新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。学习啦第一时间为大家整理出范文学习啦在线学习网答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。下面是雅思口语话题范文:未来计划 。
1. What different sorts of personal plans do people usually make in their everyday lives?
Well I’d say it varies a lot between people, because I mean, some people like to make plans for pretty much everything they do, you know, like what to spend their money on, what food to eat, and how to use their free time effectively, whereas other people don’t really make that many plans, and kind of just live life in a carefree manner.
I’d say = I think
学习啦在线学习网pretty much = 差不多
live life in a carefree manner = 悠优哉哉地过生活
2. When a student is doing a big assignment, why is it a good idea to make some plans before they start?
Well first of all, if they didn’t make any plans, then I think it would be very difficult for them to carry out the work in a methodical way, so it’s likely that they would run into a lot of problems. So in other words, I guess what I’m saying is that planning well at the beginning will help a student better understand the requirements of the assignment and therefore give them a good indication of how to manage their time.
学习啦在线学习网run into… 碰到
学习啦在线学习网A good indication of…= a good idea of…(好的指示)
3. In general, what sorts of plans do governments all over the world usually have?
Wow, that’s a pretty tough question, and I’ve never really thought about it before, but I suppose governments around the world have to make all kinds of plans, such as military, economic, and social plans, becausethey’re responsible for the overall well-being of a country.
4. What are some of the major problems facing the whole world today?
That’s a good question, and I’d say that, unfortunately, we seem to be facing quite a number of problems, such as pollution, climate change, unemployment, lack of drinking water,…what else,…um, …oh and social inequality. So these would be some of the main ones, and I’m sure there are more!
5. Who do you think should be responsible for solving these problems?
Well obviously, a lot of responsibility lies with the government, but depending on the problem, I think we all have to take some responsibility if we want to truly get rid of the problems. So taking air pollution as an example, if everyone makes a conscious effort to use environmentally-friendly transport whenever possible, then I think the air quality will improve dramatically.
makes a conscious effort = 自觉努力
6. What do you think is the major environmental problem facing the world today?
学习啦在线学习网Thinking about it, I’d say it’s probably water pollution, because in many parts of the world, clean drinking water is in extremely short supply, and it's a basic necessity for human survival. So if we continue to pollute the water supply, then it’s exacerbating the problem, which could have detrimental consequences in the future.
exacerbating the problem = make the problem worse (使问题更严重)
学习啦在线学习网detrimental consequences = terrible consequences (非常不利的后果)
雅思口语part2: 未来的学习计划
学习啦在线学习网Describe something you plan to learn in the future
学习啦在线学习网You should say:
what you plan to learn in the future
why you want to learn it
where and how you will learn it
学习啦在线学习网and explain why your have plan to learn it.
I have a long desire to learn how to play the piano. Even after my desire and passion, I have not been able to learn it. If I ever get the time and opportunity to learn it, I would grab the chance.
学习啦在线学习网I am not sure exactly when this passion grew in me, but I can guess it was something that came in my mind after I saw a foreign movie where an actor played this instrument. The movie was related to a musician’s life and he mostly played the piano and sang songs.
In the movie the actor played the piano 3-4 times and the quality of the music was really good. Possibly from that time the passion started to grow in my mind. I work as a computer programmer and have no intention to do any serious type music, but I want to learn to play the piano. If I get spare time and my schedule allows me, I will get admitted in a piano lesson in my city. Not many opportunities are there but I heard that there are 2/3 musicians who teach enthusiast people the piano for a high payment. I will probably get admitted in such a program and would keep learning.
I will need to save around 00 to get admitted into the piano lesson and hopefully will have this amount at the end of next year. Then I will talk to the musicians who offer the lesson and would pick one to learn from. I’ll allow me to be free at least 2 days in a week to participate in the lesson and I would practice at least for an hour daily.
I know it takes a great determination, passion and talent to learn a creative thing like piano, but I believe, I will be able to achieve it.
学习啦在线学习网雅思口语失分点一:I rap
学习啦在线学习网有些考生说话语速过快,完全没有轻重缓急,甚至已经听不出来正常的呼吸喘气,只能被考官理解成是“灵异现象”。这种answering machine的回答按照口语评分标准,考生应该得到的分数为5分。
学习啦在线学习网雅思口语失分点二:I robot
问:How do people in China feel about genetic research?
单层回答:Er, genetic research, er, we think it’s very good, er, er, we can find some methods to treat diseases…
多层回答:Well, many people in the countryside have no idea about genetic research at all. In big cities like Nanjing, I think nine out of ten people support genetic research.
学习啦在线学习网只要你把“in China”这样一个单层分界为“in the countryside”和“in big cities”两个层次,你的回答立刻在以下几个方面提升了分数:流利性、长度、组织结构!
学习啦在线学习网雅思口语失分点三:I guess
(1) 对考题的理解能力
学习啦在线学习网(2) 表述自己观点的能力(因为你的回答和考官想问的大相径庭,考官自然难以听懂)
学习啦在线学习网如果你放松地、大胆地问考官 “I’m sorry, could you rephrase the question?” 你压根不会被扣分。即便考官解释之后你要求他再次解释,你也仅仅可能因为“理解能力”而被扣个微乎其微的0.05分,而绝对不会因“听不懂”、“答跑题” 受到双重重罚。这样类似的问法还有:Would you please repeat it? What do you mean by" "? I didn't follow/catch you.等。
其次,肢体语言的丰富也是可以加分的,因为我们在表达不容易被理解的,或是非常个性化的答案时,我们可以用手势来表达,比如说一个小男孩的身高,可以用手势来表示,加上一句“He is about this tall”,这样就比较清楚了。还有,我们聊到足球、篮球学习啦在线学习网、音乐等等,可以加上自己的肢体语言,表达兴奋或与考官共鸣。我的一个学生是传媒大学播音专业的学生,他非常喜欢音乐,打扮比较嘻哈,虽然他的口语水平并非很高,但他聊到足球和音乐时,用手势来表达自己的兴奋,得到考官的赞赏,分数也是增加了约0.5分到1分。可见,肢体语言是很重要的加分项。
