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学习啦在线学习网   In today’s work world it’s critical to take note of how your brand is being perceived. The workplace has changed since the financial crash. It’s an environment where more and more is being asked of employees. As women, we have to assume the power position. Only we are in control of how much money we make, how far up the ladder we traverse, and ultimately whether we stay, go, or become the next CEO.


  Here’s a list of five simple and common missteps we must learn to dodge.

学习啦在线学习网   以下是我们必须学习避免犯下的5个简单又常见的过错:

学习啦在线学习网   1. Use your full name when meeting potential clients or new collegues.


  Beyonce, Adele, Shakira have the whole one name thing covered. The rest of us down here on earth have two names—use them when introducing yourself.

学习啦在线学习网   碧昂丝、阿黛尔、夏奇拉可以只用名来介绍自己。剩下的我们,就要把名和姓都用上——介绍自己时请使用全名。

学习啦在线学习网   2. There are no excuses for not completing work, getting to work on time, or making a mistake.

学习啦在线学习网   2. 拒绝任何理由来解释未完成工作、迟到或犯错。

学习啦在线学习网   Apologize and fix the problem. Everyone makes mistakes, if you’re not making any then you’re probably not going outside of your comfort zone and trying new things. The important thing is not to over-explain, just work to correct the issue and keep it moving.

学习啦在线学习网   请道歉,并解决问题。每人都会犯错,如果你不会犯错,也许你就从未走出过自己的舒适区、尝试过新事物。重要的是不要过度解释,只要努力改正错误,继续向前就好了。

  3. Disregard # 2 when you haven’t made any mistakes.

学习啦在线学习网   3. 你没犯错时,请忽略上一点。

  Women have a tendency to apologize in the workplace, even when we’ve done nothing wrong. While you may think you’re merely being polite, you’re actually hurting your image. Think about it: If you’re apologizing all the time, people may interpret this behavior as a sign of weakness or a lack of conviction. So, whether you’re closing a business deal or negotiating your compensation, don’t be apologetic.

学习啦在线学习网   女性更愿意在职场上道歉,尽管我们根本没做错什么。虽然你认为这会显得更礼貌,其实这样已经伤害了你的形象。认真想想:如果你无时不刻都在道歉,大家可能就会将其理解为软弱或缺乏信念的信号。所以,不管是在做生意,还是讨论补偿问题,你都不要歉意连篇。

学习啦在线学习网   4. Don’t take it personally.

  4. 不要把问题个人化。

  “Women, especially, need to realize that business choices and decisions are often made without regard to whether they are liked or their work is appreciated,” says Arlyne Diamond, Ph.D., a management consultant and professional development coach in Santa Clara, California. Just because someone in the office takes a pass on an idea of yours doesn’t mean they don’t like you. It’s not about you. It should be about the greater goal of making the business successful. You need to be a part of team or it will be personal when people begin to think all you want is your own success and really begin to resent you.

学习啦在线学习网   加州圣克拉拉管理顾问和专业发展指导员、博士阿尔兰·戴阿蒙说:“尤其是女性,需要意识到,商业选择和商业决策常常与她们的喜好和工作质量无关。”同事忽略了你的观点不代表他们不喜欢你。那与你无关。他们是为了商业成功的大目标。你需要成为团队一员,否则,众人如果认为你一意孤行只想着自己的成功,他们就会开始厌恶你。

  5. Don’t st where you eat.

  5. 勿进餐时爆粗口。

  It’s a place of business. Be friendly, but not overly personal with co-workers. They’re not your therapist if you had a rough night with your partner or your father confessor if you had a rough night at a bar. Building healthy relationships with co-workers is important, but draw the line, and be aware, some of these people may be in a position to raise you to the next level, or help you if you become their boss. Be the team leader.

学习啦在线学习网   这里是上班的地方。可以显得友好些,但不要在同事面前大暴私事。他们不是治疗师,不能解决你与同伴的矛盾,他们也不是知心姐姐,不会帮你解开喝酒后的醉意。与同事建立健康的关系十分重要,但要有界线,还得注意,有些人可能计划提拔你,或是在你成为老板以后辅助你。做一个团队的好领导吧。

学习啦在线学习网   Lastly, the greatest mistake women make, and studies have shown it, is to sublimate their self-assurance in their undying efforts to “be liked”. A report, published last year by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, concludes that women who are assertive and confident, “but who can turn these traits on and off” depending on the circumstance “get more promotions than either men or other women.”


  It’s less important to be liked at work than it is to be triumphant. That’s a win-win for everyone.



  clock 钟

学习啦在线学习网   window 窗户

  door 门

  desk 桌子

  flag 旗子

学习啦在线学习网   bookshelf 书架

  pencil box 铅笔盒

学习啦在线学习网   pencil 铅笔

  magnets 磁铁

  white board 白板

  notebook 笔记本

  eraser 橡皮

  ruler 尺

学习啦在线学习网   marker 马克笔

学习啦在线学习网   computer 计算机

学习啦在线学习网   textbooks 教科书

  blackboard 黑板

  chalk 粉笔

  blackboard eraser 黑板擦








现代社会中,越来越多的女性选择在职场中实现自己的人生价值。接下来,小编给大家准备了女性在职场中应避免的错误,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 女性在职场中应避免的错误 In todays work world its critical to take note of how your brand i


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