学习啦在线学习网 1.What transport are there in your city ?
People in my city go to work or travel by bus. taxi or city train. The most popular one is motorcycles. People cannot ride bikes as my city is hilly and the roads are bumpy.
学习啦在线学习网 2.Why do so many people in China ride bikes ?
学习啦在线学习网 People in China like to ride bikes because bikes are cheap to buy easy,easy to ride and convenient to use.People always ride bikes to some places which are not far away,and they think it is the best way to reduce traffic congestion.Most people,even the young and the old,can freely ride bikes to go where they want.
3.How do you think the traffic condition could be improved?
学习啦在线学习网 I thunk most people are trying to find the answer as the traffic conditions are getting worse and worse in many cities. In my opinion,to develop public transportation, encourage bike riding and improve road construction are very important to relieve traffic congestion.
学习啦在线学习网 4.Do you think transportation costs(gasoline, subway, bus and taxi fares,etc.) are expensive in your hometown?
I think the transportation costs in my hometown are very cheap the bus fare. To relieve traffic congestion,the local government has perfected the public transportation system , and has made the prices acceptable to all. At about one or two yuan every time,you can travel around most of the city. So many people get around by bus.
学习啦在线学习网 5.Describe the advantages and disadvantage of saloon cars.
Saloon cars provide people with an easy and convenient way to travel at a low cost. With the development of the public transport system, it is possible to get to most places in the city by saloon cars. However, during rush hours saloon cars can be very crowded-and sometimes, because of the traffic congestion.
6.What do you think of walking? What kind people do you think like walking?
学习啦在线学习网 I find walking a very easy and effective exercise to keep the body healthy.According to a report,proper amount of walking exercise can be beneficial to our heart and lungs. About what kind of people like walking. I guess they're the people like me who find doing sports too hard.
7.What do you think about public transportation?
Public transportation is the main part of the city transportation. It is beneficial for the environment and can even offer quicker and cheaper option. People can get the destination by spending only very little money and without worrying about the scarce parking space which are required when they drive their own cars.
1. Do you often use public transportation?
If I need to commute to and fro somewhere without the hassle of jam, I use the public transport. I bet you know how it feels to self-drive in jams.
学习啦在线学习网 2. What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?
My hometown is too congested during the day. I get dropped off in the morning by either my mom or my sister so I don’t have to worry about being late. I walk home from school. Occasionally I get rides.
3. What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown?
学习啦在线学习网 I used public transportation all the time to get to & from work. The transportation in big city is crap. So owning your own car or taking a taxi isn't such a good idea. You could be stuck in traffic forever plus the expenses for gas and parking garages.
4. Do you think transportation costs are expensive in your hometown?
It depends on what you are looking to get to. Bus prices vary, but are mostly on a local basis, not for moving from city to city. Prices depend entirely on the distance, for long distance route, train might be the best cost.
学习啦在线学习网 5. Can you suggest any ways to improve the transport system in your hometown?
学习啦在线学习网 Invest money in it. The problem is it's a vicious cycle. No one wants to use it because it sucks, and it sucks because no one uses it. The only way to break out of the cycle is to pour in some money and give it time. More bicycle friendly streets, solar powered vehicles, higher speed trains, incentives for public transportation, etc.
The number of cars on the road is increasing. Highways are widening. But the speed of these two phenomenavary incomparison.
We can`t widen roads at the pace that we need to keep up with the number of vehicles on the roads. We can`t widen the roads every day. Setting a limit on the number of cars on roads based on license plates did curb traffic, but it also prompt a number of people to purchase a second car, which adds to the problem.
While most drivers want to get to their destinations quickly, their rights to use their vehicles should be limited a little bit with new policies. But for all citizens, less traffic is a better way. So you should get off the car and walk.
Vary in 在。。。方面变化;在。。。方面有差异
学习啦在线学习网 Keep up with 赶得上;和。。。保持联系
学习啦在线学习网 Widen the roads 拓宽马路
学习啦在线学习网 Setting a limit on the number of cars on roads 限号
学习啦在线学习网 除此之外,我们再来看一些能用到的交通的话题词汇:
Reliable 可靠的
On time 准时
Vehicle 车辆
Be stuck in traffic 堵在路上
A lot more comfortable 更舒服很多
A huge population 很大的人口数量
Bus line 公交线路
Run during the day 只在白天运行
学习啦在线学习网 Invest in better public transport 投资于更好的公共交通
Put up with the congestion 忍受交通拥堵
Bumper-to-bumper 超级拥堵的
Dirt-cheap 非常便宜的
1.有些比较随合,善解人意的考官会尽量帮助考生放松情绪,克服紧张心理。在请考生坐定后,他们问考生的第一个问题很可能不是我们所期待的:“What’s your name?”或 “Where are your from?”之类的正式问题,而是一个似乎与考试无关的非正式的轻松话题。比例他/她会象接待来访客人一样轻松地来一句:“It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” “Your T-shirt looks beautiful!” “How did you come here today?”等等,跟你闲谈上一两句,待你放松之后,再进入正式的面试话题。而我们有些中国考生被这突如其来的生活话题搞得不知所措,有的竟然哑口无言,目瞪口呆,连一个善意的微笑都没有回应,心里怀疑自己是不是走错了房间……要记住雅思口语考试的目的是考查考生在英语国家用英语与人交流的能力或者说考官看重的是你的“生存英语”(survival English)而不是你的“学术英语”(Academic English)。所以这时考生的正确做法应该是顺其自然地与考官交谈充分展现你与人顺畅自如的交流能力,既放松自己,又给考官留下一个良好的初步印象。比如:
Interviewer: “How did you come here today?”
Candidate: “I came here by bus/taxi/bicycle.”
I: “It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?”
学习啦在线学习网 C: “Yes, it is. It’s the best season of the year.”
学习啦在线学习网 I: “Your T-shirt looks beautiful!”
学习啦在线学习网 C: “Thanks. This is my favourite one.”
学习啦在线学习网 当然,不要期待每个考官都会千篇一律地用这种方式开始面试,正像不要期待每个考官都用非常正式的问题开始提问一样,要准备迎接各种不同的面孔和问题,考官毕竟是人,不是机器。
I: “What do you do?”
C: “I’m talking with you.”
正确的做法应该是不仅用口,还要用心回答每个问题,在回答任何问题时,不要慌慌张张地急于切入主题,大脑中迅速思考一下这个问题可能涉及到的后续问题,尽量把话题引到自己比较熟悉而考官又可能感兴趣的话题上,而不要匆忙中为自己设下一个陷阱。比如当考官问你曾经做过哪些职业或从事过哪些业余活动时,如果你的回答是“I like singing”就可能被问到更多有关singing的问题,如“who is your favourite singer?” “What is your favourite song?” “Why do you like him/her/it?”等等。这就要求考生在考前要做好相应的准备,并在考试中思维敏捷,随机应变。
