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雅思新题A time you had good experience in the countryside

乡下的愉快经历Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

学习啦在线学习网You should say:

学习啦在线学习网Where you went

What you did

When you did it

Who you went with

And explain why it was enjoyable?


Well, this topic actually reminds me of last week when I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. You know, my parents and I would go visit my grandparents every weekend possible, it’s kind of our tradition. That’s when I meet up with my family and see my cousins because we live in different cities. As I’m much older than my other cousins, sometimes it’s quite awkward to spend time with them. We don’t have much to talk about. Last week, everyone was going out, but my 5-year-old cousin and I didn’t wanna tag along, so my aunt asked me to babysit him. At first it was weird because I’ve never babysat anyone, plus, I’m not really good with kids. However, my cousin started talking to me about what happens in his kindergarden and how he likes this girl in his class. He was like, “I like her a lot, but she prefer toplay with some other boy in my class, what do I do?”. To be honest, I didn’t think a 5-year-old would even think about this kinda stuff. He was totally talking to me like a grown-up and actually asking for my advice. Then we went out for a walk. You can’t imagine how spectacular the view is in my grandparents’ village during spring time! There was a large field ofblooming flowers, gently swayed back and forth as the wind breezed, all of which really brightened up myday! My little cousin wouldn’t stop singing as we were walking along the field.This experience completely changed my view of children. I used to think they are all noisy and loud, but after spending time with my cousin, I realised not every child is like that and I really enjoyed this experience as I got to know about my cousin more. That’s all, thank you.



Awkward 尴尬的

Tag along 跟着(在原文中意思是我和我弟弟不想跟着去)

Babysit 照看小孩

Weird 奇怪的

Sb. was like… 这是个很好用的短语,表示过去某人说过的话或者作出的反应,当表示说过的话时,你可以说,hewas like “OMG!”。当你想表达当时某人的反应时,你可以说,he was like, totally shocked.

Grown-up 成年人

Blooming flowers 盛开的花

学习啦在线学习网Sway back and forth 来回摆动

Breeze 吹微风

Brighten up 使活跃,使快活(brighten up my day经常用作一个固定的句子,可以背下来,意思和makemy day相近)

雅思口语话题:A plan in your life

A plan in your life (that is not related to work or study)

You should say:

What it was about

When you made it

How it worked

学习啦在线学习网And how you felt about the result

学习啦在线学习网雅思口语思路:按照‘现在时-过去时-将来时’的结构去完成这个part 2 话题。








误区:不确定时态的时候可以稍微去看一下you should say部分,给自己一些提示。比如这里一看大部分都是过去时态,那个整个的内容应该就是过去的计划。


most of the time 大部分时候

学习啦在线学习网study related 与学习相关的

学习啦在线学习网a plan of mine 我的计划

学习啦在线学习网guide book 导游书

totally on my own 完全靠自己

学习啦在线学习网book hotel rooms 订酒店

a guided tour group 旅行团

学习啦在线学习网do a lot of research 做很多研究

学习啦在线学习网all sorts of information 各种信息

be desperate to know 急切的想知道

学习啦在线学习网have a blast 很开心

it is pissing down 下大雨

学习啦在线学习网雅思口语话题范例: Well, to be honest, I’ve got to say it’s a pretty difficult topic for me, cause you might not know this, but most of the time, it’s my mom who does all the planning for me, especially when it is study related. So if I’ve got to choose a plan of mine and tell you a little bit about it, perhaps I can just bring up the one I did for my trip to Sri Lanka.

In fact, way before last year, I bought Lonely Planet Sri Lanka when it was on sale, you know, it’s a guide book. They do all sorts of destinations. And then there was this one day, I realized that edition I had been having was going out of date soon, cause I saw the new version was coming out soon. So I thought it was time to plan a trip soon. You might not know this but normally I would love to go somewhere totally on my own. By accident one of my friends heard about my idea and she said she wanted to join me. So I booked our tickets and the hotel for the first night. We didn’t choose to go with a guided tour group, so we had to do a lot of research online before hand. Luckily I found a good website called tripadvisor which gave me all sorts of information I was desperate to know.

学习啦在线学习网This Chinese New Year, we finally made it to Colombo, which is the capital. Even now, I’m feeling so lucky that I came up with the idea of travelling cause I really had a blast on that beautiful island. What I liked the best was the trip was quite spontaneous. I didn’t make any specific route before hand, so we were just following our heart the whole time. Apart from that, thank god, I checked the weather and that and successfully avoided the north which was pissing down at the time. Where we went, which is along the southwest coast, was sunny throughout the whole journey. Still though, there was something I didn’t arrange too perfectly. I didn’t pre book the hotels so when we got to each new city, we had to look for one ourselves, and the prices were relatively high as well. If I didn’t spend that much money, I would have probably stayed a bit longer. At the same time, my friend who went along seemed to enjoy herself just as much. Anyway, I think I might crack on a new plan for the next journey hopefully really soon.


学习啦在线学习网1. Do you like shopping for shoes?

Yes: Absolutely! Just like most girls do.Cuz to me, they are not just something you put on, but more of a fashion accessory (时尚配饰).

学习啦在线学习网No: Actually, unlike some people, I’m not big on (be big on: be a fan of;be fond of) buying shoes. To me, it’s just a matter of (仅仅是…) finding the right ones. Nothingmore.

2. How often do you buy shoes?

学习啦在线学习网Yes: From time to time (时常,常常), I think. I would buy acouple of new pairs of shoes almost every season to match with my outfit (搭配我的着装).

No: Probably once in a few months, onaverage (平均来说). Cuz my shoes tend to be quite durable (耐用的,耐穿的), and they usually last a long time before they are worn out (磨破,穿破).

3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?

I shop for a wide range of shoes, from highheels (高跟鞋), flats(平底鞋), boots (靴子), totraining shoes (运动鞋), you know, to serve different needs (满足不同的需求).

The shoes I shop for are mostly simple, plain-looking (ordinary-looking) and comfortable ones. Cuz that’s basically everything that I need!

学习啦在线学习网4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking shoes?

学习啦在线学习网That’s an easy one! When it comes to shoes,comfort is always the number one priority(something that is more important than anything else).But that doesn’t mean I don’t care for (be fond of) looks. I mean, nobody wants to wear shoes that lookhideous(super ugly), right?

5. Do you have a pair of shoes that you especially like?

I do, as a matter of fact (in fact; actually). They are a pair of limitededition (限量版) that I bought a few years ago. I kind of splurgedon (splurgeon sth: spend a lot of money on sth 挥霍) them, but they are totallyworth it (be worth it: 值得)!

6. Do you ever buy shoes online?

Yeah, sometimes. Cuz there are some specialsoffers and discounts (优惠、折扣) every once in a while, which could save me some money. So,why not?

学习啦在线学习网No, never. I would buy other things online,but if I wanna shop for shoes, I’d rather go to a shoe store. Cuz theproblem with shopping online is that (The problem with sth is that…: 什么的问题是…) you won’t be able to trythem on (试穿) andmay end up(end up doing: 到头来) buying a pair of shoes that don’t fit.

7. Do you think men and women are equally interested in buying shoes?

I don’t think so. Generally, women seem tobe more into shoes compared with guys. They tend to own shoes of differentstyles for various occasions (场合). For men, on the other hand, they are prettymuch (to some degree) the same thing.






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