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学习啦在线学习网   It's not that a pleasant demeanor3 isn't a valuable trait on the job. After all, people want to work with individuals who are tactful, responsive and quick to offer a helping4 hand.

学习啦在线学习网   不是说好性情在职场上没有价值。毕竟,人们都喜欢和那些体贴、响应积极、乐于助人的人一起工作。

  The trouble with being too nice is that it often goes hand in hand with other traits, such as being too accommodating, unwilling5 to speak up for yourself, or hesitant to offer constructive6 criticism to your colleagues. Following are some tips to help you be nice and creative, talented and brilliant:

学习啦在线学习网   心肠太好的问题在于它往往还伴随着其它特征,比如太随和、不愿发表意见、或在建设性地批评同事时表现勉强。下面这些建议能让你在“人好”的同时又能“富有创造力、才华横溢、聪明绝顶”。

学习啦在线学习网   Set boundaries.


  People who are too nice rarely say no. However, there's a vast chasm7 between helping out in a pinch and being overly accommodating. If you accept every request, even when your plate is full, you risk being taken advantage of and can quickly burn out. The next time a colleague asks for your help and you're slammed with your own work, ask if you can lend a hand later, when you're less busy.



  Speak up.


学习啦在线学习网   If you find that other people often present an idea you had but didn't vocalize (those "I thought of that, too!" moments), stop being so shy. You'll gain more visibility if you regularly contribute at meetings or brainstorming1 sessions and while serving on project teams. As long as you remain professional, others will respect your ideas, even if they don't adopt them.

学习啦在线学习网   如果你发现其他人总在说你没说出的点子(那些“我也想到了”的时刻),不要过于胆怯。如果在会议或小组讨论上、在参加项目组工作时你经常能有所贡献,你会更加让人瞩目。只要你够专业,别人即使不采纳你的想法也会很尊重你的观点。

  Be direct.


学习啦在线学习网   You've reviewed a new hire's draft of a proposal and have several changes. Since you don't want to hurt his feelings, you make the adjustments yourself. But are you really doing him any favors? If he doesn't learn from his mistakes, he's likely to repeat them. Instead, offer constructive2 criticism and give him another pass at the proposal.


学习啦在线学习网   justify4">在工作中,太“善解人意“可不是什么好事,最后你会发现你会被自己的善心所带来的工作压死的。另外,自信也很重要,对自己有信心,别人才能对你有信心。

学习啦在线学习网   Avoid being overly empathetic.


  There's another reason nice people take on too much work: They are overly empathetic. Perhaps your best work friend always turns to you when she's overwhelmed. While she doesn't directly ask you for help, you end up offering anyway, even when you already have several balls in the air. After all, you hate to see her so stressed out. Next time this happens, pause before you offer assistance. It's often enough to lend an ear and offer encouragement without jumping into action. Practice listening more and acting1 less.


学习啦在线学习网   Exude2 confidence.


  Whether you're talking to a manager or a coworker, be succinct3 and direct. Nice people frequently feel the need to justify their thought processes by describing them in excruciating detail. But no one wants to sit through a 10-minute explanation as you slowly get to your point. The truth is there's no need to overexplain. The person you're talking to will ask for clarification if he or she needs it.

学习啦在线学习网   无论和经理还是和同事说话,都要简洁直接。好好人经常觉得有必要将自己的主张想法描述地一点细节都不放过。但是谁也不愿意听你唠叨10分钟后才慢慢步入正题。 其实没有必要过多地解释。如果对方需要了解清楚会主动问你。

  Keep in mind that if you start diplomatically turning down projects or offering critiques of others' work, you'll be displaying new behavior. This will take time to get used to, not only for you, but also for your coworkers and manager. However, by sticking to your new approach, you can be nice and not have to worry about being taken advantage of.

学习啦在线学习网   牢记一点:在你开始委婉地拒绝一些项目、对别人工作提出批评时,你就会有新的表现。这需要时间去适应,不仅你,你的同事、经理也一样。不过,坚持你的新方式,你就能做一个不用担心被人利用的“好人”。






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