学习啦在线学习网 股市有涨也有跌。假设每年的股价不是50就是100,没有上涨或下跌趋势。那么股市的资本回报率会有多大? 接下来,小编给大家准备了如何计算市场收益率双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
The stock market goes up and down. Suppose its level alternates each year between 50 and 100, with no upward or downward trend. What is the capital return on the market?
Common sense suggests the answer is zero. But is that common sense right? In the good years you obtain a return of 100 per cent. In the bad, the yield is minus 50 per cent. The average return is therefore 25 per cent. There is logic to that. If you invested the same amount every year, and sold at the end of a year, you would indeed make – on average – a very attractive return of 25 per cent a year.
What if you bought and sold at random? In that case, four options are equally likely: buy and sell at 50, buy and sell at 100, buy at 50 and sell at 100, buy at 100 and sell at 50. The overall annual expected gain is 12.5 per cent.
学习啦在线学习网 If you are by now thoroughly confused, you are not alone. The average historic return on the volatile equity market is central to calculations of the cost of capital and provision for future pension liabilities. But the figure has been debated for decades. The dispute is less about the underlying data than about the way you make the calculation. The question is often framed as the choice between arithmetic and geometric means.
学习啦在线学习网 But there is no right or wrong answer. In all problems of this kind, the relevant measure is specific to the particular purpose you have in mind.
The way we measure inflation is, in principle, straightforward too.
You take an everyday basket of household goods and send a mystery shopper to discover what the bundle costs. Then you do the same thing a month later and find out how much the price of the basket has increased. You revise the composition of the basket regularly to introduce new goods and eliminate obsolete ones, and to respond to changes in the composition of spending.
学习啦在线学习网 But every month some of the goods are on special offer. Perhaps you can buy one bottle of shampoo and get one free. The price of shampoo has fallen by 50 per cent but you spend the same and get two bottles. Then the offer ends, and the price has risen by 100 per cent.
学习啦在线学习网 但每个月都有一些产品打特价。比如说洗发水买一赠一,也就是说洗发水的价格降低了50%,或者说用同样的价格购买了两瓶。当特价结束的时候,价格又上涨了100%。
If you spent the same on shampoo and conditioner, and then the price of shampoo fell by half, and the price of conditioner doubled, we would probably want to say that the cost of washing your hair has gone up.
学习啦在线学习网 如果洗发水和护发素的价格本来一样,然后洗发水的价格下降一半,护发素的价格翻番,或许我们就可以说洗头的成本上升了。
What happens in practice depends on the detail of the instructions to the mystery shopper and the frequency with which the relative weights of the components of the basket are reassessed.
学习啦在线学习网 实际情况取决于这位神秘购物者得到的详细指令,以及篮子里各物品相对权重重新调整的频率。
aim [level] at the moon 想入非非, 野心太大
as changeable as the moon 象月亮一样善变; 反复无常
学习啦在线学习网 bark [bay] at the moon [bay the moon] 空嚷嚷;徒劳; 枉费心机
below [under] the moon 月下的;尘世的
boast1 above [beyond] the moon 捧上天, 海阔天空地吹牛
学习啦在线学习网 moon away 虚度时光
over the moon 欣喜若狂
学习啦在线学习网 moon-faced 圆脸的
学习啦在线学习网 moonhead 笨蛋;傻瓜
moonstruck 发狂的, 神经错乱的
cast beyond the moon 痴心妄想; 胡乱猜测, 想入非非
cover oneself with the moon 露宿(指流浪汉与失业者)
cry [ask, wish] for the moon 异想天开, 想做办不到的事情, 想要得不到的东西
(make) believe [think] that the moon is made of green cheese (要人)相信最荒.唐的事;愚蠢到极点, 愚弄人
