学习啦在线学习网 现在,在企业里做Presentation是比较常见的。开会时经常有此项内容。一般都采用多媒体辅助手段,设置投影仪,多用Power Point软件做演示。接下来,小编给大家准备了有效的陈述英语词汇,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
学习啦在线学习网 这样做Presentation的表达方式非常丰富,有文字、表格、图形、图象、动画、声音等等,能充分调动起听众的兴趣。
学习啦在线学习网 虽然在中国,人们认为谦虚才是美德,但是在做Presentation时,一定要表现出自己想法是多么好,让听众觉得听你做讲演有意义,不是在浪费时间。
学习啦在线学习网 为赢得他人的喜爱与合作,切记他人的个人兴趣和你的不同,最好从谈些别人感兴趣的话题入手。首先是说服人们做你所期望的事,也就是运用策略,以便在一开始时就能得到肯定的答复。在整个过程中,一开始便尽量尝试着多得到别人说“是”的肯定答复。要善于把抽象的道理讲得清楚明白、诙谐风趣,这不失为说服技巧中的神来之笔。
学习啦在线学习网 其实,做陈述是集公众演说、行销关系、人际关系以及应用心理学为一体的一项实践活动,要想取得满意效果,应该提前充分准备,而且需要多加练习。
学习啦在线学习网 Following are the commonly recognized main elements involved in preparing and delivering an effective presentation:
学习啦在线学习网 Elements related to ‘Style’
Sell the idea
You must keep in mind that you are selling something to your audience, whether it be a product, a project, an idea, a strategy, concept or anything else. The primary goal of your presentation must be to convince the audience that they should ‘buy’.
Tell a compelling story
Your presentation of the idea and its ramifications1 must be so thorough, attractive and convincing that the audience is eager to buy into what you’re selling. Basically, you’re capturing their imagination.
Be concise2
学习啦在线学习网 State your ideas, goals, and benefits received in a crisp, brief and meaningful manner.
Support your idea and story
Using relevant facts and figures that drive home the key message that you are trying to get across to your audience.
Elements related to ‘Content’
Key objectives
State the purpose, scope and objectives of the presentation in a clear, concise manner. This can include both qualitative3 and quantitative4 elements.
Tell the story on how to achieve your objectives (i.e. what activities or tasks need to be done). This is where you identify and describe your strategy (i.e. What, When, Where, How).
学习啦在线学习网 Supporting evidence
Support the main body with relevant business charts to illustrate5 and highlight key figures. Use relevant facts to support your story.
学习啦在线学习网 Call to action
Creating a sense of urgency for the approval of what you’re presenting ASAP, and instilling6 a sense of loss if your idea does not proceed beyond this point.
