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雅思口语高频话题:Describe a creative person 一个有创意的人


Describe a creative person that you admire.


学习啦在线学习网You should say:

学习啦在线学习网Who this person is

学习啦在线学习网How do you know this person

What creative things this person likes to do

And explain why you admire this person.

Sample Answer

I would like to talk about a rising star, Antoine Griezmann, a French professional footballer who played in the 2016 Euro Cup. He is not a tall player, yet he always runs pretty fast during the matches. Antoine Griezmann impressed me by his amazing performance on the pitch during this Euro Cup. I would say he is a creative and exceptional player as he always scored unexpected and miraculousgoals. He is really like a dancer on the field.

Actually, he began his career at Real Sociedad, making his debut in 2009. This year, Griezmann won the Golden Boot as the tournament's top scorer, with six goals and two assists in seven games. Also, in the semi-finals against Germany, he scored twice to lead France to their Championship final. More importantly, he always appeared confident. I find highly skilled players sometimes lack the mental strength to win. But for Griezmann, it’s totally the opposite. People have also grown to respect him for his cool head and control of the ball.


Describe a creative person you know

You should say:

学习啦在线学习网Who he/she is

学习啦在线学习网How you knew about this person

What does this person do

学习啦在线学习网And explain why you think this person is creative



学习啦在线学习网the person I'd like to talk about is Jay Chou who is an excellent songwriter in China. He is the best love of the youth, and I'm no exception.

I was first attracted by one of his greatest hits , called shuang jie gun,Nun chucks. I remember the tunes and beats blew my mind deeply. I think he has achieved a high level in the field of Chinese pop songs, besides he was invited to be one of the judges in Voice of China, a Chinese renowned singing talent show. So, he is really a big shot among other pop singers.

学习啦在线学习网I must say he could always put more ideas in his music, like adding some Traditional Chinese elements, for example, he loves to use Gu Zheng, or we can call it, Chinese Zither, a kind of Chinese instrument, as a background music when he creates Chinese Style songs, and that would make you feel the gentle classical Chinese music.

学习啦在线学习网Another thing I’d like to say is, he is great at recomposing songs to make them better and brings all fans something new, I mean, beyond the original version, so the songs always rank first on the list.That’s why everyone likes him and his songs. So this is the creative person I’d like to share with you.


学习啦在线学习网1. great hit 受欢迎的东西

2. blow my mind 打动我的心

学习啦在线学习网3. renowned 著名的

学习啦在线学习网4. recompose 重编

5. rank first 排名第一

雅思口语范文Part3--a creative person you admire

学习啦在线学习网1.What can schools do to nurture children' s creativity?

From my point of view, creativity is naturally there within children. So it’s not something we need to nurture but simply something that must be tended, guarded, and allowed to flourish. So schools should emphasize on elicitation.And it’s important to let children have some freedom to pursue what they are interested in and let them find intrinsic enjoyment in their chosen area, such as painting, cooking, or music for the sake of the activities themselves, apart from praises and prizes.


naturally 生来,天然地

学习啦在线学习网nurture 培养 guarded 守护,维护

学习啦在线学习网flourish 蓬勃发展 elicitation 启发

intrinsic 固有的 for the sake of 为了

2.Why do some people to copy each other' s ideas these days?

Well, this result is caused by many factors. Some people lack motivation and right attitude, so they always think they can get something without any effort. Some others get addicted to computer games or other recreational activities, so when a deadline looms, they have no choice but to copy other people's ideas since they have no time to finish their work by themselves.For whatever reasons, one thing for certain is that such shameful conduct should be stopped.


学习啦在线学习网motivation 动力 recreational 娱乐

学习啦在线学习网deadline looms 期限逼近 shameful conduct 可耻的行为

3.Do you think art can make a person more creative?

Sure, there is no doubt that art can improve creativity.On one hand, a good art work could help inspire one's imagination. Different people may have different understandings on the same art work. On the other hand, art is a sign, which shows people ideas . It touches people’s hearts straight away and people use different ways to express their way of thinking through their art works. So art can be a powerful way of enhancing people's creativity.


enhance 增强

4.Do you think you were more creative when you were young?

Well, I think so. I still remember that when I was a child, my favourite toy is the Lego blocks. By using blocks with different colours and shapes, I could almost create whatever I wanted to build. For example, an airplane, a car or a castle.However, when I grow up, I find myself lose my creativity. Sometimes even I hold a pencil, I have no idea about what I'm going to paint.


Lego blocks 乐高积木

5.What' s the most creative thing that you have ever done or made?

I used to make quilts which are a highly stylized art form, believe it or not. I took great pride in the craft of picking materials, patterns, cutting, sewing, stuffing, layering, quilting with the ultimate end result usually being something I would proudly display for a little while and then give away to a friend to enjoy the use of.


学习啦在线学习网quilt 棉被 stylized 程式化的

craft 手艺 sewing 缝纫

学习啦在线学习网stuff 填料 ultimate 极限




首先,尊重他人。这是人与人之间可以进行交流的最基本的要素。如果两个人没有了互相的尊重,那么交谈一定是无法进行下去的。但是空谈尊重可能大家不是很好理解,尊重体现在什么样的细节里呢?当轮到你考试的时候,考官会从办公室走出来邀请你进入办公室,这个邀请的动作就是对你尊重的体现。那么作为考生有哪些方面可以体现出对考官的尊重呢?见面以后的问候比如,niceto meet you. How are you?这类的问候是必不可少的。试想一下,如果你最初和一个中国朋友见面你会做的第一件事情是什么呢?没错就是握手,握手要简短有力。这样会让人觉得你是一个落落大方的人,并且充满信心。当考官把你从门口带入考室,最好让考官先进入,自己随后,如果你先进去了要等考官进来了再坐下,在坐下之前,可以先问:MayI sit down?或者May I sit here这样会让考官觉得你很懂礼貌,从旁观者角度上说,从一开始你就占据了主动。考试结束的时候记得说Nice tohave talked to you. Goodbye.并随手关门……总之,尊重他人体现在每一个细节。小编还是要提醒大家注意提前明确一下雅思口语考试时间,这是大家需要具备的常识问题,想要取得雅思口语高分,还需要大家的努力。


第三就是要使用native的表达方式展开自己的topic。雅思口语的四个采分点这里就不多说了,相信对考试有所了解和准备的同学已经非常熟悉了,我所要谈的就是怎样能够把握这些采分点。每天花一个小时的时间来放声朗读背诵一些你感兴趣的文章,报纸或者一些要准备的TOPIC。这样做不但可以锻炼自己的语感,使自己的舌头说起“鬼话”来更加流利。二,可以纠正自己的发音。刚开始的时候要可以慢慢的读,但要保证发音的正确。时间长了,形成了一种习惯。到时候IN的时候会让考官感觉到你吐齿清晰,而且发音准确。当然,基本功练了有一定的时间积累后,肯定要经过实战的检验。去报一个辅导班,跟着外教纠正联系,当然是非常可取的一条道路,但似乎如果口袋里银子有限,那么就可以交一些国外的朋友,他们可能没有经特殊的讲授技巧的培训,但是他们的用词表达,确实是最地道的日常口语。这个时侯就要求learner本身主动来发掘“老师”身上的可用资源了。首先碰到什么发音拿不准的单词可以主动的询问这个单词怎样发音。发音这个问题可能是困扰所有学习foreignlanguage的同学的一个问题,不管是老外学习中文还是我们学习英文。中西方人的口腔的结构由于发音习惯的不同,不可避免的会有一些差异,比如西方人就很难发清楚我们声调中的三声,还有拼音当中的后鼻音比方说ing,ang,而我们就很难发清楚英文音标中的η。这些差异更多的是后天养成的,如果你观察一个ABC他就不存在我们发音中的这些问题,还有一些生长在中国的老外,他们可以说很地道流利的中文甚至方言。而这种差异的缩小甚至消除是需要不断的重复练习。怎么才能够做到正确呢,就需要请你的foreignfriends帮忙了。另外,我们还可以询问学习一些恰当的表达方式以及一些有趣的slang,slang是我自己问自己的国外朋友问得最多的问题。从最初开始的slang的发音(它涉及到了我们发音的一个盲点),到各国的slang表达方式都是我所感兴趣的。关于表达方式也使我们在口语考试当中最容易涉及的一个方面了。我们接受的教育一直都是沿袭着academicEnglish的语言习惯。很多生活化的用法只能够从生活中获得。比方说询问上衣,我们通常都说coat,但是日常的口语中说top就可以了,再比方说提问“你要去哪里?”我们可能会毫不犹豫的开口就说whereare you going?但是在生活的场景中,大家却说where are youheading?两种说法固然都对,但是那一种更加的贴切说话的场景就是区分两个人英文水平高地的标志了。就好像老外学中文,一个人见了你的面,对你说鄙人,或者寡人怎样怎样,你心里感受怎样呢?



