H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
学习啦在线学习网 As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 这个合作的第一阶段将在2019年首选于H&M的母国瑞典展开,之后才会开始在全球范围内推广。
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
学习啦在线学习网 多年以来,H&M一直把很大的重心放在了实体店铺的购物体验上,因此他们已经错过了不少消费领域额新趋,现在看来或许是有点慌了。
学习啦在线学习网 “We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我们认为Klarna到目前为止取得的成就非常了得,我们两方现在要携手来把现代购物体验推上一个新台阶。我们两家这次的战略合作正是基于了我们为顾客创造优质体验的不懈追求。”
Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇表示,全球化是其最重要的长期发展战略之一。通过对未来商业基础设施的建设,以实现全球化的数字经济,使世界各国都可以进行贸易往来。
Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 从宝洁(Procter&Gamble)到雀巢(Nestle)等全球顶级品牌,都在阿里巴巴的整个生态系统中吹嘘它们的整体合作伙伴关系,通过这种合作,它们可以有效地与中国庞大的中等收入者进行接触,这是推动中国消费增长的主要引擎。“
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
学习啦在线学习网 这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna是一家瑞典的支付公司,他们的业务是为网上购物者提供购物时的金融服务,这家公司刚刚从H&M手上获得了2000万美元的资金,后者是一家在全球70个地区拥有4800家门店的时尚零售品牌。
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 这个合作的第一阶段将在2019年首选于H&M的母国瑞典展开,之后才会开始在全球范围内推广。
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 周二,阿里巴巴承诺,在未来五年实现全球2000亿美金的进口额,进口范围涉及120多个国家和地区。作为国内电商巨头,阿里巴巴正加紧努力,以满足国内(消费者)对海外优质产品日益增长的需要。
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们刚刚与阿里巴巴建立了合作伙伴关系,利用阿里巴巴的消费者洞察力、大数据分析和新型零售举措,进一步开拓中国市场,以促进我们的增长。”韩国化妆品公司爱茉莉太平洋国区总裁高晓伟说。
学习啦在线学习网 Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 澳大利亚自由食品集团(FreedomFoodGroup)首席执行官阿明.哈达德(AminHaddad)表示,他的公司正在开发针对中国消费者的谷物产品,这些消费者正变得“越来越成熟”。
学习啦在线学习网 Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
学习啦在线学习网H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 随着传统的零售商们纷纷开始借力电子商务和移动互联网增长的东风、并以此对抗亚马逊一类的公司,金融科技类的创业公司开始来坐收渔翁之利了。
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna是一家瑞典的支付公司,他们的业务是为网上购物者提供购物时的金融服务,这家公司刚刚从H&M手上获得了2000万美元的资金,后者是一家在全球70个地区拥有4800家门店的时尚零售品牌。
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
学习啦在线学习网 多年以来,H&M一直把很大的重心放在了实体店铺的购物体验上,因此他们已经错过了不少消费领域额新趋,现在看来或许是有点慌了。
学习啦在线学习网 “We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我们认为Klarna到目前为止取得的成就非常了得,我们两方现在要携手来把现代购物体验推上一个新台阶。我们两家这次的战略合作正是基于了我们为顾客创造优质体验的不懈追求。”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 周二,阿里巴巴承诺,在未来五年实现全球2000亿美金的进口额,进口范围涉及120多个国家和地区。作为国内电商巨头,阿里巴巴正加紧努力,以满足国内(消费者)对海外优质产品日益增长的需要。
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 澳大利亚自由食品集团(FreedomFoodGroup)首席执行官阿明.哈达德(AminHaddad)表示,他的公司正在开发针对中国消费者的谷物产品,这些消费者正变得“越来越成熟”。
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
学习啦在线学习网 这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna是一家瑞典的支付公司,他们的业务是为网上购物者提供购物时的金融服务,这家公司刚刚从H&M手上获得了2000万美元的资金,后者是一家在全球70个地区拥有4800家门店的时尚零售品牌。
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna声称这笔交易搭建起的系统将能为H&M的店铺、移动端、在线端的所有经营环节提供“零摩擦”的支付体验,同时还能带来更好的配送和退货服务,还有更灵活的支付方式——比如“先试再买”的延迟付款服务;顾客们将能通过H&M的app和它的会员体系来享受这些服务。
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我们认为Klarna到目前为止取得的成就非常了得,我们两方现在要携手来把现代购物体验推上一个新台阶。我们两家这次的战略合作正是基于了我们为顾客创造优质体验的不懈追求。”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇表示,全球化是其最重要的长期发展战略之一。通过对未来商业基础设施的建设,以实现全球化的数字经济,使世界各国都可以进行贸易往来。
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna是一家瑞典的支付公司,他们的业务是为网上购物者提供购物时的金融服务,这家公司刚刚从H&M手上获得了2000万美元的资金,后者是一家在全球70个地区拥有4800家门店的时尚零售品牌。
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 多年以来,H&M一直把很大的重心放在了实体店铺的购物体验上,因此他们已经错过了不少消费领域额新趋,现在看来或许是有点慌了。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们刚刚与阿里巴巴建立了合作伙伴关系,利用阿里巴巴的消费者洞察力、大数据分析和新型零售举措,进一步开拓中国市场,以促进我们的增长。”韩国化妆品公司爱茉莉太平洋国区总裁高晓伟说。
学习啦在线学习网 Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna是一家瑞典的支付公司,他们的业务是为网上购物者提供购物时的金融服务,这家公司刚刚从H&M手上获得了2000万美元的资金,后者是一家在全球70个地区拥有4800家门店的时尚零售品牌。
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 这个合作的第一阶段将在2019年首选于H&M的母国瑞典展开,之后才会开始在全球范围内推广。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我们认为Klarna到目前为止取得的成就非常了得,我们两方现在要携手来把现代购物体验推上一个新台阶。我们两家这次的战略合作正是基于了我们为顾客创造优质体验的不懈追求。”
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇表示,全球化是其最重要的长期发展战略之一。通过对未来商业基础设施的建设,以实现全球化的数字经济,使世界各国都可以进行贸易往来。
Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 澳大利亚自由食品集团(FreedomFoodGroup)首席执行官阿明.哈达德(AminHaddad)表示,他的公司正在开发针对中国消费者的谷物产品,这些消费者正变得“越来越成熟”。
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
学习啦在线学习网 中国国际商会、德勤、阿里研究院报告指出,随着跨境电商市场的迅速发展,进口占电商总销售额的比例从2014年的1.6%迅速攀升至2017年的10.2%。
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
学习啦在线学习网 这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 随着传统的零售商们纷纷开始借力电子商务和移动互联网增长的东风、并以此对抗亚马逊一类的公司,金融科技类的创业公司开始来坐收渔翁之利了。
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
学习啦在线学习网 多年以来,H&M一直把很大的重心放在了实体店铺的购物体验上,因此他们已经错过了不少消费领域额新趋,现在看来或许是有点慌了。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 周二,阿里巴巴承诺,在未来五年实现全球2000亿美金的进口额,进口范围涉及120多个国家和地区。作为国内电商巨头,阿里巴巴正加紧努力,以满足国内(消费者)对海外优质产品日益增长的需要。
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们刚刚与阿里巴巴建立了合作伙伴关系,利用阿里巴巴的消费者洞察力、大数据分析和新型零售举措,进一步开拓中国市场,以促进我们的增长。”韩国化妆品公司爱茉莉太平洋国区总裁高晓伟说。
学习啦在线学习网 Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
学习啦在线学习网 中国国际商会、德勤、阿里研究院报告指出,随着跨境电商市场的迅速发展,进口占电商总销售额的比例从2014年的1.6%迅速攀升至2017年的10.2%。
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
学习啦在线学习网H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 随着传统的零售商们纷纷开始借力电子商务和移动互联网增长的东风、并以此对抗亚马逊一类的公司,金融科技类的创业公司开始来坐收渔翁之利了。
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
学习啦在线学习网 多年以来,H&M一直把很大的重心放在了实体店铺的购物体验上,因此他们已经错过了不少消费领域额新趋,现在看来或许是有点慌了。
学习啦在线学习网 “We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 周二,阿里巴巴承诺,在未来五年实现全球2000亿美金的进口额,进口范围涉及120多个国家和地区。作为国内电商巨头,阿里巴巴正加紧努力,以满足国内(消费者)对海外优质产品日益增长的需要。
学习啦在线学习网 Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇表示,全球化是其最重要的长期发展战略之一。通过对未来商业基础设施的建设,以实现全球化的数字经济,使世界各国都可以进行贸易往来。
Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 澳大利亚自由食品集团(FreedomFoodGroup)首席执行官阿明.哈达德(AminHaddad)表示,他的公司正在开发针对中国消费者的谷物产品,这些消费者正变得“越来越成熟”。
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
学习啦在线学习网 这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna声称这笔交易搭建起的系统将能为H&M的店铺、移动端、在线端的所有经营环节提供“零摩擦”的支付体验,同时还能带来更好的配送和退货服务,还有更灵活的支付方式——比如“先试再买”的延迟付款服务;顾客们将能通过H&M的app和它的会员体系来享受这些服务。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇表示,全球化是其最重要的长期发展战略之一。通过对未来商业基础设施的建设,以实现全球化的数字经济,使世界各国都可以进行贸易往来。
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们刚刚与阿里巴巴建立了合作伙伴关系,利用阿里巴巴的消费者洞察力、大数据分析和新型零售举措,进一步开拓中国市场,以促进我们的增长。”韩国化妆品公司爱茉莉太平洋国区总裁高晓伟说。
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
学习啦在线学习网 中国国际商会、德勤、阿里研究院报告指出,随着跨境电商市场的迅速发展,进口占电商总销售额的比例从2014年的1.6%迅速攀升至2017年的10.2%。
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
学习啦在线学习网H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
学习啦在线学习网 As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna声称这笔交易搭建起的系统将能为H&M的店铺、移动端、在线端的所有经营环节提供“零摩擦”的支付体验,同时还能带来更好的配送和退货服务,还有更灵活的支付方式——比如“先试再买”的延迟付款服务;顾客们将能通过H&M的app和它的会员体系来享受这些服务。
学习啦在线学习网 这个合作的第一阶段将在2019年首选于H&M的母国瑞典展开,之后才会开始在全球范围内推广。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 澳大利亚自由食品集团(FreedomFoodGroup)首席执行官阿明.哈达德(AminHaddad)表示,他的公司正在开发针对中国消费者的谷物产品,这些消费者正变得“越来越成熟”。
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
学习啦在线学习网 这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
学习啦在线学习网 As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 随着传统的零售商们纷纷开始借力电子商务和移动互联网增长的东风、并以此对抗亚马逊一类的公司,金融科技类的创业公司开始来坐收渔翁之利了。
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna声称这笔交易搭建起的系统将能为H&M的店铺、移动端、在线端的所有经营环节提供“零摩擦”的支付体验,同时还能带来更好的配送和退货服务,还有更灵活的支付方式——比如“先试再买”的延迟付款服务;顾客们将能通过H&M的app和它的会员体系来享受这些服务。
学习啦在线学习网 “We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
学习啦在线学习网 中国国际商会、德勤、阿里研究院报告指出,随着跨境电商市场的迅速发展,进口占电商总销售额的比例从2014年的1.6%迅速攀升至2017年的10.2%。
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
学习啦在线学习网 这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna是一家瑞典的支付公司,他们的业务是为网上购物者提供购物时的金融服务,这家公司刚刚从H&M手上获得了2000万美元的资金,后者是一家在全球70个地区拥有4800家门店的时尚零售品牌。
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna声称这笔交易搭建起的系统将能为H&M的店铺、移动端、在线端的所有经营环节提供“零摩擦”的支付体验,同时还能带来更好的配送和退货服务,还有更灵活的支付方式——比如“先试再买”的延迟付款服务;顾客们将能通过H&M的app和它的会员体系来享受这些服务。
学习啦在线学习网 这个合作的第一阶段将在2019年首选于H&M的母国瑞典展开,之后才会开始在全球范围内推广。
学习啦在线学习网 多年以来,H&M一直把很大的重心放在了实体店铺的购物体验上,因此他们已经错过了不少消费领域额新趋,现在看来或许是有点慌了。
学习啦在线学习网 “We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我们认为Klarna到目前为止取得的成就非常了得,我们两方现在要携手来把现代购物体验推上一个新台阶。我们两家这次的战略合作正是基于了我们为顾客创造优质体验的不懈追求。”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 从宝洁(Procter&Gamble)到雀巢(Nestle)等全球顶级品牌,都在阿里巴巴的整个生态系统中吹嘘它们的整体合作伙伴关系,通过这种合作,它们可以有效地与中国庞大的中等收入者进行接触,这是推动中国消费增长的主要引擎。“
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
学习啦在线学习网H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 随着传统的零售商们纷纷开始借力电子商务和移动互联网增长的东风、并以此对抗亚马逊一类的公司,金融科技类的创业公司开始来坐收渔翁之利了。
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 H&M的这笔投资旨在让两家公司共同建立起一个涵盖H&M线上到线下所有环节的支付服务,用他们自己的话说叫“全渠道”(omni-channel)
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna声称这笔交易搭建起的系统将能为H&M的店铺、移动端、在线端的所有经营环节提供“零摩擦”的支付体验,同时还能带来更好的配送和退货服务,还有更灵活的支付方式——比如“先试再买”的延迟付款服务;顾客们将能通过H&M的app和它的会员体系来享受这些服务。
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我们认为Klarna到目前为止取得的成就非常了得,我们两方现在要携手来把现代购物体验推上一个新台阶。我们两家这次的战略合作正是基于了我们为顾客创造优质体验的不懈追求。”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇表示,全球化是其最重要的长期发展战略之一。通过对未来商业基础设施的建设,以实现全球化的数字经济,使世界各国都可以进行贸易往来。
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
学习啦在线学习网H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna声称这笔交易搭建起的系统将能为H&M的店铺、移动端、在线端的所有经营环节提供“零摩擦”的支付体验,同时还能带来更好的配送和退货服务,还有更灵活的支付方式——比如“先试再买”的延迟付款服务;顾客们将能通过H&M的app和它的会员体系来享受这些服务。
学习啦在线学习网 多年以来,H&M一直把很大的重心放在了实体店铺的购物体验上,因此他们已经错过了不少消费领域额新趋,现在看来或许是有点慌了。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 周二,阿里巴巴承诺,在未来五年实现全球2000亿美金的进口额,进口范围涉及120多个国家和地区。作为国内电商巨头,阿里巴巴正加紧努力,以满足国内(消费者)对海外优质产品日益增长的需要。
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们刚刚与阿里巴巴建立了合作伙伴关系,利用阿里巴巴的消费者洞察力、大数据分析和新型零售举措,进一步开拓中国市场,以促进我们的增长。”韩国化妆品公司爱茉莉太平洋国区总裁高晓伟说。
学习啦在线学习网 Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 澳大利亚自由食品集团(FreedomFoodGroup)首席执行官阿明.哈达德(AminHaddad)表示,他的公司正在开发针对中国消费者的谷物产品,这些消费者正变得“越来越成熟”。
学习啦在线学习网 Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
学习啦在线学习网 这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
学习啦在线学习网 As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 对于H&M本身来讲,这一举动能让公司在电子销售领域获得更有力的一推,这一方面能让自己本身的生意得到增长,利益方面也是在拉平自己与竞争者在吸引年轻消费者上做的努力。
“We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 “我们认为Klarna到目前为止取得的成就非常了得,我们两方现在要携手来把现代购物体验推上一个新台阶。我们两家这次的战略合作正是基于了我们为顾客创造优质体验的不懈追求。”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
学习啦在线学习网 Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import 0 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
学习啦在线学习网 从宝洁(Procter&Gamble)到雀巢(Nestle)等全球顶级品牌,都在阿里巴巴的整个生态系统中吹嘘它们的整体合作伙伴关系,通过这种合作,它们可以有效地与中国庞大的中等收入者进行接触,这是推动中国消费增长的主要引擎。“
学习啦在线学习网 We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们刚刚与阿里巴巴建立了合作伙伴关系,利用阿里巴巴的消费者洞察力、大数据分析和新型零售举措,进一步开拓中国市场,以促进我们的增长。”韩国化妆品公司爱茉莉太平洋国区总裁高晓伟说。
Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
学习啦在线学习网 澳大利亚自由食品集团(FreedomFoodGroup)首席执行官阿明.哈达德(AminHaddad)表示,他的公司正在开发针对中国消费者的谷物产品,这些消费者正变得“越来越成熟”。
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 他表示:“中国消费者对质量的要求要高得多,要确保产品符合预期。”“这就是为什么我们要在中国寻找像阿里巴巴这样的良好合作伙伴,让我们的产品在中国可用并与他们相关。”
China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan (
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
额,要说去那里存钱,目前来说还不太可能。不过H&M最近确实涉足金融领域了,但并不是要搞得像银行,而是在顾客的购物体验方面下了些功夫。下面是小编为您收集整理的H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱,供大家参考!
H&M开始搞投资理财 那以后还可以存钱
这家国际零售品牌前不久刚刚投资了瑞典的一家搞支付(payments)的金融科技公司(Fintech startup)
学习啦在线学习网 这家公司叫 Klarna。根据报道,H&M 总共给 Klarna 投资了2000万美元,差不多1.3亿人民币。
学习啦在线学习网 As more traditional brick-and-mortar retailers look to capitalise on the growth of e-commerce and mobile to compete against the likes of Amazon, fintech startups are reaping the rewards.
学习啦在线学习网 In the latest development, Klarna, the payments startup out of Sweden that helps online shoppers arrange for financing at the point of sale, has picked up $20 million from H&M, the fashion retailer with 4,800 stores in 70 markets.
学习啦在线学习网 Klarna says the deal will cover “frictionless” in-store, mobile and online payments across the company’s whole footprint, a better delivery and return process, and more flexible payment options, including “try before you buy” pay later services, to be delivered through H&M’s app and its Club loyalty program.
学习啦在线学习网 这个合作的第一阶段将在2019年首选于H&M的母国瑞典展开,之后才会开始在全球范围内推广。
学习啦在线学习网 “We are impressed with what Klarna has achieved to date and now we will work together to elevate the modern shopping experience. This strategic partnership between H&M group and Klarna is based on a joint relentless focus on creating great customer experiences.”
学习啦在线学习网 眼前值得注意的是,H&M的股价在去年跌得很厉害。所以,总体来说,这次的这个战略投资无论靠不靠谱应该能帮助他们提升企业内的士气,或许也能在这艰难的时期提升一下销售额。
Alibaba Group pledged on Tuesday to help import $200 billion worth of goods from more than 120 countries and regions over the next five years, as the country’s top e-commerce player boosts its efforts to meet rising demand in China for high-quality international products.
学习啦在线学习网 Between 2019 and 2023, the company will help import international goods from businesses of all sizes in countries and regions including Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States and South Korea, it said during the ongoing China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴在上海举办的中国国际进口展览会期间声称,2019年至2023 年,公司将从各国和各地区的贸易商进口国际化的商品,其中包括,德国,日本,澳大利亚,美国,韩国等。
学习啦在线学习网 Globalization is one of Alibaba’s most critical long-term growth strategies, the company’s CEO, Daniel Zhang, said. "We are building the future infrastructure of commerce to realize a globalized digital economy where trade is possible for every country around the world."
学习啦在线学习网 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇表示,全球化是其最重要的长期发展战略之一。通过对未来商业基础设施的建设,以实现全球化的数字经济,使世界各国都可以进行贸易往来。
学习啦在线学习网 Top global brands, from Procter & Gamble to Nestle, touted their holistic partnerships within the entire Alibaba ecosystem, through which they can effectively engage with China’s massive middle-income earners, a primary engine fueling China’s consumption growth.
We just entered into a partnership with Alibaba to further tap the Chinese market by leveraging the firm’s consumer insights, big data analytics, and new retail initiatives to spur our growth, said Charles Kao, China president of South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们刚刚与阿里巴巴建立了合作伙伴关系,利用阿里巴巴的消费者洞察力、大数据分析和新型零售举措,进一步开拓中国市场,以促进我们的增长。”韩国化妆品公司爱茉莉太平洋国区总裁高晓伟说。
学习啦在线学习网 Amine Haddad, chief executive officer of Australia’s Freedom Food Group, said his company is developing cereal products tailored to Chinese consumers, who are becoming "much more sophisticated".
Chinese customers are much more demanding of quality, of making sure the product lives up to expectations, he said. "That’s why we look for good partnerships in China like Alibaba to make our products available and relevant to them."
学习啦在线学习网 China’s cross-border e-commerce market has grown remarkably, with the proportion of imports to total e-commerce sales surging from 1.6 percent in 2014 to 10.2 percent last year, according to a report released by Deloitte China, the China Chamber of International Commerce and AliResearch last week.
学习啦在线学习网 中国国际商会、德勤、阿里研究院报告指出,随着跨境电商市场的迅速发展,进口占电商总销售额的比例从2014年的1.6%迅速攀升至2017年的10.2%。
学习啦在线学习网 On the same day, another cross-border e-commerce platform NetEase Kaola signed procurement deals worth 20 billion yuan ($2.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.学习啦在线学习网 同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.学习啦在线学习网 同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.学习啦在线学习网 同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.学习啦在线学习网 同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。
.9 billion) with 110 companies at the expo.同一天,另一家跨境平台网易考拉在世博会上与110家企业签订了价值200亿(29亿美元)的采购协议。