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Part 2

Describe aninteresting subject that you studied in school or university.

学习啦在线学习网You should say:

What the subject was

Who taught you

学习啦在线学习网How the teacher taught this subject

and explain why you think it was interesting.


What the subject was (用Answer + details来简单交代)

My favorite subject was English Literature, which was taught as partof the overall English courses in the second year of university.

Who taught you (用Answer + details来简单交代)

Dr. Fitzgerald, a visiting scholar from America. He was very strictand demanding.

学习啦在线学习网How the teacher taught this subject (用Answer + details来简单交代)

She had a unique way of teaching English. Learning was always fun.She always started her lessons with very challenging real world problems andhelped the class walk through the solutions.

And explain why you think it was interesting. (这里需要重点描述,说出亮点)

原因可以是多种多样的,自由发挥就可以了。比如:老师在教学过程中经常举例子always gives examples, 不严厉或过分讲究without being strict and picky, 让我觉得自信 made me feel really confident. 我们把以上的这些内容串在一起,就是一段很有层次的话题卡描述了。考生在进行这部分的时候思路要清晰,要有一定的逻辑,切记不要想起什么就说什么,那样给考官的感觉很杂乱无章。

雅思口语话题精讲:part 2 有趣的课程


P2 Describe an interesting subject that you studied in school or university.

You should say:

学习啦在线学习网What the subject was

Who taught you

学习啦在线学习网How the teacher taught this subject

and explain why you think it was interesting.


学习啦在线学习网What the subject was(用Answer + details来简单交代)

学习啦在线学习网My favorite subject was English Literature, which was taught as part of the overall English courses in the second year of university.

Who taught you(用Answer + details来简单交代)

学习啦在线学习网Dr. Fitzgerald, a visiting scholar from America. He was very strict and demanding.

学习啦在线学习网How the teacher taught this subject(用Answer + details来简单交代)

She had a unique way of teaching English. Learning was always fun. She always started her lessons with very challenging real world problems and helped the class walk through the solutions.

And explain why you think it was interesting.(这里需要重点描述,说出亮点)

原因可以是多种多样的,自由发挥就可以了。比如:老师在教学过程中经常举例子always gives examples, 不严厉或过分讲究without being strict and picky, 让我觉得自信 made me feel really confident. 我们把以上的这些内容串在一起,就是一段很有层次的话题卡描述了。考生在进行这部分的时候思路要清晰,要有一定的逻辑,切记不要想起什么就说什么,那样给考官的感觉很杂乱无章。

雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:有趣的课程

3.and why you found it interesting


学习啦在线学习网1.I'm going to talk about an interesting science lesson that I attended at secondary school when I was 14 or 15 years old.

2.It was quite a long time ago, so I can't remember every detail, but the lesson was about respiration. We learnt about how the lungs work, how we breathe, and how oxygen passes into the blood. The science teacher also talked to us about the effects of smoking on the lungs.

3.I found this lesson interesting because my science teacher, Dr. Smith, always introduced new topics by showing us a video. We watched a short film about how respiration works, and I found this much easier to understand than a science textbook. The film showed diagrams of the lungs to explain the breathing process. Later in the lesson we saw real photos of healthy lungs and lungs that had been damaged as a result of smoking; they had turned black. I think the image of a smoker's lungs is the reason why I remember this lesson.


I could also give more information about the teacher, his personality and why I liked him. The key is to tell a story and add details until the time runs out.


1. What do you think makes a good lesson?

I think a good lesson is one that is interesting and engaging. By 'engaging' I mean that the students should feel involved in the lesson; they should feel that they are learning something new that is relevant to them. In my opinion, a lot depends on how the teacher delivers the content of the lesson in a way that students like. My favourite teacher at university used to involve the students by making us teach some of the lessons ourselves.

学习啦在线学习网2. Do you think it's better to have a teacher or to teach yourself?

学习啦在线学习网Well, there's no substitute for a good teacher. I think you can teach yourself, but you can learn a lot more quickly with the guidance of a teacher. For example, when learning a language, you really need someone to correct your mistakes; you can get the grammar and vocabulary from books, but books can't tell you where you're going wrong.

学习啦在线学习网3. Do you think the traditional classroom will disappear in the future?

学习啦在线学习网I don't think it will disappear, but it might become less common. I think more people will study independently, using different technologies rather than sitting in a classroom. Maybe students will attend a lesson just once a week, and spend the rest of their time following online courses or watching video lessons.


备考雅思口语的同学们要明白一个事实,那就是:雅思口语中未必一定要说真话。因为通常,真话是我们根本就不了解这个话题,就算能说出来,恐怕和其他学生也差不多,是一个既无趣又单调的答案。这样一个答案,在雅思考试中肯定不能获得理想的分数。所以,只要答案是合情合理,前后不矛盾,我们就可以使用。总之,在谈话中,我们要做的只是一个忠实的story teller。




学习啦在线学习网其次,如果确实对于某个话题感到无话可说。我们可以借助现在最为发达的网络平台来寻找答案。例如在准备describe a park这道题目的时候,南京同学往往会将目标锁定在Xuan Wuhu lake park上,所以我们会听到许多同学描述完全相同的事物,如There's a zoo indside of it, and there're different kinds of animal in it, such as…这样的描述确实难以令考官产生兴趣。那么如果我们借助网络来搜索答案,又可以得到什么结果呢?在Google或者维基百科(Wikipedia)中,我们输入关键词 Disneyland, California, 就能得到全部的关于加州迪斯尼的资料。从这个公园产生的背景,到这个公园各个部分的简介。比如关于其中一个叫做 Redwood Greek Challenge Trail的景点,我们得到了以下信息:

Redwood Creek Challenge Trail (opened February 8, 2001) : A play area for kids, featuring a Mount Shasta wilderness-like setting and suspension and wire bridges. It also features rock climbing and a Brother Bear scene cave. It is also designed for adventurous adults.


Well, I don't have a certain favorite attraction in particular, but if I have to say, I'd probably say it is Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. Actually, it's a play area for kids but it also attracts a young adult like me for its design. It is a mount shape background with a exciting suspension and wire bridge, and also a cute brother bear cave which even fascinates a lot of adults.

学习啦在线学习网不难看出,上面一段口语答案和关于Xuan Wuhu Lake Park的描述,无论从评分的哪个角度,都是关于Disneyland的这一段获胜。

学习啦在线学习网不过在网络搜索的过程中,切记三个原则,第一,搜索的关键词要具体不要抽象,如果搜索describe a park,就不如搜索一个具体的公园Disneyland得到的信息多;第二,得到了文字信息之后,一定要在资料的基础上进行改编,因为得到的资料是书面语,我们要将它修改成口语稿才能使用;第三,一定要反复对着镜子练习自己的说话方式,把这些句子熟练掌握,内化为自己的观点,并能把它自然地说出来,而不是“背”出来,如果考官发现是在背诵而不是叙述,肯定会给你一个很低的分数。










