01. 15% off with this flyer 凭此宣传品优惠15%
02. 50% off on selected lines 部分商品降半价
03. Accessories & spares delivered to your door 配件送货上门
04. All the range of … available. 各种……有货
学习啦在线学习网 05. As many repairs as you need, free of charge 随时免费维修
06. Ask at the counter for details 详情问柜台
07. Ask inside for details 详情里面询问
学习啦在线学习网 08. Best choice and best discounts 最佳选择,最大优惠
学习啦在线学习网 09. Big sale 大甩卖
10. Brighter shopping, brighter prices 明智的购物,透明的价格
11. Buy any two together and save 10% off both products 一次性买俩,每个优惠10%
12. Buy one and get anyone free 买一赠一
学习啦在线学习网 13. Buy two get one free 买二赠一
学习啦在线学习网 14. Children's wear 童装
学习啦在线学习网 15. Closing sale 关门大甩卖
学习啦在线学习网 16. Computers in stock 电脑有货
17. Customer care is our top priority 顾客至上
学习啦在线学习网 18. Customer services 顾客服务处
19. Easy to use and great value too. 好用实惠,物美价廉
学习啦在线学习网 20. Fill in your selection here and take to a pay point. 在此选购商品填单,然后到收款台付款。
21. Final clear out 清仓大甩卖
22. For more information,contact our customer service desk 详情请和顾客服务处联系。
学习啦在线学习网 23. Free delivery to your door 免费送货上门
24. Furniture sale now on 家具现降价销售
学习啦在线学习网 25. Half price sale 半价甩卖
学习啦在线学习网 26. Hours of opening: 营业时间
学习啦在线学习网 27. Massive stock, clear out 大量库存,清仓甩卖
28. Offer is subject to availability. 现货优惠,卖完为止
学习啦在线学习网 29. Open for business as usual 照常营业
30. Opening soon 即将开业
学习啦在线学习网 31. Opening times (hours): 营业时间:
32. We can provide the complete hospitality service. 我们提供热情周到的服务。
33. Out of hours, delivery at … 下班时,送货到……
学习啦在线学习网 34. Peace of mind from the minute you buy 买着放心
35. Please ask for assistance 需帮助请询问
36. Please check your change before leaving the checkout1 area 请当面点清。
37. Please retain this receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee.请保存好收据,作为交款凭证,并享受保修。
学习啦在线学习网 38. Please leave bags at the counter 请把包放到柜台
39. Price crash 削价
学习啦在线学习网 40. Sale 50% off original price按原价的50%销售
41. Sale at breakdown2 price 跳楼价甩卖
42. Sale continues in store 商品继续销价
学习啦在线学习网 43. Save up to 50% off 50%大降价
学习啦在线学习网 44. Save up to 40% 6折优惠
学习啦在线学习网 45. Save your money 贱卖
46. Savings3 and discounts all around the store 店内所有商品均削价处理
学习啦在线学习网 47. 50% discount on selected items 部分商品五折
学习啦在线学习网 48. Thank you for your custom. 感谢您惠顾光临
49. Try before you buy 先试后买
50. We will not be beaten on price 我们的价格最低。
学习啦在线学习网 In this conversation, Tanya Nichols, the owner of an ice cream manufacturing company, is talking with her marketing1 manager, Carla Hutchison, about the marketing strategy for a new product.
Tanya: So, Carla, do you have a marketing plan for our new ice-cream sandwich?
学习啦在线学习网 Carla: Yes I do. After going through our S.W.O.T. process, I think we’re in good shape. One of our main strengths is the quality of our ice-cream, and there’s is a good market opportunity for the novelty of a choice of flavors. Since our company already has a good image,I don’t see many weaknesses. No other company sells ice-cream sandwiches with a choice of 5 flavors, so there’s no threat to speak of, either.
学习啦在线学习网 Tanya: I assume we don’t need to worry about creating a need, with summer almost here.
学习啦在线学习网 Carla: Right. As for the marketing mix, we’ll package it in gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulate chocolate, and price it 20% higher than our chocolate-covered ice-cream bar. It’ll be introduced in selected places across the country starting next month. The main promotion2 will be through advertising3, using a ‘pull’ strategy, of course. We haven’t finalized4 our ads yet, so I’ll have to let you know. Can we meet again the beginning of next week?
Tanya: Sure can. Let me check ... how about Tuesday morning at 10:30?
学习啦在线学习网 Carla: Uh, let’s see ... okay with me.
在这一对话中,Tanya Nichols是一家冰淇淋制造公司的业主,她正在和他的营销经理Carla Hutchison谈论一种新产品的营销策略。
Tanya: Carla,你对我们新的冰激凌三明治有什么营销计划吗?
Carla: 是的我有。经过SWOT分析,我认为我们的经营状况很好。我们的主要优势之一是我们产品的质量,并且创新口味的产品在市场上有很大商机。因为我们公司已有一个好的形象,我并不认为有很多不利因素。没有其他公司有5种口味的冰淇淋三明治,所以对我们来说谈不上有什么威胁。
学习啦在线学习网 Tanya: 我想夏季就要来临,我们不用再为创造需求而担心。
Carla:对。至于说营销组合,我们要用像巧克力一样的深褐色字母的金箔纸来包装它,仿照巧克力,并且定价比我们的巧克力脆皮冰激凌贵20%。下个月将要在全国有选择地投放市场。主要通过 广告学习啦在线学习网促销,当然是运用“拉”的策略。我们还没有最终决定我们的广告,因此我还得要通知你 。我们下周初能再碰一下面吗?
学习啦在线学习网 Tanya: 当然可以。让我看一下……星期二早上10:30怎么样?
Carla: 呃,我看看……我没问题。
Tanya: 好,干得好。
