If you're not feeling great, do yourself and your coworkers a favor: Call in sick. You'll likely get better faster and save your employer money.
Yes, there's a financial price to coming to work ill. It's called presenteeism, and it costs employers 0 billion annually3, according to a 2007 study by the Society for Human Resources Management. That's more than employers shell out for employee absenteeism, which costs only 8 billion a year.
Sick employees don't just affect their own work; they infect coworkers who then need to take time off themselves. (Or who come in sick and spread the germs further.)
Is it just sniffles? 仅仅是打喷嚏吗?
Most people do get paid time off. Some 57% of all private businesses offer paid sick leave, according to a 2007 report from the Department of Labor4. Still, there's a natural worry that if you don't go in, the work won't get done, or it will pile up so high you'll never be able to get through it all. That's especially true these days, when it seems everyone is doing more work with less resources.
"People don't want to stay home and add to their coworkers' workloads5 just because they've got the sniffles," says Michael Smith, a physician who is chief medical editor for WebMD. "In the end it hurts more then it helps."
来自WebMD网站的首席医学编辑Michael Smith医生说:“人们不想只是因为打喷嚏就呆在家里,从而增加同事的工作负担。但这么做最终弊大于利。”
Yes, if it's really nothing more than sniffles, go on in. To be safe, wash your hands more often, don't touch anyone else's phone or keyboard and always cough or sneeze into a tissue.
学习啦在线学习网 是的,如果仅仅是打喷嚏,那就继续上班吧。安全起见,要更多地洗手,不要接触任何人的电话或键盘,并且只朝纸巾擤鼻涕、咳嗽。
学习啦在线学习网 Ideally, though, with any true cold, even just a minor6 one, you should work from home, Smith says. Definitely call in sick, he adds, if you've got a stuffed nose, cough, chest congestion7 or are throwing up. And never go into the office with a fever.
"If you've got any inkling of being contagious8, it's just not fair to go in," says Wendy Nice Barnes, vice9 president of human resources at ehealthinsurance. She says people showing up at work sick are a much bigger concern than people missing work when they're not really ill.
学习啦在线学习网 来自ehealthinsurance机构的人力资源部门副主任Wendy Nice Barnes说:“如果已经出现任何具有传染性的端倪,上班是不合适的”。她说带病上班的人比那些装病请假的人更令人担忧。
学习啦在线学习网 The healthy options 利于健康的选择
But it's not only about being kind to your coworkers. "Staying home a day or two may shorten the illness," Smith points out.
学习啦在线学习网 但是,请假不光是为了同事。Smith指出:“在家呆一两天可以让病好得更快。”
学习啦在线学习网 Perhaps you'll feel better taking the day off if you know how many sick and personal days you have annually. When you call in sick, try to reach your manager directly by phone. Explain that you're not feeling well and you don't want to expose everyone else in the office to whatever you've got.
Since not everybody is so considerate, do what you can to stay healthy. Get a flu shot. Many employers offer them on-site for free or for less than at a doctor's office. Keep antibacterial soap handy for washing your hands, especially after interacting with a sick coworker.
"The most common way to get a cold or the flu is by touching10 something contaminated by someone infected," Smith says. "It's not someone sneezing or coughing in your face. It's them contaminating a phone."
学习啦在线学习网 Employers should do their part, too. The most significant action they can take is to offer subsidized flu shots, says Joyce Maroney, director of the Workforce11 Institute at Kronos, a provider of workforce management software. Also, it might seem corny, she says, but it's good to have signs up in public places about hygiene12 and safety information.
人力管理软件提供商Kronos的人力研究院主任Joyce Maroney说,雇主们也应该尽一份力。他们所能做的最有意义的事是提供补贴性流感疫苗。还有一个听上去老套的方法,那就是在公共场所贴上卫生和安全信息。
学习啦在线学习网 Above all, simply don't feel guilty about calling in sick.
