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学习啦在线学习网关于wedding的问题可以出现在雅思口语的任何一部分,在第一部分中,有过这样的考题,what’s the typical Chinese wedding like? What do people usually wear in the wedding?

Have you ever been to a wedding celebration?

学习啦在线学习网What happens at a wedding celebration in China?

学习啦在线学习网Do people eat, drink and dance at wedding celebrations in China?



学习啦在线学习网Describe a wedding you attended.

You should say:

- whose wedding it was

- who was there

- where it was

and explain how you felt at this wedding

因为涉及到一个具体的婚礼的描述,这种细节的描述往往比表达一些观点显得难,,建议各位同学拿到话题之后的一分钟内,就马上开始根据wedding这个关键词做brain storming, 在脑海中可能会出现的词:flowers, red carpet,banquet dinner, wedding candies, bride and groom, exchange the rings, wedding vows…有了这些单词,接下来就是组织语言的工作了,事件题相当于是一篇口述的记叙文学习啦在线学习网,各位考生可以把记叙文的六大要素(when, who, where, beginning, plot, ending)融入进去,并且可以在其中点出自己最难忘的一个场景作为细节highlight。

例如:I think the most romantic part was the time when the newlyweds were taking the wedding vows. The groom said to the bride, “I love three things in the world, the sun, the moon and you, the sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever.” And the bride said to the groom, “To the world, you might be just one person, but to me, you are my whole world.” Those words touched everybody’s heart.


学习啦在线学习网Ok, well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, because I'm now at the age when a lot of my friends are starting to get married, so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe, but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to, which was that of a neighbour of mine.

Also, what I should probably make clear to you first, though, is that weddings here in China tend to just involve the wedding reception, as you may know, without the signing of marriage documents, which is usually done in private several months before the wedding, so it's just the reception which I'm gonna talk about.

学习啦在线学习网And, as for who was there, well, I couldn't tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people, you know, the hall was pretty packed, so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests, and if I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom, although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well, because one of them, who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.

Anyway, with regard to where the wedding was held, well, it was actually in a small city called Zhuji, which is about an hour's drive just to the south east of Hangzhou, because that's where the bride comes from, and the reception itself was held in quite a nice-looking hotel, which was easy to spot because it was about 10 times higher than all the buildings around it!

So regarding how I felt at the wedding, well, to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding, and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot, such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her. It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other, as they couldn't take their eyes off each other the whole evening, so I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.

学习啦在线学习网That's pretty much it, I think, so thanks a lot for listening.

Part 3 关于Wedding的问题也可以有很多,抓住中国现在这种中西结合婚礼的特点来讲,就不会有什么了。

Why do many people spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?

Why do you think people spend a lot of money on their wedding?

Which would you prefer, a modern-style wedding or a traditional-style wedding? Why?

Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?


学习啦在线学习网1. Have you ever been to a wedding celebration?

学习啦在线学习网I’ve only been to one wedding in my life, and I was very young so I can’t remember it very well. It’s for my Uncle Nicholas and Auntie Nina, who were finally tying the knot after dating for nine whole years. I doubt either of them had cold feet seeing as they had already been together for so long. I remember having to get dressed into some very formal and uncomfortable clothes. They itched a lot and I felt very trussed-up. I also had to kiss all the bridesmaids which was horrible for a young boy as I was then. Afterwards there was a big party called a ‘reception’ where everyone ate a nice meal, gave speeches and drank a lot of wine.

学习啦在线学习网2. What happens at a wedding celebration in China?

In the traditional Chinese wedding, a band of musicians with gongs and flute-like instruments accompanies the bride parade to groom's home. Similar music is also played at the wedding banquet. Depending on the region that the bride hails from, Chinese weddings will have different traditions such as Tea Ceremony or the use of a Wedding emcee. When the bride arrived at the groom’s house, she can’t walk out of the sedan chair; the old matchmaker lady has to piggyback her all the way to the living room.

学习啦在线学习网And drop her there in front of the groom’s parents, and the whole wedding she has the red clothes covered her head, the couple will have three kowtow, to the earth and sky, to the parents, and to each other. And the red color is being used a lot, as a symbol of good luck, but in modern times, Chinese couples get to know western weddings via media, so the lady sometimes dressing up in white, and they go to church to have the wedding and also will often go to photo studios to take "glamour shots" posing in multiple gowns and various backgrounds.

3. Why do many people spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?

I think the main reason people tend to push the boat out for their weddings is that it’s a unique event that will only happen once in their lives. They want to make it special and something to remember. Another factor at work here is the desire to impress all your friends and relatives who will come to the wedding. Not only do you want them to have fun and enjoy the occasion but you also want to show-off a bit. It’s not unusual for some couples to spend ridiculous amounts of money on weddings. There’s a lot of pressure and expectation that a wedding has to be ‘perfect’ so people tend to splash out and spend a lot of money.

学习啦在线学习网4. Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?

For western couples, during the wedding the bride walks into the church herself, which is called the bridal march. But during the traditional Chinese wedding the bride doesn’t walk herself. Instead a matchmaker lady has to piggyback her to the living room. Also, in western weddings, people always dress up in white, as a symbol of purity, but in a Chinese wedding the bride dresses up in red as a symbol of good luck. During the western wedding, the groom uncover the face mask by his hands and kisses the bride in front the guests, whereas in a traditional Chinese wedding the groom will carry the bride to their room and then uncover her face mask using a long red stick. As you can see, there are quite a few differences between the two types of wedding.


Describe a wedding you have been to.描述一个你去过的婚礼。

学习啦在线学习网You should say:

Where it was

学习啦在线学习网Who you went with

What you saw

学习啦在线学习网And how you felt about the wedding.


During the last 2 years, I’ve attended several weddings since I am already at the age when many of my friends are planning to get hitched with their lovers. But today I would like to say something about my cousin’s wedding, which roughly happened 5 months ago. I went there with my family, definitely. Specifically, Chinese weddings are quite different from western ones. For western countries, they normally hold a wedding in a church, but for Chinese, we always have it in a fancy hotel or a luxury restaurant, and so it’s the same with my cousin’s wedding.

学习啦在线学习网Before the ceremony, the groom picked up the bride, my cousin, with a motorcade and then they took some photos in open areas, just on a square of my city. My cousin was extremely beautiful and she was in a pure white wedding dress. And then, they went to the hotel, where they had the wedding reception. The venue was nicely decorated, and there was a flood of people, perhaps 200. To be honest, the reception was very ceremonious.

Firstly, the officiator gave a very brief speech, after that, the new couple exchanged their rings, took vows, and followed by a toast from the guests to the bride and groom. Undoubtedly, everyone there was in high spirits, chatting and laughing all day long. The couple, obviously loved each other so much. They even couldn’t take their eyes off each other during the whole evening. It was a wonderful wedding as I’ve witnessed my cousin’s important day. It was really a once-in-a-lifetime experience for her.


Describe a memorable wedding that you attended

学习啦在线学习网You should say :

学习啦在线学习网When it was

学习啦在线学习网Who was there

What you did th ere

and explain why you think it was successful

学习啦在线学习网Sample answer:

Ok,well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, because I'm now at the age when a lot of my friends are starting to get married ,so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe,but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to,which was that of a neighbor of mine.

学习啦在线学习网Also,what I should probably make clear to you first, though,is that weddings here in China tend to just involve the wedding reception,as you may know,without the signing of marriage documents,which is usually done in private several months before the wedding, so it's just the reception which I'm going to talk about.

And as for who was there,well,I couldn't tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people,you know,the hall was pretty packed,so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests, and if I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom,although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well,because one of them, who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.

So regarding how I felt at the wedding,well,to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding,and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot,such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her.It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other,as they couldn't take their eyes off each other the whole evening,so,I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.

That's pretty much it,I think,so thanks a lot for listening.







婚礼都是很美好,大家都憧憬着自己的那场婚礼,要是在雅思口语考试中问到关于婚礼的话题该怎么回答呢?下面是雅思口语话题:有趣的婚礼,欢迎大家阅读!雅思口语话题:有趣的婚礼关于wedding的问题可以出现在雅思口语的任何一部分,在第一部分中,有过这样的考题,what’s the typical Chinese wedding like? What do people usually wear in the wedding?Have you ever been to a wedding celebrat


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