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学习啦在线学习网   你们喜欢的杨幂,美丽的她英文名是否也很好听呢?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的杨幂的英文名是什么,供大家参阅!



学习啦在线学习网   杨幂出生于北京市宣武区(已并入新的北京市西城区) ,父亲杨晓林是民警 ,母亲杨春玲是专职的家庭主妇 。因为一家三口都姓杨,也就是“杨”的3次方(数学中乘方的结果叫做幂),所以给她起名杨幂 。

  杨幂是地道的北京南城胡同小妞,小时候家就住在牛街附近,擅长打乒乓球、打羽毛球、游泳、滑冰 。小时候的她比较顽皮,别人家的小孩子们学钢琴、学跳舞、学书法,可她却学什么东西都静不下心来 ,当时中国儿童电影制片厂召开儿童影视表演培训班,杨幂父母抱着参与试试的心态带着杨幂去报名,结果年龄不足的杨幂却被招生老师破格录取 。

学习啦在线学习网   杨幂的小学时期则是北京宣武实验小学(已不存在)度过的 ,她在上小学的时候学习成绩比较好,从一年级到三年级是班里的班长 。同时,杨幂还是个正义感十足的女生,在她的概念里做错事就要被惩罚,朋友被欺负了她一定会一马当先打抱不平,这也让她在邻居、朋友之间获得了“小厉害”的外号 。而喜欢玩游戏的她在性格上则有些叛逆 。在上初中时,杨幂还有“整治”欺负女生的男同学的经历 。


  My favorite stars

学习啦在线学习网   My favorite star is Yang Mi.She is a Chinese actress.She has 25 years of age.She looks very beautiful.And very good.I really like her and there are many people like her.She played particularly good-looking TV show.I like reading.Her song is pretty.After you finish your homework I often listen to her song.Often sing .


  Mi Yang(called in Chinese as Yangmi),born on September 12,1986 in Beijing China,is the singleton in her family.With both of her parents' family names Yang,she was named Mi which means the mathematical term 'power' in Chinese.Her audiences are usually attracted by her waterish huge eyes and pale alabaster skins.While she is still young in moviedom,she began her career at the age of 4.In 1990,historical drama director Jialin Chen found Yang's talent in acting and offered her a role in the TV series Tang Ming Emperor as the little princess.Then,in the same year,she showed her face in the comedy superstar Chow Singchi's movie Wu zhuangyuan Su Qi-er as Chow's daughter.In the next few years,she accepted some roles in certain of TV series and quited performance for about 10 years.However,she had little memories about her performing experiences in childhood.Yang had an innocent time in her teens and developed hobbies in drawing and writing poems.In her 17,when still in high school,she came back to moviedom as professional.In 2004,she played the role of 'Guo Xiang'(also as the little devil from the east),a girl of simplicity,in the TV series Return of the Condor Heroes(also as Shen Diao Xia Lu) adapted from a famous Chinese swordsmen novel.This role left a very deep impression on audiences and established her career in TVs.Without much of sensationalization,Yang likes living in a natural way,talking straightforward and hiding no emotions,which leaves her few scandals in her tracks.She entered Performance Institute of Beijing Film Academy in the next year.In 2007,Yang re-cooperated with director Jialin Chen and acted as Zhaojun Wang,entitled as one of the ancient China's 'Four Beauties' involved in political struggles legendarily,in the TV that has a homonymy.Her turning point in performing career was the radiant role as a naughty and spoiled noble girl in the TV Chinese Paladin III(2009)(also as Xian Jian Qi Xia Zhuan III),which has won her a positive public reputation.In another blockbuster TV Hong Lou Meng(2009)(also as A Dream of the Red mansions)which was adapted from the homonymous novel that symbolizes the highest achievement in Chinese novel literature,Yang acted as a servant girl,Qingwen,who dares to fight against fate and feudal rules,which is an significant role in the book.




学习啦在线学习网   当杨幂初涉影视圈时,年仅4岁的她就开始了自己的演艺事业.


学习啦在线学习网   同年,她又在喜剧巨星周星驰的电影《武状元苏乞儿》中扮演其女儿.


学习啦在线学习网   然而,她对她童年的表演经历几乎没有印象.

学习啦在线学习网   杨幂有一个无忧无虑的童年并且发展了在绘画和写诗方面的兴趣.在她17岁仍就读于高中时,她作为一个专业演员回到了影视圈.

学习啦在线学习网   2004年,她在中国经典武侠小说改编电视剧《神雕侠侣》中饰演郭襄(小东邪),一个单纯直率的女孩.这个角色给观众留下了非常深刻的印象并且为她的演艺事业奠定了基础.


学习啦在线学习网   第二年,她考入北京电影学院.



学习啦在线学习网   在另外一部由在中国小说文学史上被誉为最高成就的《红楼梦》改编的同名电视剧中,杨幂饰演了丫环晴雯,这是一个敢于反抗命运和封建制度的角色,是书里的一个重要角色.


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