Describe a vehicle you would like to buy.
You should say:
学习啦在线学习网what kind of vehicle
学习啦在线学习网why you would like to have it
how you would get it
and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.
学习啦在线学习网Well, if I have enough money, I’d like to buy a top class Sport Utility Vehicle, which we often call for short SUV. Although designs vary, SUV is the kind of large car with an engine that supplies power to all four wheels.
I would like to have an SUV because most mid-size and full-size SUVs have three rows of seats with a cargo area directly behind the last row of seats. I suppose it is comfortable enough for a family trip so that we could drive to have a picnic when we’re in the mood for it.
Moreover, it usually has a car TV and people can watch DVDs on the road. Actually, you know, the price of an SUV is relatively higher than that of a sedan, but I have a strong desire for pursuing freedom so that self-drive tour never fails to fascinate me. And if I have an SUV, I can drive to anywhere I want to. SUV is the symbol of being crazy and wild and I suppose I need to work hard and let my dream come true as soon as possible.
DESIGNED especially for city and suburban motoring, this handsome automobile is smooth, quiet and easy to drive, and being powered by electricity it can be charged up at home. Tempting? The sales pitch is not for one of the new electric cars from General Motors, Nissan or Renault, but for a 1905 Victoria Phaeton from Studebaker of South Bend, Indiana.
Electric cars have come and gone over the years. Usually an oil crisis has given them a boost; this time it is a combination of oil prices, fears about energy security and climate change.
A decade ago the Toyota Prius took hybrid cars into the mainstream. Two years ago Elon Musk’s Tesla all-electric sports car made them sexy. Now the big car firms are pushing all-electric cars for the mass market. At the Paris Motor Show this week they unveiled electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Some go on sale in the next few months.
This represents a huge leap forward for the industry, but the showroom patter will be misleading, for two reasons. First, although electric cars are nippy, stylish and as easy to drive as conventional vehicles, electric motoring has some distinct disadvantages. Second, they are not really as green as their promoters claim.
The idea of recharging an electric car at home for only a few dollars and never again having to visit a filling station is enticing. For most journeys, the limitations of battery capacity are irrelevant. As salesmen will be quick to point out, 99% of the time people do only short runs—the daily commute, trips to the shops and to pick up the children—all of which are well within the range of most electric cars.
But that final 1% of journeys presumably includes the summer holiday when people pile into the car and head off for the coast. Hopping on the train laden with suitcases and children may not be an attractive alternative. And even the relatively short ranges that salesmen advertise may be optimistic. On a cold, wet night when lots of electrical systems are running and the vehicle is laden with passengers and luggage, a car may lose around a third of its supposed range.
The joy of petrol
Carmakers are taking different approaches to these limitations. The Nissan Leaf or Renault Fluence are powered only by a battery. Once they have travelled 160km (100 miles) or so, the battery needs recharging, which can take some eight hours. By contrast, the Chevrolet Volt’s battery has less than half that range, but it carries a petrol generator which gives the car another 480km. Micro cars with just two seats and ranges of only around 50km are also coming: they will charge quickly and work well in crowded cities. But for a combination of cheapness and efficiency, a petrol-powered car is hard to beat.
学习啦在线学习网And what of electric cars’ environmental credentials? Electric cars are being hugely subsidised by taxpayers—£5,000 (,940) in Britain and up to ,500 in America—on the ground that they are zero-emission vehicles. Makers of electric cars claim that this is an efficient way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Road transport accounts for a tenth of such emissions worldwide; the sorts of biofuels currently in use are not much greener than petrol; and next-generation biofuels are proving slow to come to the market.
Although electric cars may not themselves produce greenhouse gases, generating the electricity they use does. How green they are depends on the fuel mix at the power plants in the country in which they are driven. An electric car in Britain today, for instance, produces around 20% less in CO2 emissions than a car with a petrol engine. Even if the generating mix gets greener, electric vehicles are so expensive to produce, that they will still be a relatively costly way of abating CO2 emissions. Sceptics therefore doubt that the subsidy is a good use of public money. According to Richard Pike, chief executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, replacing all of Britain’s cars with subsidised electric cars would cost the taxpayer £150 billion and, with Britain’s current fuel mix, cut CO2 emissions from cars by about 2%. For the same money, Britain could replace its entire power-generation stock with solar cells and cut its emissions by a third.
学习啦在线学习网The only efficient way to cut greenhouse-gas emissions is to impose a carbon tax. If electric cars are a good way of reducing emissions, a carbon tax will enable them to flourish. Taxes, of course, are not as popular as subsidies. But subsidies are almost always a waste of public resources. At this particular time, throwing more taxpayers’ money at the car industry seems a daft thing to do.
Your favorite car
You should say:
学习啦在线学习网What is name of your favorite car?
What are the features of the car?
How has it changed your life?
The name of my favorite car is Toyota Corolla. I bought this car 3 years ago. Before this I used to travel on the bus, but after buying this car my life changed significantly. This car is not very expensive, yet it provides all the good features which a person might from a luxury car. I like red color so I chose to buy a red a car. It is true that I cannot always look at the color of my favorite car, but whenever it is parked somewhere I feel good.
学习啦在线学习网The car has power windows, so we do not have to manually do the work. The car also has a very beautiful interior. The interior of the car is comparable to the interior of any good luxury car in the world. The thing is that I do not like to drive the car fast, but for all those people who want to drive the cars fast should definitely go for this car. This car also has an SRS airbag which means that in the event of an accident the driver’s life would be safeguarded. The design of the car also strives to provide a certain kind of protection for all those people who are sitting in it.
I bought the cat 3 years ago since then my life has been great. Before buying this car I was in a dilemma. I never reached at places on time and I was not able to manage my in a proper way. This car has made my life easier and I can easily say that I can’t survive without it now.
学习啦在线学习网第一,雅思教师教师个人邮箱和博客中的资料。这类资料有一定的区域性和教师的个性,材料内容可以分为怎么三类:1.口语话题问题。2. 口语话题问题+部分问题的范例回答。3. 话题准备资料。对于前两种,我给大家的可行性法案是:熟悉问题,积极准备,参考范例,个性创新。
第二,雅思口语辅导书籍。这是最常见的一类口语参考资料,而且话题众多。对已这一类的雅思口语资料光靠背诵只能是求个心安。因为这类辅导书籍的出版量非常大,你认为是宝贝的东东大家有在看,所以到了考官那里背来背去基本上都有套路了,有什么说长城的、故宫的、圆明园的... ... 对于考官而言这简直是一种折磨。
学习啦在线学习网建议广大雅思考生对于这类材料可以这样使用:1. 把范例回答中的句型提炼出来。这样可以使自己的表达丰富,口语的词汇量有效增加。2. 把范例回答个性化。根据自己的实际情况把范例回答做适当调整,使得自己的个性能够彰显。3. 把范例回答说开去。范例回答毕竟只是一个思路,如果你能通过这个思路来打开自己的创造力,真可谓才思如泉涌。拿你回答就可以征服考官了。
学习啦在线学习网很可能昨天的雅思口语高分机密,今天就是背考官所鄙视的剽窃来的垃圾。所以,我对这种资料给大家的建议就是:除非你是周六下午第一场考口语的同学,其他场次考生最好不用。你用也行,做好准备和6分以上说永别。就算你用这招考5.5,你也得做到 My reciting sounds like speaking. 而这种资料,也不是一点意义都没有。