学习啦在线学习网 你想跟同事说句话,又担心人家正在忙,是不是可以问他"Are you busy?"呢?其实,这时候来一句"In the middle of something?"会显得更加地道哦。"In the middle of something?"比较接近于 "Are you busy right now?",其意是问同事“现在”是不是正在忙?而 "Are you busy?" 的含意比较广, 也可指“最近”忙不忙。
可见,公司英语中的门道还是很多的。我们希望这次的内容不仅能够improve your language skills,也可以improve your life and work situation!
学习啦在线学习网 Every organization, whether it is a small family-run business, a huge multi-national corporation, a factory, a school or a library, requires all sorts of employees in order to function efficiently1. 因此,各行各业应运而生:look after orders or goods, organize deliveries, keep records, work out salaries, recruit new staff, attend to staff problems, answer telephones…接下来,我们就笼统地说一说在公司的生存之道。
你觉得做好工作容易么?为了做好本职工作,Uraih既要get home after midnight,又要pay the bill out of his own pocket,也难怪他会烦恼不堪了。可是,身在职场学习啦在线学习网,纵使你pull an all-nighter(开了一整晚夜车), 纵使你grumble about working twenty-four seven(twenty-four seven意指一周七天,一天二十四小时),你仍然最好就做这一件事:You have to be patient,你得要沉得住气。守得云开见月明。只要兢兢业业地工作,最终必能笑傲职场。
那么,初来乍到的新员工该注意些什么呢?如果你是新员工,就一定要做到谦虚有礼。记住这句话会对你有所帮助" I am new to the working world and would appreciate your guidance."。
Besides, every office has its own protocol3 for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed. 对于男女同事的名称或职位的称呼,各个公司有不同的规矩。新员工应该注意效仿他们相互如何称呼。
公司订立的一些规章制度有助于职业工作的有序和高效, While certain procedures may seem awkward or wasteful1 to you as you begin working in a new situation。这时不要试图改变公司的制度,而是要discover how things are done and why. Observe how others answer the telephone, dress, decorate desks or office space, snack on the job, and circulate memos2, etc..将别人的行为牢记于心,然后再确立自己的行为规范。Any changes you initiate3 will have more validity after you have familiarized yourself with the customary procedures. 在你对约定俗成的习惯熟悉后再尝试一些改变将会更加富有成效。
还有,别忘了把“谢谢”挂在嘴边。Whatever your position, a "thank you" is in order, no matter how small the task or favor.
公司内部常用的文字缩写也是需要留意的。Familiarize yourself with the abbreviations on the list provided so that you can use them (especially in internal communication) as appropriate.
学习啦在线学习网 最后就是要控制自己接听电话的语气。Always try to sound agreeable, polite and efficient. (No matter how busy you are!).
学习啦在线学习网 无论鼓励老员工任劳任怨,还是教导新员工审时度势,对于所有员工,我们想提醒大家多留意公司的等级制度。In almost any organization, there is a hierarchy4, i.e. a system in which there are different levels of administration and people with different ranks or positions depending on how important they are.
有趣的是,英美对于一些job titles的称呼还有差异性。These are the rough equivalents:
American British
学习啦在线学习网 President Chairman
Chief Executive Officer Managing Director
学习啦在线学习网 Vice-president Director
Financial Controller Accountant
学习啦在线学习网 不过,Many British firms now also use titles like "officer", "controller" and "director".
英美不仅对于一些job titles的用法有所不同,他们对于一些occupational terminology的说法也存在差异。For example, pharmacist and solicitor6 are British English. The corresponding American terms are druggist and attorney. Do not worry about these differences. Speakers of American English will generally understand the British terms and speakers of British English will usually recognize the American terms.
当然,不管你身居要职还是一员小兵,不管你身处哪个行业,在工作中,你都不可避免地接触到taking notes和writing business letters。Informal language is often used when taking messages, because most of them are short notes for our convenience.所以taking notes相对来说还是比较简单的。However, when writing business letters, faxes or memos1, we not only require more formal language, but also right forms and appropriate techniques.接下来,我们就列举一些商务信函的写作技巧:
1 Use the writing paper with the name and address of the company on it to help the reader know at once where the letter comes from. 最好使用公司的信纸。
学习啦在线学习网 2 Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph and number each paragraph to help the reader understand better.保证行文段落清晰。
学习啦在线学习网 3 Try to be concise2 since most business people are rather busy and do not want to spend much time on reading letters. 尽量保证文字简洁。
4 Always try to be courteous3 even if the letter is sent to a much smaller firm.文字要谦逊有礼。
5 Don't forget to check the grammar, punctuation4 and spelling before you send the letter.发信之前认真检查是否有错。
学习啦在线学习网 6 Please also remember to sign (or ask the person-in-charge to sign) at the end of the letter.记得在文末署名。
学习啦在线学习网 需要注意的是,some changes have taken place in recent years in the style of business letters in English。The style that is now current is much less formal and old-fashioned than the style used in many other languages: the words tend to be less formal and the sentences tend to be shorter, and some commonly used abbreviations5 have also been accepted in writing business letters. 时下商务信函的流行趋势是行文不必过于正式,但务须简洁,也可以使用一些约定俗成的英文缩写。
提到英文缩写,我们再说一下英美的一点差异。Co. , Ltd. are short for Company or Limited for a British firm. If you read Plc, Bros. after a British firm, you know they stand for Public Limited Company, Brothers. If you read Corp. or Inc. after an American firm's name, you know they stand for Corporation or Incorporated6.
