GRE考试从两篇写作开始。首先GRE Issue要求你就一个话题提出自己的立场,并就这一立场给出让人信服的理由。GRE Argument相对来说则要简单一些,同样是抛出一个话题,要求你分析另一位作者提出的论据的逻辑合理性。Issue和Argument各有30分钟时间。
1 准确性胜过速度
2 做完所有题目
3 标记而不是放弃
4 如果思路卡住了,先做其他题目
学习啦在线学习网1. Issue task(30min),要求作者根据所给题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。
学习啦在线学习网2.Argument task(30min),要求考生分析所给题目,完成一篇驳论文,指出并且有力的驳斥题目中的主要逻辑错误。
C. 拼写:保证没有太多拼写上的错误,特别是开头结尾和每段主题句这种批阅考官必然会看的部分。绝不能出现拼写方面的低级错误。
学习啦在线学习网"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."
For our grandparents it occurred through films and books. For the baby boomers it was a result of television and revolutionary music. No matter how the impact took place, it is clear that since its very advent, the media have played a crucial role in not simply being representative of the values of our society but creating them as well.
学习啦在线学习网During the roaring twenties Americans found themselves in a struggle between the old ways of their ancestors and the new ways of the future. The once steadfast beliefs that men and women should not touch while dancing, and that ladies should not drink or smoke were suddenly being challenged. From where was all this rebellion stemming? Partly it was due to the returning doughboys from the shores of Europe bringing home revolutionary ideas they had encountered while at war. Nonetheless, returning soldiers could not be held responsible for the social upheaval that America experienced. There had to be another cause, and there was, the media. Although the films of the era were silent they spoke volumes to the society for which they were created. Women in these movies wore their hemlines a few inches shorter than the decade before them and they wore cosmetics to accentuate their new bobbed haircuts. The movies, as well as the books of that era, demonstrated a new materialistic attitude that America had never before experienced. Films portrayed every character as having the money to buy a new car, drink, smoke and partake in the leisures of life, a philosophy that was soon adopted by the youth of the decade. The use of the media in the twenties was to serve as a catalyst for the revolutionary ideas that were circulating. The films and books of that era sped America along its path of change that eventually led to the greatest social unrest that the United States had ever known.
学习啦在线学习网Unlike the twenties, the sixties and seventies utalized the media in a way that appealed to those searching for truth in a lost and confused world. Martin Luther King Jr. realized the impact of the media on society during his campaign for civil rights. King urged his followers to withstand any abuse that they might encounter because the media will take their peacefulness into the homes of their society. By doing so, King sucessfully began to change the traditional view of race. Americans began to sympathize with the protesters because of the undeserved turmoil they faced at the hands of the government. As a result, America relinquished the Jim Crow laws and saw many other groups press for their individual rights as well. Television cameras rolled as Cesar Chavez organized the migrant workers in California and as Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinham linked arms to protest the lack of women's rights.
While the media helped to shape some attitudes about racism and gender it also helped to uncover the truth behind government lies. During the Nixon
This is an outstanding response, even though it is not quite finished. The writer's views on the issue are so cogent, well articulated, and well developed that the writer was not penalized for failing to provide a conclusion. What matters is the quality of thinking and writing displayed, not whether a paper is totally finished or has a certain number of words.
学习啦在线学习网The writer's skill is apparent in the opening lines. The first words, "For our grandparents it occurred," immediately spark the reader's interest.
"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."
There are some who would say that the media reflects the values of society. I believe however, that the media in fact tend to create values in a society. The values created may be far different from the values that our society would choose to embrace. I offer two examples that serve well to illistrate that the media can in fact shape the very moral fibers in our society.
The first medium that comes to mind is music. Through music we can proclaim our love, communicate feelings, and express new attiudes. Music is widely available to almost everyone in our society. To see how music has changed the values of our society, one needs only to look to the urban sprawl. Rap and gangsta styles of music reach millions of city teens and young adults. It's message is quite simple- violence, drugs, and sex . Young people are constantly bombarded with the message that if you want something all you have to do is to take it. The values of human life, respect for elders and children have been lost. We have gangs and random killings in the streets of most cities in our country. Are these my values? They are most certainly not. This music does not reflect the values of this society. This music is the very core of this degradation of our values. How many tricked out gang cars to you see that don't have the annoying bass rumble of Rap music vibrating out of them? This music is part of the persona of a whole generation of people. It is just as much a part of their ego as the guns, drugs, and abuse of women. Another medium that is shaping the values of our society is advertising.
Advertising is everywhere, on T.V., billboards, radio, even at the ballpark. Through advertising some vendors can create "values". To illuminate my point I will use tobacco companies as an example. Joe Camel has convinced millions of young people that it is cool to smoke. The Marlboro man has done the same. The audience is always the same. These ads are targeting young people. They have created the "value" among children that it is ok for kids to smoke. Again the values of society have been changed by a powerful media. I'm sure there are not too many parents out there who would want their children to start smoking. Another advertising media that will surely change the values of ous society is the Internet.
The internet is really just the world's largest commercial launched under the veil of access of useful information. It will be interesting to see just how this new network that has brought the world together will affect our values. These are just examples but I think they are effective at making my point. I think they serve to illistrate that the media can in fact change our values. As for me, I'll be out back smoking a Don Lino, on a beautiful trout stream while sipping a cold beer, waiting for the trout to rise and hoping a couple of those girls from the Coors commercial show up.
This is a well-developed response. The four-paragraph organizational structure serves as a useful framework for the writer to develop a position on the issue.
The opening paragraph presents the writer's position ("media in fact tend to create values in a society") and announces the plan to present two examples to support that position.
