学习啦在线学习网 已经尝试过很多解压妙方,可还是容易紧张不安?或许存在某些“诱压因素”,而你却不曾察觉吧。接下来,小编给大家准备了会加重你压力的7大因素双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
Exposing yourself to loud noises can wear on you because it activates your flight-or-flight response, triggering higher adrenaline and blood pressure, says author A.J. Jacobs in his book Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest For Bodily Perfection. Jacobs cites a study that compared kids at a public school who studied in quiet settings versus those who were in classrooms that heard a train go by every five minutes. Those in the quiet setting were one year ahead in reading by the sixth grade. Another study showed that people who worked at noisy jobs had two to three times the heart problems than those who worked in quiet environments. If we're hearing loud noises all day long, our mind and body will keep activating the fight-or-flight response, which means we don't get the much-needed downtime.
Your friends:
Who you spend time with has a huge effect on you, including your mental, physical, and emotional health. In fact, Jacobs also mentions a 2007 study from The New England Journal of Medicine in which scientists concluded that gaining and losing weight can be socially contagious. A person was more than 57 percent more likely to be obese if he or she has a pal that became obese. The same researchers of the study also say that happiness can spread between friends. This may mean that your friends being stressed out can affect your own levels of stress.
学习啦在线学习网 经常接触的人对我们的身心及情绪健康大有影响。雅各布斯还列举了2007年《新英格兰医学杂志》上刊登的一项研究:科学家发现,变瘦或发胖也有“社交传染性”。如果一个人有肥胖的朋友,那这个人也极有可能发胖。相关研究人员还表示,快乐也能在朋友之间传染。同理,如果朋友压力山大,你难免也会感到紧张不安。
学习啦在线学习网 You may think that dumping your problems on a friend repeatedly will make you feel better, but a study by the University of Kent in England found that people with perfectionist tendencies feel worse after venting. And it doesn't just apply to perfectionists, says social psychologist Brad J. Bushman. Venting isn't an effective strategy to deal with setbacks; acceptance, humor, and positive thinking are a better ways of coping.
Mom and dad:
学习啦在线学习网 Your ability to deal with stress can be inherited from mom and dad. A study on about 600 twins, found that being raised in the same environment had less impact on stress management than shared genes. This means that changing the environment or situation may not alleviate your stress, but it may be more effective because acknowledging and working with your predisposition can help.
学习啦在线学习网 抗压能力也受父母遗传。某项研究调查了600对双胞胎,发现相同基因对抗压能力的影响远远超过相同环境。也就是说,改变环境不一定能缓解压力。认识到这一点或许反倒更能应付压力。
Open-plan offices:
学习啦在线学习网 It's not exactly news that your job can raise your stress levels, but the setup of your office is also a contributing factor. Many studies have shown that open-plan offices can lead to more stress among employees. Perhaps it's related to the fact that noise triggers the fight-or-flight response.
学习啦在线学习网 众所周知,工作是压力的一大来源。其实,办公室的布局也会引发压力。已经有许多研究表明,开放式办公室更容易造成员工之间的压力,其中包括可能诱发“战逃反应”的噪音因素。
Surfing the web and texting before bed:
Using certain forms of technology right before bed can stress you out. One study showed that people who texted and surfed within two hours of going to bed had greater stress levels than those who didn't, says LiveScience. However, not all forms of technology engagement increases stress. Watching TV and responding to emails apparently don't have an adverse effect.
Alcohol and stress are found to feed off each other. Drinking when you're stressed out can prolong and increase the tension you feel from the stressor.