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学习啦在线学习网   Answer: For many job seekers, a simple job-description statement is the kiss of death: "Three years of relevant experience required."


  If you want to change careers, you feel doomed1 by the frustration2 of not having the relevant experience. If you happen to be a student or recent graduate, it's a catch-22. How are you supposed to get experience when you don't have the experience to get a job?


  When faced with this conundrum3, there are three things to keep in mind as you go about the job search.

学习啦在线学习网   求职中当你面临“相关经验”的难题时,记住这三条:

  1. Focus on transferable skills.

学习啦在线学习网   关注“可转换的”技能

学习啦在线学习网   Transferable skills are your secret weapon. They often get overlooked, but they can be your best ally. When you are applying for a new job you must make yourself as "hirable" as possible to the recruiting director reviewing your resume. When you are listing your bullet points beneath each job title, really focus on what that recruiting director wants to see (without lying, of course).


学习啦在线学习网   Let's say you worked in marketing4, but you want to move into finance. When you craft your finance resume, move all of the bullet points to the top that have anything to do with finance. Even though it may not have been your biggest accomplishment5, your very first bullet point might say something like: Managed 0,000 annual budget consistently exceeding company's forecasting objectives.


学习啦在线学习网   Question: What's the best way to get a job when you don't have all the experience or background a company is seeking?


学习啦在线学习网   Answer: For many job seekers, a simple job-description statement is the kiss of death: "Three years of relevant experience required."

学习啦在线学习网   回答:在许多求职者看来,一项简单的职位描述成了他们的“死亡通知书”:“需要三年相关经验”。

  If you want to change careers, you feel doomed1 by the frustration2 of not having the relevant experience. If you happen to be a student or recent graduate, it's a catch-22. How are you supposed to get experience when you don't have the experience to get a job?


  When faced with this conundrum3, there are three things to keep in mind as you go about the job search.


学习啦在线学习网   2. Think outside the job.


  Often, job seekers limit the experience section on their resume to paid jobs. That can be a big mistake, especially if you're looking to switch careers. Volunteer work, boards and affiliations4, and -- for college students -- leadership roles, can be tremendous opportunities to show off your relevant experience.


  Here's an example. I worked once with a teacher who was looking to get into sales. Now we all know you have to do a bit of "selling" to the 5th graders, but it's not really all that relevant for a sales job. She lamented5 her lack of experience until she told me that she was one of the top fund-raisers for a charity that she worked with on the weekends and over the summer. She had sold more than 0,000 worth of pledges and donations!


  We moved that to the top of her resume, and lo and behold6 she landed a sales job. A great tip for all of you looking to switch fields or start something new is to get some experience outside the job, and then add it to your resume.


  3. Be realistic.


学习啦在线学习网   Switching careers or getting that first job is tough. You should approach the market with reasonable expectations. It's one thing to parlay your college job promoting campus activities into a great entry-level PR job. It's quite another to try to turn that same experience into a role as director of corporate7 communications at Yahoo!.

学习啦在线学习网   转行或找第一份工作都不容易。你应当带着合理的期望进入就业市场。将校园活动的宣传工作转变为入门级公共关系工作是一回事;而将同样的经验变成雅虎公司企业沟通主任(的工作经验)却完全是另一回事。

学习啦在线学习网   If you are switching professions mid-career, be prepared to take a pay cut, to start out at the ground level, or to work for a boss who's 10 years younger. Sure, it's not the best scenario8, but if you realize what you're up against, it can help ease the disappointment.


  Question: What's the best way to get a job when you don't have all the experience or background a company is seeking?


学习啦在线学习网   Answer: For many job seekers, a simple job-description statement is the kiss of death: "Three years of relevant experience required."


  If you want to change careers, you feel doomed1 by the frustration2 of not having the relevant experience. If you happen to be a student or recent graduate, it's a catch-22. How are you supposed to get experience when you don't have the experience to get a job?


  When faced with this conundrum3, there are three things to keep in mind as you go about the job search.

学习啦在线学习网   求职中当你面临“相关经验”的难题时,记住这三条:

  2. Think outside the job.

学习啦在线学习网   考虑带薪工作之外的经验

  Often, job seekers limit the experience section on their resume to paid jobs. That can be a big mistake, especially if you're looking to switch careers. Volunteer work, boards and affiliations4, and -- for college students -- leadership roles, can be tremendous opportunities to show off your relevant experience.


  Here's an example. I worked once with a teacher who was looking to get into sales. Now we all know you have to do a bit of "selling" to the 5th graders, but it's not really all that relevant for a sales job. She lamented5 her lack of experience until she told me that she was one of the top fund-raisers for a charity that she worked with on the weekends and over the summer. She had sold more than 0,000 worth of pledges and donations!


学习啦在线学习网   We moved that to the top of her resume, and lo and behold6 she landed a sales job. A great tip for all of you looking to switch fields or start something new is to get some experience outside the job, and then add it to your resume.


  3. Be realistic.


  Switching careers or getting that first job is tough. You should approach the market with reasonable expectations. It's one thing to parlay your college job promoting campus activities into a great entry-level PR job. It's quite another to try to turn that same experience into a role as director of corporate7 communications at Yahoo!.

学习啦在线学习网   转行或找第一份工作都不容易。你应当带着合理的期望进入就业市场。将校园活动的宣传工作转变为入门级公共关系工作是一回事;而将同样的经验变成雅虎公司企业沟通主任(的工作经验)却完全是另一回事。

  If you are switching professions mid-career, be prepared to take a pay cut, to start out at the ground level, or to work for a boss who's 10 years younger. Sure, it's not the best scenario8, but if you realize what you're up against, it can help ease the disappointment.










当你不具备公司想要的一切工作经验或背景时,怎样才能获得一份工作?接下来,小编给大家准备了新人求职没有经验怎么办,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 新人求职没有经验怎么办 Answer: For many job seekers, a simple job-description statement


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