首先粗略总结学习啦在线学习网统计一下 5-8 月口语题库中的事件经历类话题。
学习啦在线学习网早起时刻 Describe an occasion you got up extremely early. 近期让你开心的事情 Describe a recent happy event that you had. 助人的时刻 Describe a time you helped someone. 改变计划的天气 Describe an occasion when the weather changed your plan.初次用外语与他人沟通 Describe the first time you communicated with someone in a foreign language. 特别的短途旅程 Describe a short trip that was special to you.儿时的幸福家事 Describe a happy family event from your childhood 积极的改变 Describe a positive change in your life 一次犯错的经历 Describe a mistake that you once made 帮助保持健康的活动 Describe an activity you do to keep fit. 一次生气的经历 Describe a situation that you got a little angry 一次婚礼 Describe a wedding you have been to 糟糕的假期 Describe a (short) journey that you disliked 学校活动 Describe an activity that you do in your school.
学习啦在线学习网1. 事件发生的背景(Why it happened);
2. 事件发生前的情况和状态(Prepare for it);
学习啦在线学习网3. 事件发生的时间、地点、人物(When/where/who);
学习啦在线学习网4. 事件的具体内容(What the people did in the event);
5. 一至两个亮点的细节描述(What impressed you most);
6. 感受(How do you feel about it 或 What you learned from it);
学习啦在线学习网事件经历类话题的答题重点依然要放在最后一个问题上(一般来说最后一个问题会问 why it happened 或 how do you feel about it),多数考生也基本可以回答到 3 和 4,但容易忽略的是细节描述和事情发生前的一些铺垫,也就是说答题过于平淡,缺少亮点。
学习啦在线学习网下面以一道曾经的 part2 的答题范例为例,和大家分享下时间经历类话题应该是体现答题亮点的。
Describe a time you experienced a long-time traffic jam.
You should say:
学习啦在线学习网when and where it happened;
how long you were in the traffic jam;
what you did to try to get out of the problem situation;
学习啦在线学习网and explain how you felt about that traffic jam.
学习啦在线学习网Several weeks ago, I was on a bus to my workplace, as usual. But I didn't expect that the bus would get stuck right in the middle of a bridge. A car got rear-ended by another one, the two drivers were quarreling ferociously, they almost broke into a fight at some point. The traffic police were there, but there was nothing they could do. And all the cars and buses where just stuck there, with drivers honking and passengers cursing. It was totally chaotic.
Since I'm just a passenger, I could do nothing about the problem. But if I were the traffic policeman, I would stop those two drivers with forces, and towed away their cars, so that the rest of us could get pass. About this traffic congestion, I felt completely irritated. My work begins sharply at nine o'clock, but it was already eight forty, and there were still six stops to go. I could never make it on time. I tried to tell myself to calm down and read some news reports on my cellphone, but I was distracted and disgusted by the foul language of those two angry drivers, and the complains of other passengers around me. And what upset me even more was that the traffic policeman was just writing stuff on his notebook, without doing anything practical. And I felt sorry for those two drivers. Had they acted more rationally, they wouldn't have caused such a scene. But I guess they would never know that until they saw their pictures on the front page the next day. That traffic jam lasted for about an hour, and it utterly ruined my day.
雅思口语part2经历类主要从两个角度来考察考生,一个是见闻经历,另一个是参与经历类。其中,见闻经历的出题就可能会是describe an experience you had with bad weather或是describe a sports event that you watched。参与经历类的题目有describe a positive change in your life或是describe something that made you angry. 当然,只是给大家列举几个例子,考生还所多做了解,能够明确分辨出来以及该如何备考才行。下面,就为大家讲解一下这两类话题的思路。
Describe an experience you had with bad weather.
学习啦在线学习网You should say:
学习啦在线学习网What sort of bad weather it was
When it happened
Where you were when it happened
And explain how it affected you
恶劣天气的词汇表达:寒冷的 chilly,暴风雪 blizzard,暴风雨 tempest,倾盆大雨downpour。
I shouldn’t praise it has good weather. It’s rainy all these days and seems never wants to stop. Maybe because I am strong to this part of the _X city, in these rainy days my mood is becoming worse and worse. (雨天—心情)
Describe something you do very often recently.
You should say:
What it is
Why you started doing it
What it bring you when you do it
学习啦在线学习网And explain why you think it’s good for you.
Recently I go biking very often with my friends. Because I feel sitting in front of the computer every day is really bad for my health. One of my friends suggested me to go biking with him and he told me he had benefited from bike riding a lot.
It’s usually hard for me to do something for a long time, so I should try my best to continue this new hobby because it’s really helpful for my mental and physical health. Besides, I made many new friends and I felt it was fun to talk with people who’re sports lovers.
学习啦在线学习网bad westher--angry experience--a journey that happened unexpectedly
转为人物类话题,如outdoor activity--a person who has healthy lifestyle
转为地点类话题,如experience--an outdoor place for relaxation
Describe the most successful thing you did in your memory.
学习啦在线学习网You should say:
学习啦在线学习网What you did
When you did it
What difficulties you faced/How you did it
学习啦在线学习网And how you felt when you were successful
学习啦在线学习网How to measure a person's success?
Do you think the way people gain success has changed?
学习啦在线学习网How do you define success?
How to reward successful people?
What's the most difficult thing you have ever done?
学习啦在线学习网What qualities does a person need to be successful?
学习啦在线学习网Is failure a necessary thing in people's life?
Speaking of the most successful thing I ever did, I’d like to talk about a social welfare activity I took part in when I was in high school, which later became something I am really proud of.
At that time, the local government of my hometown was planning to build a shopping mall in a public park, sacrificing people’s welfare to gain itself more profits. Some of us high school students found out what the government was up to the moment we saw a group of loggers destroying the trees in that park, trampling on the rights of local people. Without hesitation, we decided to protest against the government’s wrong doing this time, even though we all knew how hard it would be for someone like us to stand up against such a powerful authority.
In the beginning, there were only a few people on board, mostly students from my high school. In order to make this thing work, we then made some flyers, gave them out to some of the citizens living nearby, and that’s how we started to draw attention. Having learned about the government’s mischievous doing to the park, people from nearby communities started to get involved. In no more than three days, up to about 40 people joined our group, among which are teachers, retired military officers, housewives and students like us.
学习啦在线学习网After having discussed about how we are going to make the government stop its abhorrent doing, we first went to a local newspaper, told their stuff about our concerns on the government’s doing to that park. Later, we went to the local police station, met some politicians and social works there, presented to them our views on how the authority’s planning on the park is going to harm people’s welfare. Thanks to our hard efforts, they finally put a halt to what was going on with those beautiful trees in that park.
To be frank, it was not easy to fight against such a powerful authority and we had been struggling for nearly 6 months. Through this event, I learned how to stand up for justice, and that’s something I’ll always hold dear to.
