学习啦在线学习网 "Why should I hire you?" “为什么我该聘用你?”
This is the classic question most of us hear during an interview. It's often preceded by the phrase, "I've already interviewed another person for this position who looks perfect." Then comes the killer1 question, "Why should I hire YOU?" 这是大多数人在面试中都遇到过的一个经典问题。面试官往往会这样说:“我已经面试过另一位想获得这个职位的人。他/她看上去很不错。”然后就是这个要命的问题:“为什么我得聘用你?”
学习啦在线学习网 Be careful to avoid clever retorts or comedic one-liners here. Your interview is serious business and a wrong answer will send you packing. This is, in fact, the one question that interviewers like to ask because the answer can so easily separate the contenders from the also-rans. Give a wrong answer and the large "Game Over" sign flashes above your head. 小心,不要用“聪明的狡辩”或幽默来回答。面试是严肃的事情。一个错误的回答会让你出局。这是一个面试官喜欢问的问题,答案能让他们容易地将竞聘者和“陪考者”区分开。错误的回答就意味着“游戏结束”。
The 'Story' Approach 用讲故事的办法回答问题
学习啦在线学习网 What they really want to know is, "How are you different than all the other candidates who have applied2 for this position?" With this in mind, a good way to approach your answer here is to launch into your best "story" that answers this question, "Will you go the extra mile?" 面试官真正想知道的是:“你和其它申请这个职位的人有何不同?”清楚这点后,一个好的回答方法是用自己一个能回答这个问题的最好的“故事”:“你愿意再多做一点吗?”
学习啦在线学习网 Why is the employer asking why they should hire you? Because there are only five areas of interest that they have about you as a candidate: 为什么面试者问为什么要聘用你呢?因为他们只关心面试者的五个方面:
Your skills 你的技能
学习啦在线学习网 Your knowledge about the company你对公司的了解
Your manageability 你是否服从管理
学习啦在线学习网 Your affordability3 你能贡献什么
Whether you can go above and beyond your job description 你是否能比规定的工作做得更多
学习啦在线学习网 In this day of "lean and mean" operations philosophy, employers are looking for employees who can think bigger and perform duties above and beyond their jobs. 在这个采用“瘦身”、“吝啬”的运营理念的时代,雇主们要找能高屋建瓴的思考、超水平发挥的员工。
学习啦在线学习网 除了要展现你和别的应聘者不一样的特质,你还需要展示你的成绩,这才有说服力。
Demonstrate Your Accomplishments2 展示你的成绩
Realize that there will always be competing candidates with a higher skill level, more experience, more education/training, or even a smoother interviewing style. The one equalizer though, is the ability to demonstrate how you have risen above and gone that extra mile to accomplish an important task, complete the job or realize an important goal. 要意识到竞争者中一定有人比你水平更高、经验更多、教育/培训程度更高,甚至有更顺利的面试风格。一个能让你和他们达到同一水平的方法是展现自己是怎样脱颖而出、付出更多,圆满完成某项重要任务、完善工作或实现重要目标。
Here, you recant that story of exactly how you worked 60-hour weeks, acquired new skills, or whatever it took to distinguish yourself and meet the challenge head on to successfully make the sale, save the project or rescue a client. If you can monetize (put a dollar value on) the end result, your story will only be that much more dramatic. 这里,你不要讲一周工作60小时,怎样学习新技能,或者其他任何让你出众的“故事”;而是要说一说如何直面挑战,成功地做成了一单销售、挽救了一个项目或一个客户。当你能给结果赋上一个价值,你的故事就会有力的多。
学习啦在线学习网 Tell It Often 经常练习
学习啦在线学习网 Knowing this ahead of time, it's wise to put in the time beforehand to work on your answer to this question. Pick your best example of how you went above and beyond in your job. Work on your story to perfect it. Set the scene, describe the challenge and describe your role and the successful conclusion. Use this as an example of how you use your particular set of skills in an extraordinary time to "give it your all" and produce a clear benefit to your employer. 既然已经知道这个问题,聪明做法是提前练习作答。选择一个最能说明你如何在工作中超水平、超范围发挥的例子。通过练习来让回答变得完美。设定好情景,描述你遇到的挑战和你的角色,以及最终的成功。用这个例子展现你在不寻常的时刻怎样利用自己的能力“竭尽全力”给雇主带来了明显的利益。
Since no other candidate can duplicate your own personal story here, you'll make a memorable2 impression. Not only that, but quite possibly you'll pull yourself ahead of that "perfect" candidate who preceded you. 由于别人的故事不可能和你的一模一样,所以你会给面试官一个深刻的印象。不但如此,很可能你还会超过此前某位“完美”的应试者。
According to Ric Edelman, author of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth, the purpose of a résumé is not to get a job, it's to get an interview—you will get the job. A résumé should not list all your skills, but rather tease the employer with your achievements. These are ways to make your résumé stand out. 《平凡人,非凡财富》一书的作者Ric Edelman认为简历的目的不是获得工作而是获得面试的机会;然后你才能获得工作。简历不该列举所有技能,而是要用成绩来“引诱”面试官。 下面的方法可以让你的简历脱颖而出。
1. Broaden your work experience. 将工作经验适用范围拓宽
Describe your job skills in ways that are transferable to other industries. 描述工作技能时,要让这些技能看上去可以应用到其它行业。
学习啦在线学习网 Don't limit yourself to a specific type of job by simply listing the daily tasks you performed at your job. Expand on how your job impacted the business industry or company. 不要只列出过去具体的工作,这会给自己设定局限。而是描述你的工作怎样影响到整个行业或公司。
2. Use strong verbs. 用词要有力
Don't talk about your capabilities1. Talk about your accomplishments2. 不要谈论你的能力,而要谈论成绩。
学习啦在线学习网 Use active tenses rather than passive voice. 用主动语态。
Good words to use are managed, created, led, accomplished3 and organized. 一些适合的词汇有:管理了、创建了、领导了、取得了、组织了。
3. Target a specific person. 目标读者要明确
学习啦在线学习网 Address your cover letter and envelope to a specific person. Usually a simple phone call to the company is all you need. 在你的求职新和信封上写上明确的收件人。通常打个电话就可以了解需要的一切。
4. Target a specific position. 职位要明确
Identify the position you are interested in and tweak your résumé to match the industry. 注明你感兴趣的职位,将简历稍稍改善以和职位匹配。
5. Make it easy to read. 易于阅读
When writing your résumé think, "Less is more." Many people make the mistake of putting too much information on their résumés. 写简历时应该“少胜于多”。许多人会犯把太多信息放入简历的错误。
Don't write to the edges of the paper. Leave white space in the margins4 and in between jobs. 不要在纸边上写。要留出适当的页边距,所列的工作之间也该留出适当的行距。
Use a readable font at a reasonable size. 采用大小合理方便阅读的字体。
学习啦在线学习网 One page only. 只写一页纸。
And finally… Take your new résumé everywhere you go. It is your new calling card! 最后……要随身携带你的简历。它就是你的新“名片”!