Some people believe that video games could inspire young students’ interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. Do you agree or disagree? 有人认为游戏可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们学习效率,而不是分散他们的精力和浪费他们的时间,是否认同? (2016年1月23日)
学习啦在线学习网 尽管游戏可能给学生们带来一些弊端,但是,只要可以合理安排和控制学生们的游戏时间,阻止他们玩游戏也是没有必要的。
学习啦在线学习网 1 鼓励孩子们玩游戏的利好
学习啦在线学习网 ① 丰富多彩的游戏节目成为很多学生缓解压力,释放情绪的一种有效方式。设想,孩子们在校努力学习,课后读补习班,作业繁重,鲜有大量的时间休闲娱乐,玩游戏可令学生们暂时忘记现实生活中的烦恼和压力。
学习啦在线学习网 ② 一些竞技类的游戏其实是锻炼玩家的反应能力和布局能力的,因此,学生玩家也会培养多方面能力,例如手眼并用,危机处理,团队协作等。
学习啦在线学习网 ③ 有些游戏的设计,以学习为导向,寓教于乐,让玩家在娱乐中学习知识,这也可以提高他们的学习效率,激发他们的学习热情。
2 鼓励孩子们玩游戏的弊端
① 学生们的主要任务是学习知识,考虑到孩子们的自律性较差,允许孩子们玩优秀容易使他们分散精力,耽误学习。
② 过度沉迷游戏有害健康,具体而言,玩家会视力下降,养成懒惰和久坐的生活习惯,不愿从事户外运动,因而导致肥胖。然而,户外运动是更好的方式放松身心,提高学习效率。
③ 少儿不宜的游戏内容是精神鸦片。暴力,色情,血腥的信息,对于成长中的年轻人而言,毒害其心灵,误导人生观,诱发暴力冲动,导致校园欺凌或少年犯罪的上升,可能会危害社会。
【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
学习啦在线学习网 Computer games like many other prevailing entertaining activities are look down up by many parents as time-wasters. However, it is true that video games have been exerting a peculiar fascination on a great many people young players. Perhaps that is why people differ greatly in their stands as to whether students should be allowed to play video games. As I see it, it is no need to stop students from playing games so long as we properly arrange and control their game time.
1. Video games have been exerting a peculiar fascination on a great many people young player. 一直以来,电子游戏都对年轻的玩家极有吸引力。
学习啦在线学习网 2. It is no need to stop students from playing games so long as we properly arrange and control their game time. 我认为,只要可以合理安排和控制学生们游戏时间,阻止他们玩游戏也是没有必要的。
学习啦在线学习网 【二段】鼓励孩子们玩游戏的弊端
学习啦在线学习网 To be sure, some problems invariably ensue if students excessively indulge in the computer games. First, violent video games are always blamed by the media as the reason why some teenage players become aggressive and even conduct some anti-social offenses. Also, the craziness about games is physically detrimental because players tend to reduce physical activities, thus, the sedentary lifestyle would increase the likelihood of obesity. Eventually, many parents are worried that the study will be delayed. The sole task of students is to update their knowledge. Youngsters will regret it for the rest of their lives if they fail to utilize their precious youth.
1. some problems invariably ensue 一些问题随之而来
学习啦在线学习网 2. conduct some anti-social offenses 做出反社会行为
学习啦在线学习网 3. The study will be delayed 会耽误学习。
学习啦在线学习网 However,there is no reason to throw out the child along with the bath. Seen from the positive aspects, students can still become the beneficiaries of computer games provided that they can play in a proper way. Initially, some mental techniques trained by video games include: quick reaction, teamwork strategy, crisis-solving abilities, hand-eye coordination and so on. This kind of goal-driving experience will influence the players’ future life positively. Also, proper game time can, to some extent, help teenagers relieve their strain triggered by tight academic study. Imaginably, the study efficiency can be improved if one can vent his or her negative emotions. Last, some learning-oriented games can still facilitate students’ study, it is a good thing if players can acquire knowledge in a relaxing way.
学习啦在线学习网 1. This kind of goal-driving experience will influence the players’ future life positively. 以目标为驱动的经历会在未来对玩家产生积极的影响。
2. The study efficiency can be improved if one can vent his or her negative emotions. 如果一个人可以释放其不良情绪,学习效率也会提高。
3. Some learning-oriented games can still facilitate students’ study 一些以学习为导向的游戏也会辅助学业。
In closing,whether the impacts that computer games exert on players are positive or negative largely depends on how students treat games. There are many benefits for people to play video games, as for students, they should control the time,excessive indulgence is unwise.
学习啦在线学习网 Whether the impacts that computer games exert on players are positive or negative largely depends on how students treat games. 玩游戏的影响是积极还是消极,很大程度上取决于玩家对待它们的方式。
学习啦在线学习网 【观点类】个人衣装是否可以反映其个性
Do you agree or disagree with the way a person dressed is a good indication of his/her personality or character? 一个人衣装可以反映其个性,是否认同?(2013年6月15日)
杨澜说:“作为女人,你必须精致。这是女人的尊严。” 是的,没有人有义务必须透过连你自己都毫不在意的邋遢外表去发现你优秀的内在,可见服饰对个人的意义。你,能够给他人留下第一印象的机会只有一次,第一印象永远在那里。然而,成大事不拘小节。“静水流深”说的是“人不可以貌相。”一个人的美丽外表固然重要,但其内在才华、气质和品格不是可以一眼洞察的,要日久见人心。
不能简单认为一个人的服装可以完全反映其个性。第一印象有时是有误导性的, 经过长期的观察去判断一个人才是值得推荐的。
① 激情性格的人喜欢穿时尚艳丽的服装,然而,安静性格的人喜欢穿朴素浅色的服装。人们通常认为衣装整洁者是值得尊敬和彬彬有礼的。
学习啦在线学习网 首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
学习啦在线学习网 二段:让步原题观点的合理性
三段:第一次反驳原题观点 + 细节展开
学习啦在线学习网 四段:第二次反驳原题观点 + 细节展开
尾段:再次亮明观点 + (总结理由)
【首段】争议焦点+ 争议焦点 + 作家立场
Fine feather makes fine birds,which means that a well-dressed people never fails to leave the fondest impression on people around him or her. Some people assert that a person’s personality can be indicated by how he or she dresses. Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not a person’s character could be perfectly reflected by his or her appearance. As I see it, even though what one wears can convey some information about his or her character, a man must not be judged by his appearance.
1. Fine feather makes fine birds. 人靠衣装,美靠靓装。
2. Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not …… 也许没有什么像 …… 一样引起人们无休止的争议
学习啦在线学习网 3. As I see it, even though what one wears can convey some information about his or her character, a man must not be judged by his appearance. 我认为,即使人的衣装可以传递一些关于其个性的信息,但是,人不可以貌相。
Indeed, I have to concede that a neat appearance is an embodiment of a person’s qualities and personalities. For example, a passionate person tends to wear trendy and bright-colored clothes. Conversely, a quiet person likes to wear simple and light-colored clothes. Another positive aspect is that a well-dressed person is, in most cases, a respectable and well-mannered person,then,it will make people around him feel at ease, therefore, he is,in most people’s eyes,easy to associate and communicate with.
1. Indeed, I have to concede that …… 的确,我不能不承认的是……
2. A passionate person tends to wear trendy and bright-colored clothes 激情性格的人喜欢穿时尚艳丽的服装。
学习啦在线学习网 3. A quiet person likes to wear simple and light-colored clothes. 安静性格的人喜欢穿朴素浅色的服装。
学习啦在线学习网 4. A well-dressed person is, in most cases, a respectable and well-mannered person 人们通常认为衣装整洁者是值得尊敬和彬彬有礼的。
5. is easy to associate and communicate with v 很容易和其交流和交往
学习啦在线学习网 【三段】反驳段:为何衣装不能反映人的个性
学习啦在线学习网 Notwithstanding all that, we have to remember the old saying that we can never judge a book by its cover, so does the person. Some people have to dress the uniform when they embark on work, in this case, it seems that they look like conservative individuals, whereas they have distinct personalities, some are extraverted while others are introverted. Moreover, a person who is impoverished may fail to afford up-market clothes with his limited money, but it doesn’t mean that he is not a benevolent person. More precisely, he may be more humane and tender-hearted than a gentleman who looks graceful.
1. We can never judge a book by its cover. 人不可以貌相
学习啦在线学习网 2. Whereas they have distinct personalities. 然而,他们拥有截然不同的个性。
学习啦在线学习网 3. up-market clothes n高档的服装
4. A person who is impoverished may fail to afford up-market clothes with his limited money, but it doesn’t mean that he is not a benevolent person. 贫困者可能消费不起高档服饰,但是,这不会影响他是一个善良的人。
学习啦在线学习网 5. He may be more humane and tender-hearted than a gentleman who looks graceful. 他也许比看起来优雅的绅士更加仁慈和善良。
学习啦在线学习网 【四段】反驳段:为何衣着不能反映人的个性
Another convincing argument could also be easily explored. Most superstars seem to be very passionate and enthusiastic when they are presenting a performance in public, virtually, they are not all that kind of people. Some of them actually are quiet people who love to be in a silent atmosphere and live a simple life. So, appearance of a person cannot always indicate his or her personality.
学习啦在线学习网 1. Most superstars seem to be very passionate and enthusiastic. 大部分的影星看起来都是激情四射和热情洋溢的。
2. The appearance of a person cannot always indicate his or her personality. 个人的外表并非总能反映其性格。
In the final analysis, my stand is that a person’s personality cannot be merely judged by his or her outlooks. The initial impression sometimes might be misleading, it is highly recommended to judge a person after long period of observation.
1. The initial impression sometimes might be misleading. 第一印象有时候是有误导性的。
2. It is highly recommended to judge a person after long period of observation. 经过长期的观察去判断一个人才是值得推荐的。
Talented people’s leadership is born naturally and can’t be learned by people. 领导力为天生,不可后天培养,是否认同? (2012年2月11日)
学习啦在线学习网 【作家立场】领导力非天生,而是可以被培养的。
学习啦在线学习网 以企业经营为例:生活的中的例证很多,很多成功的企业家在大学校园期间都有做社团领袖的经历,这些做队长的经历帮助他们训练了危机处理,人际沟通,自我决策的能力,为后来的创业和拓展事业打下了坚实的基础。这个争议使我想起了长春新东方的校长刘畅,他在26岁的时候竞聘成为校长,创造长春新东方业绩的辉煌,其在大学时代做社团领袖的经历对其事业的成功是有不可替代的影响的。
1. 教育应该基于一种理念,任何人无论其天赋如何,都可以经过后天的努力以及优秀的指导学习到各种技能,当然,这种技能也包括了领导能力。
2. 毛主席说:要在战斗中学会战斗。因此,实践对于人的能力的培养起到关键作用,生活的例证很多,例如,很多企业精英都有在校园期间做社团领袖的经历。
学习啦在线学习网 领导力为何不可后天培养:
学习啦在线学习网 天才不可教,因为人的基因不同,天赋是有差异的,后天的发展也有差异。所谓:三岁看老,很多人从小就表现出天生的非凡领导能力,这种天赋在成长被不断开发,最终,他们成为具有超强的领导力的人。相反,很多没有领导天赋的人,无论后天多么努力,也无法做卓越领袖。
学习啦在线学习网 【新东方网薛鹏原创语料库】
1. a charismatic leader n一个充满魅力的领袖
解析:charisma n领导魅力
学习啦在线学习网 拓展:charismatic adj有魅力的
学习啦在线学习网 2. entrepreneurship n企业家能力
学习啦在线学习网 解析:entrepreneur(企业家)+ ship(名词尾缀,表示“关系”)= entrepreneurship n企业家能力
3. extraordinary leadership n非凡的领导力
拓展:prominent = eminent = extraordinary adj非凡的;杰出的
学习啦在线学习网 4. People’s leadership is in-born, which could not be acquired no matter how diligent one might be 领导力是天生的,无论一个人多么勤奋,领导力都是不能被后天培养的。
拓展:in-born = innate adj 天生的
5. The connotation of outstanding leadership may include a number of elements such as future-mindedness,crisis-solving ability,decision-making competence and so on. 领导力的能力包含很多元素,例如前瞻性,危机处理能力,自我决策能力等等。
拓展:connotation = meaning n 内涵
6. Innate talents have a major part to play in the entire development of one’s leadership. 在个人领导力全面发展的过程中,与生俱来的天赋发挥了重要作用。
解析:have a major part to play in = have a key role to play in v在……发挥重要作用
学习啦在线学习网 7. Perfect education should be based on such a belief that all people can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with leadership 完美的教育应该基于如下理念:所有人都可通过教育,学习不同的技能,包括和领导力相关的技能。
学习啦在线学习网 解析:Perfect education should be based on such a belief that …… 完美的教育应该基于如下的理念
8. From our real life, it is easy to find plenty of evidence to support the view that many successful business leaders climbed the promotional and financial ladder from the bottom by constantly learning how to be good leaders. 生活中可以找到很多的例证,许多的成功的企业领袖,不断学习如何做领袖, 从底层奋斗,攀升事业和财富的阶梯。
学习啦在线学习网 解析:by constantly learning how to be good leaders. 通过不断地学习如何做领袖
学习啦在线学习网 9. Some extremely gifted leaders cannot be taught, no matter how excellent the teacher or how industrious the person might be. 杰出的领袖不可教,无论老师多么优秀,个人多么勤奋。
学习啦在线学习网 拓展:industrious = diligent = hard-working adj 勤奋的
10. Some people might have leadership-related talents that are probably inherited via their genes. 有些人通过基因的遗传获得了和领导力相关的才华。
学习啦在线学习网 解析:inherit v遗传
拓展:via = by = by means of prep通过……
11. Less talented people can never manage to reach such a high level. 没有天赋的人永远没有办法达到如此高的水平。
12. A less brilliant people stand few chances of becoming an efficient leaders simply by learning. 平凡人仅仅通过后天学习很少有机会成为高效领袖。
解析:efficient leaders n高效领袖
学习啦在线学习网 13. Every individual can acquire relevant capacities in terms of acting as an eminent leader with guided practice and continued endeavors. 任何人都可以通过指导性的练习和持续的努力学习如何到做好领袖的相关技能。
解析:continued endeavors n 持续的努力
学习啦在线学习网 14. Admirable leaders can be cultivated. If one has the determination and tenacity, he or she can become an effective leader by means of honest hard work 领袖是可以学习去做的,如果一个人有决定以及坚韧,通过诚实的努力,人是可以成为高效领袖。
学习啦在线学习网 解析:admirable leaders n 令人钦佩的领袖
学习啦在线学习网 点评:本句亮明作家立场
15. Outstanding leadership can be tapped and nurtured via a never-ending process of self-improvement, fine education, assiduous training, and rich experiences. 通过不断的学习,教育,训练,实践的过程,领导力是可以被培养的。
Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. 从年长的朋友处得到的建议比从同龄的朋友处得到的建议更加有价值,是否认同?(2009 年11月1日)
学习啦在线学习网 【作家立场】支持年长者的建议比之同龄人的建议更加有价值。
学习啦在线学习网 【新东方网薛鹏思路拓展】
俗语说:姜是老的辣. 讲的的是年长者的人生智慧和生活阅历。当你遇到困境的时候,需要来自他人的建议,自然,年长的者人生智慧,生活经历,思辨头脑对于我们的指导意义更大。因为,年长者的经验可以令我们不走或者少走弯路。有趣的例证就是:大学的爱情风花雪月,男生喜欢美丽女神,女生喜欢帅气的男生, 但是,单纯的爱情被肤浅的快乐吸引,情侣们很少考虑家庭的背景,或者是两种的兴趣志向是否相同,这时候,年长朋友的建议对于未来幸福婚姻是有很重要的影响,因为,年长朋友经历过了才懂得大学美好爱情不等于未来和谐的婚姻,仅仅有爱是不能结婚的。再比如:年轻人求学的时候,可以选择海外留学或者国内读书,这时候,可能父辈们的建议和鼓励对于我们学业成功就有极其重要的指导意义,因为,很多的年轻人都是读书无意识,人生无意识。年长者的眼光通常很长远,年长者的阅历通常很丰富,因此,他们的建议是重要的。
学习啦在线学习网 【新东方网薛鹏原创语料库】
学习啦在线学习网 1. get advice from sb…… = acquire suggestions from sb……= gain guidance from sb …… v 从……中获得建议 (指导)
2. A is more valuable than B = A is better than B = A is superior to B A比B更加有价值
3. friends of similar age = peers n 同龄人
学习啦在线学习网 4. have deeper understanding about life v对于生活有更深刻的理解
5. can help us make sound judgment v帮助我们做出合理的判断
学习啦在线学习网 解析:sound = reasonable adj 合理的
6. have rational mode of thinking v有更加理性的思维
学习啦在线学习网 解析:rational adj理性的
学习啦在线学习网 7. Every one of us grow up by experiencing failure or hardship, sometimes, one might feel puzzled so that he or she needs advice and guidance from others. 成长中,人人经历了失败和艰辛,有时候,人会感到迷茫,所以,人需要来自他人的建议和指导。
学习啦在线学习网 拓展:feel perplexed = feel puzzled = feel confused v 感到很困惑
8. Advice from older friends deserves more praises, although suggestions from peers are never without their merits. 来自年长者的建议更加值得赞美,尽管同龄人的建议不是没有利好。
9. Rich life experience including those bitter or painful experience could be seen as a kind of precious wealth. 丰富的人生阅历可被当做是宝贵的财富,即使是那些痛苦和辛酸的经历。
10. In this case, older friends could be our best teachers because they have accumulated a pool of life wisdom, thus, their advice could be precious life guidance. 因为他们积累了丰富的人生智慧,他们的建议是一笔宝贵的财富。
点评: 需要例证展开。
11. My brother Paul had studied in America for more than five years,that is why he strongly recommended me to study abroad when facing with the option of study at home or furthering my study in a foreign country. 哥哥保罗在美国学习五年多了,因此,在我选择是国内读书还是海外留学的时候,他强烈地建议我出国留学。
学习啦在线学习网 解析:to further my study in a foreign country v海外留学
学习啦在线学习网 12. His suggestion is that I could become mature, independent and confident by personal struggle in an unfamiliar environment. 如果在陌生的环境中自我奋斗,我可以变得更加成熟,独立,自信。
13. After listening to my brother’s advice, I studied even hard during the process of self-improvement, I happily found that I can be more focused, and have more self-control.听了我哥哥的建议,我学习更加努力,我惊喜地发现我可以为了梦想变得更加专注和自控。
学习啦在线学习网 拓展:be come focused = become more attentive 变得更加专注
拓展:focus on= zero in on = concentrate on v 专注于……
学习啦在线学习网 14. I had a clear goal to fight for. It is the suggestion from my bother that helped to hardened my heart to study overseas. 我有了清晰的奋斗目标,正是哥哥的建议帮助我下定决心海外学习。
15. I believe in my choice, for the life wisdom learning from my brother could be considered as a shortcut to success,which helps me avoid detour. 我相信我的选择,因此来自哥哥的人生智慧是成功的捷径,帮助我少走弯路。
解析:avoid detour v 少走弯路
学习啦在线学习网 16. Our peers’ understanding about life is far from mature compared with those from older friends because older friends are more far-sighted and wise. 相比年长的朋友,同龄人对于生活的理解远非成熟,因为年长的朋友更加有远见和明智。
学习啦在线学习网 拓展:future-minded adj 有前瞻性的;
拓展:provident = far-sighted adj有远见的
学习啦在线学习网 17. He who gives no thought to the difficulties in the future is sure to be beset by worries much closer at hand. 人无远虑必有近忧。
解析:be beset by ……,被……烦扰;被……困扰
学习啦在线学习网 18. The older,the wiser 姜还是老的辣(年长者的智慧更加丰富)
