学习啦在线学习网 现在心形盒装巧克力已经成为情人节的标配,这种美味甜食是怎么和浪漫情人节联系到一起的呢?这要从公元前500年的玛雅婚俗说起。
学习啦在线学习网 It's impossible to navigate virtually any kind of retail store in February without seeing displays of pink and red chocolate boxes around every corner. Chocolate has become a standard Valentine's Day gift, right up there with flowers and jewelry, but the treat didn't develop its romantic reputation overnight. It took centuries of myths, marketing, and traditions to write chocolate into Valentine's Day history.
The first people to connect love and chocolate were the Mayans. They started brewing drinks made from cocoa beans around 500 BC—centuries before the first Feast of St. Valentine. This early hot chocolate was an important part of Mayan wedding rituals. The bride and groom would exchange sips of the beverage during the ceremony, foreshadowing chocolate's future status as a universal expression of love.
学习啦在线学习网 第一个将巧克力和爱情联系到一起的是玛雅人。玛雅人从公元前500年左右开始用恒星豆酿造饮料,比第一顿情人节大餐早了数个世纪。这种早期的巧克力热饮是玛雅人婚礼仪式的一个重要部分。新娘和新郎会在婚礼上喝交杯巧克力热饮,这预示着巧克力未来将成为通用的爱情表达方式。
The Aztecs had a less wholesome view of the ingredient. According to legend, the emperor Montezuma II binged huge quantities of cocoa beans to fuel his romantic affairs. Chocolate does contain small amounts of tryptophan and phenylethylamine, two chemicals associated with feelings love and desire, but scientists say there isn't enough of either substance to make chocolate a strong aphrodisiac.
aphrodisiac[ˌæfrəˈdɪziæk]: n. 春药;催欲剂
Stories of chocolate's effects in the bedroom persisted noheless, which might explain why candy-sellers embraced the sweet treats when Valentine's Day became popular. Cadbury debuted the first heart-shaped box of chocolates in 1861, and it was an instant success. The package was embellished with cupids and roses to appeal to customers shopping for Valentine's Day gifts. And once the box was empty, it could be used to store keepsakes like love letters and locks of hair.
学习啦在线学习网 keepsake[ˈkiːpseɪk]: n. 纪念品
Cadbury didn't patent the heart-shaped chocolate box, so the rest of the candy industry started manufacturing similar packaging of their own. It wasn't long before chocolates became synonymous with the newly-commercialized holiday.
Valentine's Day chocolates are exchanged around the world, but they're attached to interesting traditions in some countries. Thanks to a successful marketing campaign, women in Japan have to give "obligation chocolates" to all the men they know on February 14.
