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There was a time when photos were only taken by regular point-and-shoot-cameras, but now everything has changed. With the help of mobile phones and computers, people are taking billions of photos everyday from all parts of the world. I, myself, take so many pictures that I sometimes forget which photograph I took and when I took it. There is this one photograph I like the most. It’s just beautiful…

In this photograph I am carrying my niece and she is smiling up at me. I first saw the photograph about a week ago. I didn't even know the photograph existed until my sister showed it to me. I liked it so much that I made it the wallpaper background of my computer. Now, whenever I open the lip of my laptop, the first thing I see is that picture.

学习啦在线学习网The photo shows happiness. I think it was taken four years ago, and shows how time has passed, how the world changes. After looking at the photograph, I remembered that my niece was crying a lot and my sister was about to give her to the nanny. At that moment I decided to step-in and hold her. Once I had her in my arms she got happy and smiled. At that perfect moment the photograph was taken. The picture shows a time when I was happy. It also shows at time when we all used to have an optimistic outlook of the world but now all optimism and love has just vanished from my life.

学习啦在线学习网The photograph was taken when I was only 4 years old. I was with my parents and grandparents & it’s one of my very favorite pictures ever. I do not have clear memory regarding the event when the photograph was taken but I have seen it a thousand times. To this day I still I look at it with delight and sadness. I had it enlarged and framed; it hangs in the living room where everyone can see the black and white. The small kid (me), the grandparents and young parents make the picture a really significant one to me. I look with amazement at the picture and sometimes I can't believe I was so small and different looking at that time. The picture gives me a sense of melancholy since my grandfather & grandmother are no longer with us. In the picture they seem so lively but I can't be with them anymore!

I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, pants and a pair of red shoes. In the picture I was in the middle, sitting on a chair. Others were standing around me; my parents are on the right and my grandparents are on the left. My father was very stylish and was dressed fashionably in the picture. My grandfather was wearing spectacles and had his hair back-brushed. My mother and grandmother were both wearing traditional dresses but both looked so fresh and happy in the picture.

This photograph is probably is my most favorite one as it conveys my grandparents' memory and depicts a happy family. Every time I look at this particular picture, I get the feeling of bittersweetness. This is a priceless possession to me and I would like to keep it with me for the rest of my life.

学习啦在线学习网Tips for answering this Cue Card Topic:

This cue card asks you to describe a photo/ photograph which is your favouritre and where you have been. Do no get confused about the question as you might get allured to describe photo of your father/ grandfather or a friend. You should talk about the photograph where you were present. It can a solo picture of your ort can be group photo where you were present.

Try to describe a photo which is related to some short of memory. Following are some of the ideas for such photographs:

学习啦在线学习网Your childhood photograph.

Your birthday photograph.

学习啦在线学习网Your graduation day photograph.

学习啦在线学习网A photograph with your friends.

学习啦在线学习网A photograph with your family members.

Describe who are present in the photograph, when this was taken, who took it, how you have saved it, what memories it remind you and other aspects of the photograph.

Some similar Cue Card Topics:

1. Describe something important you own.

2. Describe a photograph that you really like.

3. Describe something you would like to keep for a long time.

学习啦在线学习网4. Talk about an old thing you still have.

学习啦在线学习网5. Describe a family photograph you have.


The photograph that was taken when I was only 4-5 years old with my parents, grandfather and grandmother is one of my very favourite photographs. I do not have clear memory regarding the event when the photograph was taken but I have seen it thousands times and still I look at it with a delight and sadness. The photograph is a black-and-white one and later I have enlarged it and framed it in my living room. The small kid (me), the grandparents and young parents make the picture a really significant one to me. I look with amazement in to the picture and sometimes can't believe I was so small and different looking at that time The picture gives me a gloomy feelings as my grandfather and mother are no longer with us. In the picture they seems so lively but I can't be with them anymore!

I was wearing a full sleeve shirt, full pant and a pair of red shoes. In the picture I was in the middle and was sitting in a chair. Others were standing around me - my parents are on the right and my grandparents are on the left. My father was very stylish and was wearing fashionable dress in the picture. My grandfather had spectacles in his eyes and had his hair back-brushed. My mother and grandmother were wearing traditional dresses but both looked so fresh and happy in the picture.

学习啦在线学习网This photograph is probably is my most favourite one ass it conveys my grandparents' memory and depicts a happy family. Every time I look at this particular picture, it gives a different sensation - mixture of happiness and sadness. This is a priceless possession to me and I would like to keep it with me for the rest of my life.


学习啦在线学习网Describe a photo or painting you like in your home.

学习啦在线学习网You should say:

学习啦在线学习网where and when the photo was taken or painted

学习啦在线学习网which room it is in

what there are in the photo or painting

学习啦在线学习网and explain why you like it.

Actually, I have a few paintings in my home. My girlfriend says it's beginning to look like an art gallery! I guess you could call me a bit of an art-aholic, though I'm certainly no connoisseur.

By far my favourite piece is a large oil painting on canvas that I picked up on my travels in Bali. I had to roll it up to get it back to China and once I got home I had a bespoke frame made for it. It depicts a tree or plant of some sort, using an array of colours, from deep blues to vivid yellows. The image is very simple, being formed from a number of different coloured dots.

学习啦在线学习网At the moment it is the centerpiece of my living room, takes pride of place on the main wall behind my sofa. There are other pieces of art in there, including some small statues and figurines, but they are eclipsed by the large oil painting, which truly dominates the room. Every guest we have visit passes comment on it, often complimenting its vibrant colours or simple aesthetic beauty.

学习啦在线学习网For me personally, it's a combination of all the things I have already mentioned. Plus, it reminds me of the places I have been and the things I have experienced on my trips abroad. The memories come flooding back every time l look at my picture. This is the primary reason I collect paintings and the reason I have more works of art than I do wall space!


学习啦在线学习网Describe a photo you have taken

You should say:

Where you took it

学习啦在线学习网When you took the photo What/who is in the photo

学习啦在线学习网And explain how you felt about the photo

学习啦在线学习网I once took a snap shot of Leijun on a flight from Shanghai to Tailand, and it is a great experience for me.

That should be two years ago, when I was on a lone wolf’s vacation to Bangkok by air and you know, it was my first international flight. To say I was a bit excited is quite an understatement, since I took photos here and there right from the beginning of the journey. So how could I miss the chance to capture some great moments from within the plane when we were taking off. I held my iphone aiming at the outside. There were the diminished buildings, roads, and the whole city, and then the touchable sky, the fluffy clouds and the horizon. Then I found it would be nice if I could snap some shots of the cabin, but I knew it was a bit rude. So I stood up and watched around. Oh forgot to mention that it is a budget flight and basically I got stuck in the cramped seat space.

That was when I spot him, a middle-aged blanket-covered man, resting with eyes closed. Yeah, that’s him, Leijun, a dedicated entrepreneur and billionaire, my role model. After seconds of thought, I sneakily took a photo of him like a paparazzi ambushing a super star, since I was so shy and I know I couldn’t possibly summon up courage to really talk to him even I got the rare face to face chance.

So, it is a beautiful moment that I captured and cherished. My business hero, like an ordinary worker on a budget flight for a business trip. In the photo, he is tired but peaceful. Sometimes I will fixate on the photo and wonder what he was thinking: a great business opportunity, a step forward the goal, the mistakes made. I didn’t post this photo online but someone else did. There is a lot of talking about him why take a budget flight and an economical class. Lately he gave a simple but convincing explanation in an interview for him never taking first class and booking in five star hotel: I am CEO of a start-up and I cant set an opposite example when what we need most is endeavour and enterprise. That says all.






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