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学习啦在线学习网   in与at的比较:用于地方时,at指较小的地方,如指城镇时,in指较大的地方,用于省、国家、大陆前。国际大都市前用at 和in都有,但在London前通常用in。在指说话人的住处时要用in,且一般in表示实在的存在,而at却不是。说到某大城市的某大建筑物,往往在大城市名称的前面用at,如the Pantheon at Rome。说到商店、机关、学校等,假使看作一个地点(point)用at。假使看作一个场所(place)用in,the barber's (理发店),Green's (Green所开的店)等前面只用at,不用in。说到门牌用at,如live at 1184 Zhongshan Road,路名前面该用in,而说“在……路口”用at;

  用于时间时,可表示时刻,如at night,at three o'clock,at dawn,at any time等。也可表示较短的时期,如at night,at the beginning of the month等,其中at night表示时刻时意为“在薄暮”,表示较短的时期时意为"在夜里",通常指黄昏或上半夜;


  Mike at 99 Zhongshan Road Shanghai.


学习啦在线学习网   at用于一些动词后面表示某种情绪、非语言交流或攻击性行为,如smile at me,point at me,shout at you等;

  arrive后面一般都接in或at,而不接to,如When did you arrive in New Zealand?而不是to New Zealand;

  at five years old和at five miles distant里用at,可改作at five years of age或at the age of five years和at five miles' distance,这种用法较为普遍。


  1. The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places.


  2. For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?

学习啦在线学习网   我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。

  3. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.


  4. I thought I'd enrol you with an art group at the school.

学习啦在线学习网   我想我会吸收你参加学校的一个艺术团。

学习啦在线学习网   5. The unevenly matched armies met at Guilford on 15 March 1781.

学习啦在线学习网   1781年3月15日,力量悬殊的两支队伍在吉尔福德狭路相逢。

  6. He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me.


  7. Well, at any rate, let me thank you for all you did.

学习啦在线学习网   好吧,不管怎样,还是要感谢你所做的一切。

  8. He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.

学习啦在线学习网   他朝他的兄弟吼叫,脖子上青筋暴突。

  9. At approxi-mately 11:30 p.m., Pollard finally gave his consent to the search.


  10. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.

学习啦在线学习网   你可以随时来医院。

  11. The Liberal Democrat'ssupport fell away at the last minute.

学习啦在线学习网   自由民主党的支持率在最后一刻有所下降。

  12. French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.


学习啦在线学习网   13. Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly.

学习啦在线学习网   定期检查汽油,并对车辆进行定期维护。

  14. The rate of inflation is running at about 2.7 percent.


  15. At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent.
