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I consider the refrigerator to be the most useful household appliance I have. Among other household appliances I would put refrigerator ahead because of its usefulness specifically for me. I live in an apartment and mostly maintain all of my tasks by myself. I can't think of living without the refrigerator I do have.

I own a refrigerator manufactured by LG and it is a side-by side refrigerator with an icemaker. I put most of the foods, water and cooked food there. It makes my life easier and helps me eat fresh foods. It is quite tough for me to cook 2-3 times a day and the refrigerator saves me from doing so. My refrigerator consists of a thermally insulated compartment and the heat pump that transfers the heat created inside to the external environment. As a result the inside of the refrigerator remains cool to a temperature below the room temperature. There is a temperature controller that the user can use to maintain the desired temperature. This temperature can differ based on the room temperature and the type of food preserved. The refrigerator also reduce the rate of spoilage of foods and foods item by maintaining a lower temperature which helps keep lower the reproduction of bacteria to a minimal level.

学习啦在线学习网Without the refrigerator life would have been much difficult. I would have to go to shop every now and then and buy only minimum amount of fruits, vegetables and other food items that I would be able to eat in a day.

学习啦在线学习网I would have to purchase cold water in summer season and have to cook 3 times a day. That would have killed a significant amount of time and would not allow me to do other stuffs that I currently do. Making ice cream, smoothie and other juices would have been quite impossible and my lifestyle would not permit me to eat fresh fruits and foods. Sometimes I bring foods, meats and vegetables from my hometown and preserve them for more than a month. That would have been impossible without the refrigerator I own.

For all those reasons, the refrigerator has become an important appliance for my daily life.

学习啦在线学习网Tips for answering this cue card topic:

Some of the useful household appliances that you can talk about for this cue card topic:

? Toaster

? Stereo

学习啦在线学习网? Vacuum Cleaner

? Heating Machine

? Refrigerator

学习啦在线学习网? Rice Cook

学习啦在线学习网? Floor Cleaner

? Microwave woven

学习啦在线学习网? Coffee maker

? TV

? Radio

学习啦在线学习网? Iron machine

? Washing Machine Etc.

学习啦在线学习网Pick the household appliance that you often use and choosing such an appliance would help you describing it in details. This cue card asks you to describe how this tool works and hence picking up a less complicated tool in terms of its mechanical functionality (Iron machine or radio for example) would be a good idea rather than picking up a more complicated appliance like refrigerator.

To describe how this tool works, you do not have to describe the mechanical aspects of this tool; rather you can describe how you see it. For example: while describing a refrigerator, you can give mechanical and electrical aspects of this appliance but if you are not sure about these aspects simply say that you put the food items and liquid items inside the refrigerator and it maintain a temperature to keep them fresh. Also mention that you can adjust the temperature and this gives you more control over the cooling process. Obviously if you can give some details from the mechanical perspective of such tolls, that you be better but always keep in mind that, too much mechanical description might not interest your examiner.

学习啦在线学习网To answer properly, first say the name of the household appliance with the brand name and for how long you have it. Now give the functional aspects of this appliance, i.e. how it works and you should also mention how you use this tool in your home. Then go to more details of the importance of this tool for you and describe how tough it would have been if you have done things manually without this tools. Take washing machine for example, and you know without it you would have to wash all your clothes manually that would have been really time consuming and cumbersome. Say that because of this tool you can very easily engage in other important tasks and the washing machine takes care of your laundry.

学习啦在线学习网Say some experiences you have before you purchased this machine and that would be good to describe the part ‘How life would be without it’. The final part of the cue card is ‘and explain why it is so important to you” and in this part you have to emphasize some of the points you have already told earlier regarding the question ‘How life would have been without it”.

Some similar cue card topics:

学习啦在线学习网1. Describe something you own which is important to you.

2. Describe an electronic equipment you own.

学习啦在线学习网3. Describe a tool that you often use.

4. Describe a gift you recently got.

5. Describe a tool you plan to buy.

6. Describe a useful household appliance.


学习啦在线学习网Part 2 话题精讲:

Describe an equipment at your home

You should say :

What it is?

学习啦在线学习网How often you use it?Whom you use it with?

学习啦在线学习网How you feel about it and explain why you like/dislike it?


1.I‘d like talk about a treadmill my parents bought not so long ago.It looks solid and provides users with different training modes to fit differentages,and health conditions.It’s been at my home for a few weeks.It doesn’t only bring fun,but also a healthy life style.

2.Iuse it a few times (a couple of times ) a week.Recently,I just made a decision.You know,I decided to work out regularly to get my healthy body shape back.Now,let me tell you about my daily routine.I get up early in the morning.After breakfast,I'd start training.I like to start with some warm-up exercises,and stretches .After that,I'd jog on the treadmill for half hour .

3.I share it with my parents.They’re in their fifties. After retirement,they have all the time in the world to enjoy life.Now,they really care about their health condition and appearance.So every night,after supper,they‘d jog for some time on it .At first,they didn’t get used to doing exercise on it.You know,people of their age find it hard to love modern technology.Now,they see jogging on it as part of their daily life .

4.It’s important for two reasons .

学习啦在线学习网First, It brings a healthy lifestyle to us.After using it for a couple of weeks , we already see those amazing changes.We become healthier,more energetic , and we start to get that ideal body shape .

Moreover.It gathers my family together.I mean,it’s quite difficult to find some common interests with someone older than you.Now we ‘d talk about some running techniques,and share some training experiences.That’s quite interesting.


Describe a piece of equipment you had problems with (broken TV or washing machine)。

You should say:

what problem it is

学习啦在线学习网your feeling about it

and explain how to solve this problem

sample answer

学习啦在线学习网I remember once, a few years ago it was, when I had a problem with my washing machine. It was quite an old machine but it had always worked very well and was effective at washing clothes, sheets and such like.

Anyway, one day when I was using it, I noticed some water leaking out from underneath the machine. It was maybe about half-way through the washing cycle when this happened. I started to mop up the water and thought it maybe wasn’t anything serious – but a few minutes later a wave of water appeared across the floor of the laundry room, it was as if I’d just opened the door on the machine while it was still full of water.

学习啦在线学习网I couldn’t mop up the water fast enough. I had to turn the machine off, and there was still more water inside it. So, the machine stopped and I continued trying to mop up the water, eventually managing to get the floor dry.

学习啦在线学习网I’m not a technical person at all, so I called my brother who is quite good at things like that and he came round later in the afternoon to have a look at it. It only took him about 5 minutes to find the problem – apparently one of the water hoses at the back of the machine had come loose and that was why the water had been pouring out from under the machine instead of draining away through the hose.

He managed to reconnect it again and then we tested the washing machine by filling it with a little water and some clothes to make sure that it would operate again normally. Thankfully it did … so it was quite a simple problem to fix, but it was very inconvenient at the time. I’m happy to say that it’s been working fine ever since then – just like it used to.


雅思口语答题误区1 说的越快就越显"牛"


雅思口语答题误区2 多说长句就是好事


学习啦在线学习网雅思口语答题误区3 问到有关自己的问题必须说事实







5.雅思英语口语Part 3易忽视的3个细节




