻的碟子和肮脏的衣服