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  At one time, offices were the epitome1 of formality where bosses were addressed as "Mr." or "Mrs." and you wore only suits or dresses (complete with pantyhose).


学习啦在线学习网   Now, many workplaces have a business casual dress code with even more casual Fridays, and the bosses -- who go by their first names -- are your Facebook friends.


学习啦在线学习网   Employers relaxed the rules to enhance workplace attitudes. If you're on the phone or on the computer all day, it doesn't matter if you're wearing a tie. At least you'd think so.


  Of course, as with all things good, too much can be detrimental2. How can you have a relaxed, casual environment while still maintaining your professionalism?

学习啦在线学习网   当然,和所有事情一样,都会有过犹不及的时候。要如何即保持职业化又获得轻松、随意的工作环境呢?

学习啦在线学习网   To befriend or not to befriend


学习啦在线学习网   Friendships are commonplace in all jobs. They exist between colleagues and sometimes between employees and their bosses. Try as you might, switching from friendship to professional mode while you're on the clock can be difficult. For the sake of your office, however, you might want to try harder.


  "We spend so much of our day at work that people often forget where the line between work and personal life should be drawn," says Roberta Chinsky Matuson, president of Human Resources Solutions. "Discussions regarding what you did last night and with whom are not necessarily conversations one should be having at work."

学习啦在线学习网   Human Resources Solutions公司总裁Roberta Chinsky Matuson说:“我们每天会花很多时间在工作上,以至于人们经常忘记该怎么样划分工作和个人生活的界线。昨天晚上你和谁做了什么不是在工作中必须讨论的。”

学习啦在线学习网   Matuson also reminds you that what you say to a close co-worker can be overheard by many other people in the desks or cubicles3 within earshot. Even if no one else hears, you could be talking to the wrong person in the first place.


学习啦在线学习网   You might be close with your boss, but giving information that could undermine your reliability4 or professionalism can harm your career down the road when it's time for a promotion5.


  How to tell when you've gone too far

学习啦在线学习网   如何辨识随便过了头

学习啦在线学习网   Your words, appearance and behavior are three key factors in gauging1 whether work has become too casual, according to Todd Dewett, management professor at Wright State University and author of "Leadership Redefined."

  根据莱特州立大学管理学教授、《重新定义领导艺术》一书作者Todd Dewett的观点,你的言谈、外表、举止是衡量工作是不是过于随便的三个关键因素。

学习啦在线学习网   Your words: Among the warning signs are, according to Dewett, "The use of expletives, overly familiar terms (calling someone by [his or her] first name or a nickname when few others do), using common slang deemed inappropriate for work communication or failing to use appropriate jargon2 for your particular work context."


学习啦在线学习网   Common sense still rules all, and that means the topics long considered taboo3 are still off limits. The humor that you find edgy4 but others could perceive as racist5, sexist or any other form of offensive should just be left to private conversations between you and your friends outside of company time.

学习啦在线学习网   常识仍然占据主导位置,这意味着长期以来被认为是禁忌的话题依然是不被允许谈论的。你觉得新奇的幽默,别人可能会认为具有种族色彩、性别歧视或其他任何形式的冒犯,这些幽默应该只在你和朋友工作时间外私下的谈话中分享。

学习啦在线学习网   Your appearance: "This includes both attire6 and grooming7," Dewett says. The obvious wardrobe error is dressing8 down too much, including jeans and belly-revealing shirts, not to mention showing a lot of cleavage or tattoos9 and piercings (if it's not the norm for your occupation).

学习啦在线学习网   你的外表:Dewett 说:“这(外表)包括着装和修饰”。明显的着装错误就是穿着太随便,包括穿牛仔裤、露脐衫,更别提露出大部分乳沟或纹身和人体刺穿(如果这不是你所在行业的标准的话)。

学习啦在线学习网   When it comes to grooming, the rules are pretty much common sense: Keep the style and color appropriate to your field and bathe on a regular basis.


学习啦在线学习网   Your behavior: "This could include too much socializing at work, socializing that is perceived as too personal and too often getting inside another person's personal space, which for most Western cultures is about arm's length," Dewett says.

  你的举止:Dewett 说:“这包括工作中过多地交际,过多地进行太私人化的交际、过多进入别人的个人空间——在多数西方文化中,个人空间是指一臂长的距离。”






