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学习啦在线学习网   编者按:提升英语听力的最好方法是什么本期我将和你这个非常实用的听力方法。也就是我提升听力的方法。这个方法很有效。


  First, let’s talk about why most people fail to improve their listening.


  Improving your listening skills takes time.It is a long-term process. But most people forget that, or they just don’ tknow.


  So when they practice listening, they use methods that are inconvenient,something that is noteasy to do.

学习啦在线学习网   所以,他们不可能持续练习,长期练习。

  So, it is impossible for them to continue. Doing if for a long time.

  因此,大多数人在见效前,就放弃了。但是,我是怎么知道这个的? 是的,我知道这个,因为我犯过同样的错误。

  As a result, most people quit before they get any results. But how do I know this? Well, I know this because I have madethe same mistake.


  I have tried several methods that were inconvenient, like watching the same movie twice with subtitles first and then without subtitles. That was so boring, so I quit after the fourth movie.

学习啦在线学习网   我也尝试过练习听力,然后将我听到的内容写出来。但是工作量太大了,我忙不过来。

学习啦在线学习网   I also tried listening and then writing down what I heard. But that was too much work and I was too busy.

学习啦在线学习网   所以,让我们回到问题本身。你如何确定,你不会重蹈覆辙? 是的,如果你想成功的话,你必须采用合适的方法。一定要简单易行。如果不是,你很可能,在你看到成效前放弃。

学习啦在线学习网   So let’s take this back to you. How do youmake sure that you don’t fail like I did? Well, if you want to succeed, the method you use must be convenient. It must be easy to do. If it is not, you’ll probably quit before you see an improvement.


学习啦在线学习网   So let me share with you the most convenient way to improve your listening. It’s very simple. There are only two steps that you need to take.


  Here’s the first step: Download a lot of listening materials to your phone or mp3 player. Now, the best listening materials are the ones where people are just talking naturally. They’re just having real conversations. When you use this kind of materials, you are listening to a lot of common, everyday words that people use in real life. Now don’t worry. At the end of this article, I‘m going to give you a resource you can go to download this kind of materials for free.

学习啦在线学习网   所以,这就是第一步。下一步非常重要。不要错过这一步。下一步是听这些听力材料。现在关键的一点是:不要在你有空的时候做,相反,在你准备做别的事情时,做。在做一些不需要放在心上的事情时。

  So that is the first step. The next step isvery important. Do not miss this step. The next step is to listen to the materials. But here’s the key: DO NOT do it in your free time. Instead, do itwhen you’re already doing something else. Something that doesn’t require much of your attention.

  在你上下入的时候,在你排队的时候,在锻炼的时候,等等,听这些材料。用这些时间来练习听力。所以,你没有必要花费额外的时间。现在,我们为什么要这么做? 当它容易做的时候,你才有可能长期坚持下去。如果你坚持地足够长,你的听力能力绝对会提升。

  Listen to the materials while commuting,while waiting in line, while exercising, and so on. Use those times to practice listening. So that you don’t have to spend extra time. Now, why do we have to do this? When it is easy to do, you’re likely to do it for a long time. And if you do it long enough, your listening skills will definitely improve.

学习啦在线学习网   现在我说说那些可能会吓到你的东西。让我们将它和看电影对比一下。如今有很多人用看电影来提升听力能力。如果你今天开始采用这个方法,从现在开始的一年内每天花30分钟的时间,你将会听10950分钟的日常对话。这是很长的听力训练了。因为你不是在你空闲时做的,所以耗费的额外时间是零。那太棒了!

  Now let me show you something that might shock you. Let’s compare this technique with watching movies which is how many people improve their listening. If you start using this technique today, and if you do it for 30 minutes per day, one year from now, you will have listened to10,950 minutes of real English conversations. That’s a lot of listening. And because you’re not doing it in your free time, the amount of extra time spentis zero. That is awesome.

学习啦在线学习网   那看电影呢?首先,在一部电影里在每一部分都要有一段谈话,或者是对话,对吗?如果你看一部动作片,你可能看到打斗的场面,一场爆炸,汽车追逐,等等。

学习啦在线学习网   What about watching movies? First of all,in a movie, there isn’t a conversation or a dialogue in every part, right? If you watch an action movie, you might see a fight scene, an explosion, a car chase scene, and so on.


学习啦在线学习网   So let’s say that on average, the length ofa movie is 100 minutes. 50% of those are conversations. The rest is something else. If you watch 4 moves a week or 208 movies a year, in one year, you willhave listened to 10,400 minutes of fake English conversations. Now here’s worstpart: because each movie is 100 minutes long, this method requires you to spendas much as 20,800 minutes of your free time.


学习啦在线学习网   This is really, really sad. Now let’s compare the two methods side-by-side. Now I have a question for you. If you usethis technique instead of watching movies, and you save over 20,000 minutes peryear, how would you spend these 20,000 minutes? Reading English books to increase your vocabulary? Practicing speaking? Or something else? Leave a comment and let me know. So now you know the power of this technique.


  公众号: 读外刊学英语(ID:dwkxyy)
