雅思口语考试话题类型多种多样,掌握每种话题的表达方法,才能以不变应万变,今天小编就来给大家分享一下,剑11Test2口语Part2范文-a writer you would like to meet,更多雅思口语话题范文,欢迎随时关注学习啦。
剑11Test2口语Part2范文-a writer you would like to meet
学习啦在线学习网 Describe a writer you would like to meet.
You should say:
Who the writer is
What you know about this writer already
What you would like to find out about him/ her and explain why you would like to meet this writer.
剑桥雅思11Test2雅思口语Part2范文-a writer you would like to meet
学习啦在线学习网 参考 回答 1 I would like to meet Guo Jingming. He is a famous writer and film director in China and many young people admire him. He is only 1 m 55 and is therefore quite short, he’ s even shorter than me. From what I remember he was born at the beginning of June in 1983, which makes him 33 this year. I don’ t think he’ s married yet, but I’ m not sure. He has written many famous books including, what I think translates to Sadness like a river and Tiny time. Actually, he made Tiny Time into a movie that I went to see about 3 years ago with my friends. I prefer the book to film because I didn’ t really like the actors as they weren’ t very good. I think this is because they were very new actors and I felt that they weren’ t particularly professional or good at their job. The thing I would most like to find out about him is why he has such an extravagant lifestyle. He is always buying luxury brands such as Hermes, Chanel and Gucci and consistently flaunts them on his Weibo site. A lot of people find this mildly offensive and often scold him for being so lavish but he seems not to care in the slightest. He says that this is his lifestyle and he will live life the way he wants to and basically ignores anybody else. I would like to meet him so that I can find out how he became so successful.
学习啦在线学习网 参考 回答 2 The writer I would most like to meet is an American author by the name of Suzanne Collins. She is the woman that wrote The hunger games. It became a very popular film a few years ago and has now had at least 2 sequels. For me personally, I prefer the book to the film because I feel that I can connect more with the characters as I’ m using my own imagination rather than that of the film director. I can also spend more time understanding the details that are conveyed. I don’ t know that much about her but I do know she was born in 1962 and previous to her writing The hunger games she wrote for a lot of TV series. Most of the stuff she wrote was for children. The things I would like to most find out about her, or more specifically from her, are twofold. One, is where she got the idea for the film. I think, from memory, her book was based on a mythological story, but I can’ t remember which one. Secondly what the ideaand story will be for her next book in the series and where she got it from. I’ d like to meet her also to find out why she wrote the characters the way she did. I am trying to write a book as well and I think her insight and ideas would be hugely beneficial to me. From my understanding, being a female writer is a lot more difficult than being a male one and I will also like to find out her opinions on this.
1. Do you often write things?
Yes, I write all the time. I write when I answer questions, when I send e-mails, when I write letters to relatives. Each thing that I write gives me the chance to improve my writing. I do not take spelling or grammatical shortcuts, because that obfuscates good writing.
学习啦在线学习网 我经常写东西。答题的时候我需要写,发邮件的时候需要写,给亲戚写信的时候也需要写。每个我需要写的东西都能给我一次练习写字的机会。我不使用拼写和语法上的捷径(缩写,简写),那会把好的写作搞得很不清楚。
2. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?
学习啦在线学习网 I prefer writing on the computer rather than writing by hand. Though I do enjoy journal writing with pen and colored pencils from time to time, I have always “pooh-poohed” the people who say the pen is more directly connected to the brain than the keyboard.
3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
No, I think we will always write by hand. I think it’s an important skill, and schools will continue to teach children to write by hand before they learn to type.
学习啦在线学习网 4. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?
Practice makes perfect. Have them trace a model. Let them treat it like homework and spend 30 minutes or more everyday working on it, at first. Besides, parents and teachers should encourage them to slow down when handwriting assignments.
5. What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?
学习啦在线学习网 Handwriting is or should be very important to people. Maybe when we see extremely tiny handwriting, we may think of the person as mouse like, sometimes shy, or he could also be obsessive compulsive, or meticulous in nature.
如果考生不事先进行准备的话,仍然可能会发生脑子暂时性短路以及表达不流利等问题。所以说,对于那些英文表达没有太多的问题,而备考时间又不是十分充裕的考生来说,雅思口语第一部分就像是一块‘鸡肋’,复习没有什么必要,不复习的话又心里没底。所以,如何抓住雅思第一部分中值得复习的几道题目,在短时间实现快速突破就成为了雅思口语考试中能否取得高分的关键。雅思小编在此总结了10道值得关注的雅思Part 1的题目。
1. Would you talk to people whom you meet for the first time?
学习啦在线学习网 雅思口语里面最难的题目往往是看起来比较幼稚的题目。如何寻找到准确的切入点就自然而然成为了关键。这个题目一个比较明显的切入点就是性格。考生可以回答会与第一次见面的人交谈,那主要原因就是性格比较outgoing, 通过交流能够了解不同人的想法。接下来可以按场合来详细说明,在哪几种不同的场合下交友的目的是什么。Alternatively, 考生也可以说自己会对陌生人比较的defensive,vigilant,不喜欢与陌生人说话,因为别人会感觉uncomfortable。如果再问到一些问题的话,他们会consider it as a blatantintrusion upon one’s privacy。
2. What’s the difference between the way people shop before andnow?
人们购物方式的不同。这个题目也很有可能在第三部分被问到。这个题目其实是一道有非常多可能答案的题目。比较直接的一种回答的切入点就是traditional shopping 和 online shopping的比较,通过现代科技的发展,引出了传统购物和网上购物的好处与坏处的对比。 另外一个切入点是人们购买商品的种类的区别;通过对不同时代环境的阐述,展开商品需求的区别。
3. Do you judge a person by the clothes he/she wears?
曾经有个别学生考过这个题目,这也是我认为在雅思Part 1里面算是相当有难度的一类题目。对于这个题而言,yes or no的答案已经不重要,重要的是理由是什么。如果说yes的话,考生可以根据人的职业,年龄等几个方面来展开答案。不同的人的衣着有什么区别;如果考生选择说no的话,那么考生可以说现在人们的衣着形式越来越广泛,所以我们无法从一个人的衣着来judge一个人怎样。另外,考生们可以引入另外一个观点就是’judge’,外国人不喜欢别人对其评头论足,这是国外的一种文化,考生们有兴趣的话可以去了解一下。
4. Why is breakfast important?
早餐的重要性。相信这个题目很多学生认为并不是非常的难,但是如果烤鸭们想要给出一个quality answer,那就有一定的难度了。这主要是因为这个题目最好的答案就是从biology入手,然后去探讨早上人体需要一天的能量,什么样的食物能够提供怎样的营养。然后如果可以的话,可以稍微的带一下中西方早餐的区别。
学习啦在线学习网 5. Is there any change in the household chores now?
6. Does your family always treat you as a child?
学习啦在线学习网 这个题目相对来说,难度更高一些。考生们可以说是,然后分情况来具体的阐述。比如说每当要做一个重大决定的时候,都是父母来做,而不听取自己的意见。每次父母都会唠叨很多自己已经懂得的道理。很多事情父母都是主动替自己去做,比如说报考培训班,从来都不让自己去做,继而可以去探讨这样的好处与坏处。反过来,也可以说父母已经把自己当成成人了,很多事情自己就可以决定,这样能够培养独立能力等等。
学习啦在线学习网 7. What can you see outside your window?
这个题目考生可能看似很难,但是完全可以投机取巧,借助准备的第二部分的话题,比如说Describe a historical site; describe a restaurant or describe alibrary. 将这些建筑物写成自己家附近的景色即可。
8. What do you think is a good way to learn English?
可能很多学生认为这个题目很简单,有很多的思路。但是往往思路越多的时候,越是理不清,说起来很乱。基本上,考生们需要找到一条主线,然后顺着主线来讲。比如说形式:学习英语最好的方式就是通过看英文电影,听英文歌曲以及读英语文章。然后,这三个内容都是第二部分常考的话题,这时候考生就可以再次借助第二部分准备过的内容来back up你们的答案。同时,考生还可以加入其它内容,比如说获取这些内容的渠道学习啦在线学习网以及什么时候去练习英文。
9. Do you think it is important to watch movie in the theatre?
学习啦在线学习网 10. What kinds of newspaper do you have in China?
这里我们可以从报纸的内容来探讨。有综合性报纸,专栏报纸等等,还有英文报纸。然后考生可以进而结合自己,谈到自己最喜欢的报纸,这里建议考生去说China Daily, 它是自己英语学习道路上的良师益友等等。后面这个部分可以完全套用第二部分中Describe a newspaper的话题。
1.有些同学在讲英文时由于紧张或者思维中断会出现表达停顿或是说“那个”等中文语病的习惯。对策:大量补充合理拖延时间的英语表达方法,如:How shall I put it? I think...That"s difficult to say,I guess...等,雅思考试口语指南中有专项讨论这个问题,其中收集的语句就很有效。在口语表达过程中一出现停顿就可以将这些表达方式灵活使用。
2.大部分中国同学在考雅思口语时都有回答过于简洁的毛病。Are you still a student?Yes,I am.Where do you study? I study in Tianjin University. Which major do you do?I"m in Computer Science Department.Which year are you in? I am in the third year.
学习啦在线学习网 符合雅思要求的答案应该是在第一个问题问出的时候就直回答:yes,IaminthethirdyearinComputerScienceDepartment,TianjinUniversity.不仅简洁而且信息详细,这样就避免了考官在进一步问更多问题。雅思口语考试的所有问题是预先设计的,所以考生在考前准备时也应该对常见问题做出答案,而不是真的两手空空去考试,完全看现场的发挥。所以从这个意义上说,雅思口语考查并不完全是考生的真正口语水平,而是考前的准备工作。而且准备答案时要注意做到信息含量大而结构简洁。切记回答过于复杂冗长。
举个简单的例子,如果你习惯说I like red flowers and green trees,那么现在就要改成I like flowers which are red and trees which are green.值得一提的是,这里并不是建议大家教条地把所有的有定语修饰的句子都改装,只不过提醒大家注意英文的表达习惯,意识到在你的英语口语学习啦在线学习网中应该有大量定语从句的存在,这样才能使你的口语向更为完善、地道的方向迈进!
4.不习惯说反话。用含有否定词的句子表示肯定的含义和不含否定词的表达否定是英语口语表达的一大特点。在雅思口语考试的准备过程中应该多补充类似的常用语句。比如:当你同意某人的观点时,通常会说yes或者Iagree。不妨使用一下I couldn"t agree with you more,既增加了肯定的语气,又丰富了口语表达的含量。相反,如果你要表示不喜欢某物,则可以用sth is the last one I consider. 这种没有否定词的否定句。
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