学习啦在线学习网 In my childhood I have heard lots of fables, stories and true stories which I still recall. Some of them were so exciting that they thrilled me in my childhood. One such stories that I still remember is a fable of a king and a giant ghost.
I heard this story from my grandmother for the first time and it was so exciting that I requested my grandma over and over again to tell this very story.
I liked the excitement and twist of this story. As a kid I was interested to know about ghost, the kingdom and the kings and this story told the power of a king, about his kingdom, his queen, a ferocious ghost and the fighting between the human and ghosts. This was a story taken from the fables written by one of the famous fable writer in our country almost 200 years ago. Thus people have read this story ad have told or heard this from others. Over the time this has become a story that passed from generation to generation. Thus it has become a widely popular story in our country.
The story starts with a wise king who was a kind and helpful king of the country. But he had no child who would lead the country after his departure. Thus the king become unhappy and thus the people of the country became greatly sad for their future. One dervish was passing the country and he was deeply touched by the kindness and people’s love for the king while most other kings in the world were feared by the people. He had some divine power a very great dervish and he blessed the king to have a child. But there would be test for the king in a time of his life. The king was blessed by a beautiful and intelligent baby boy and the people of the kingdom became happy.
学习啦在线学习网 The boy became 7 years old when there was a great fight among the ghosts of the other world and a large portion of them were cast away from their world. They choose the world and particularly the kingdom of this kind king to have their living land. They came and started frightening and harming people of the kingdom. The king declared an war against those evil spirit and won the fight with the bravery of the people of the country as well as the soldiers. But to everyone’ surprise the son of the king was missing and the ghost after their defeat left a message that they have captured the boy and would give him back only if the people and the king abandon the kingdom and let them rein there. That was a very difficult test for the king as well as the people of the country. The king then vowed to defeat the ghosts without harming the people of the kingdom. He left the country and the story went on. He had to face lots of tests and thus he gained powers of e truly divine person. Thus he start his tour to the place the ghost captured his son. The story has lot more other interesting parts and twists and finally the kind had been able to rescue his son after 10 years.
As a kid, the story was so appealing to me and I enjoyed the story telling every time I heard it from my grandma.
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学习啦在线学习网 Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:
1. Describe a story you heard in your childhood
2. Describe a story you remember well
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Describe a fairy tale 素材也可用于描述书,最难忘的童年故事,最想成为的文学角色,等
学习啦在线学习网 开场第一句,我是什么人
学习啦在线学习网 I am a book worm into different books and sometimes I will run into/come across some fairy tales especially the adult fairy tales, which could bring me back to the old days when I was still a kid .
学习啦在线学习网 The book : Llittle Prince is the one which impressed me most and I would like to share.
The book was written by a French writer who used to drive planes.
学习啦在线学习网 He is such a wild and explorative person that he ended up disappearing nowhere.
The first time I read this book was when I arrived 乌斯怀亚,阿根廷,the end of the world 3 years ago .It took me a couple of hours to finish.
The plot of this book is about a real little prince who is from another planet arrives in earth, what the experiences he goes through and the various people he deals with during his journey.
Though I could not remember clearly about the detail , the heart beating feeling is still there.
学习啦在线学习网 In general ,the book is prestigious and spreading is due to the truth it reveals ,that is always being true to yourself.
Living in contemporary world, We could not deny that the older we grow, the more tired and complicated we become.
学习啦在线学习网 The reason for it partly lies in the fact that we get used to wear masks when we get along with others and try to pretend to be the person as others expect us to be without realizing that we are the people that we should pay attention to .
学习啦在线学习网 We strive so hard to be the Mr Right or Miss Right that we forget to be ourselves.
学习啦在线学习网 Not until coming to the Little Prince could we feel that it comes to the time for us to take off our disguise and return the original ourselves again.
It is suggested that whenever you feel exhausted and lost yourselves , read this fairy tale, you will feel some enlightenment in it.
1. 想方设法用大词
学习啦在线学习网 其实,专家建议考生们在雅思口语备考中,还是应该以简练的语言为基础来表达自己的意思,这样才会更加真实。其次,考生们对雅思口语中好的词汇的理解,可能并不是非常的正确。外国人之间平常讲话时基本上很少用大词,更不会像中国学生那样每句话都用大词。所谓好的单词,更多的指的是地道,符合外国人的说话习惯的单词。英文当中很多词的使用频率非常高, 而这些词又非常的简单,易懂,但是中国学生可能并不是非常了解。所以,这里建议考生们应该把重点放在这些单词的学习和应用上。
2. 盲目追求语速
学习啦在线学习网 很多中国学生在雅思口语考试过程中,其发音本身就不是特别的清楚和准确,再加上快,考官根本听不懂。如果考生的语速达到 160以上(按照平均的考生发音情况)考官通常就会说‘slow down, I couldn’t catch what you said’。所以,专家还是建议考生们应该将把每个音发准,发正确放在第一位。其次,如果说的很多,考生反而没有给自己留下什么时间去思考下一句话该说什么。除非考生已经能够达到纯英语思维,否则的话,考生一定会一直卡,每句话之间都会卡。所以,说的慢而不卡,同时给自己时间去思考,才是上策。听一下 Queen的演讲,大家就可以知道什么是最好的语速。
学习啦在线学习网 口语得了考试”综合征“
学习啦在线学习网 练习少、备考难是主因
学习啦在线学习网 来看看两个方法三大方式
学习啦在线学习网 两个拓展思路的方法
学习啦在线学习网 A.既要多角度,又要全面
学习啦在线学习网 口语考试中,考生常犯思考角度单一,内容不丰富的毛病。其实答题要从多角度思考,还要合理。需要先直接给明确答案,保证考官了解你已经领会了问题的用意。
学习啦在线学习网 反向思维,出其不意,要出现大部分人想不到的事物,让考官产生新鲜感。只有做到特别,才能拿高分。另外,迂回思维,通过多角度、多层次回答问题,达到准确。
学习啦在线学习网 学会以小见大,把个人想法、感受升华到更高层次的境界,提高通篇的思想。如果把握不好主题较宽或难度大的题目,可以从个人情感点切入,把问题简单化。