雅思口语题库part2话题范文想做而未做的事something you’ve always wanted to do
Describe something you’ve always wanted to do but have not done yet
You should say:
What it is about
学习啦在线学习网 Why you plan to do it
学习啦在线学习网 What is the easy part and difficult part of it
学习啦在线学习网 Why you have not done yet
I have always wanted to buy a flat near a lake and open space. My father has his own home where I used to live until I had to move to a new city for my job. Currently. I am living in a rented house in the metropolitan city for my job and yet I have a great desire to own a house of my own that would be a large house with lots of rooms and which would be near a lake or river.
I have wanted to buy this house most probably after I moved to the new city where I am currently residing. I wanted a house of my own where I would have my family members and that would give me freedom of living. The house would be near open space and close to nature. It is almost impossible to have such a house in the metropolitan city I am currently living in. I have the plan to return to my hometown, buy this house and then start a business of my own.
I will have the house decorated and arranged in the way I have always wanted. I will have my family members to move to this house. I will keep an open space in front of this house and I will grow many plants and flowers in this open space.
学习啦在线学习网 地道用词:a great desire
metropolitan city
高分句型:I have wanted to buy this house most probably after I moved to the new city where I am currently residing.
学习啦在线学习网 Describe an occasion when you didnt have enough time
Describe an occasion when you didnt have enough time You should say:
学习啦在线学习网 When it was
Where you were
Who you were with
学习啦在线学习网 What you tried to do or finish
And explain why you did not have time for it
上个星期我和一个好朋友约着去看电影。是一个文艺的爱情剧。看得入迷时,我妈给我来电话说我家的 水管,突然爆裂了!我爸出差了,电话里她急得不行,所以我不得不提前离开电影院回家处理这场‘家庭水 灾’。我已经又和朋友约好了,下周还去看这个电影。
Last weekend I went to a movie with a friend, but unfortunately, I didn’t get to stay until the end because I was called home by my mother for an emergency! The movie was a love story called . In fact, I had never heard of it until my friend recommended it. Or, to put it another way, she sold it to me ‘cause she described the plot in such a vivid way that I felt I had to check it out for myself.
Well, it turned out a great story! The performances of both the leading actor and actress were sublime. I was absolutely captivated by the storyline when suddenly my phone rang. My mother was screaming on the phone! Guess what? Our water pipe cracked and the house was becoming a swimming pool!(我家的水管炸裂了,房子快成游泳学习啦在线学习网池了) My mother was alone at home as my father was away on a business trip so I had to go home like immediately to help with the situation! Well, the movie was just getting to the climax!(电影正在进入高潮) The separated couple were just about to see each other again! I wished that I could have stayed for even a few minutes more, (多希望我 能多呆几分钟啊) but I really, really couldn’t. I knew that if I didn’t leave the movie, my home could be ruined! I quit the movie and ran home. Fortunately, I managed to help my mother turn off the water lock when I got home. We spent the next few days fixing the house! I do really want to see the ending of that movie though. Actually, I have asked my friend to see that movie again with me next weekend.
一、 地域性发音的影响
如果说有时候两个辅音的互换不会产生太大理解方面的问题,但长时间不加以区分,考官听着也会不自觉地产生一种压迫感。下面是一位考生在第二部分描述自己的一位家庭成员时的话,说到她的姐姐像个假小子:… I guess you can imagine that she really looks like a boy. When she was in middle school, she cut down her long hair, started to wear large shirt and became a boyish girl… 如果就这两句话中出现的”l”,发音都换成”n”的音,考官或许能明白,但听起来却比较难受。
二、 发不出的”th”
学习啦在线学习网 [θ]和[?]两个音标都是”th”的发音,汉语中此种发音方式的缺乏直接导致很多考生从练习口语一开始就发不出这个音。就像很多English native speakers说汉语的“谢谢[xiexie]”会发[?e?e],是因为其中不卷舌的[x]也不存在于他们语言的发音方式中。
三、 重音错置
许多考生在平时学习词汇的过程中很容易忽视一些细节,而重音的错置就是其中之一。有的考生在习惯了单词重音为第二个音节之后,对一些重音在单词第一个音节上的细节便视而不见了。例如雅思口语中经常谈论到的”television”, “newspaper”,对于这样熟悉且简单的单词很多考生发出的重音仍然在tele’vision和news’paper上。如此重音错置的例子屡见不鲜,而重音的错误往往会导致整个语句的不顺畅,听起来很别扭。
四、 莫名的”r”
雅思口语考试对语音的包容性让很多考生选择了自己喜欢的美式英语,但这也意味着很多考生开始了对“儿化音”的情有独钟。”because”和“of course”并不一样,后者有”r”可以“儿化”;前者却没有,可很多考生都喜欢把它读成[bi’k?rz]。事实上,无论英式还是美式,它都发 [bi’k?z]。”China”, “Christmas”, “August”, ” idea”都是很典型的例子,单词的拼写中红色标记的部分后面并没有”r”,但是考生读出来时却无端产生了”r”的音。
五、 经验性判断
有的考生习惯了”nation”, “promotion”,看到”precision”, “decision”的时候觉得也应该发[??n],但事实上这两个单词中”-sion”应该发[??n];”address”这个词大家都很熟悉了,有的考生一直读的是[?d’dres],因为觉得里面有两个”d”,但其实正确的读音当然是[?’dres]。
当考官问道:“Do you like Music?”
学习啦在线学习网 考生回答:“观点:yes, I do.
学习啦在线学习网 理由:Cuz music makes me feel relaxed.
例子:for example, sweet and light music are the best choice.
学习啦在线学习网 下面我们来根据口语的四大评分标准来提高我们的答案:
观点 (旧):yes, I do
观点(新):yes, I’m pretty keen on music, I’m just so passionate about it, really a big fan of it.
学习啦在线学习网 理由(旧):Cuz music makes me feel relaxed.
学习啦在线学习网 理由(新):Cuz music can purify your mind. When listening to the music, all the pressure, panic and anxiety due to the fierce competition of the quick-paced society just disappear.
例子(旧):for example, sweet and light music are the best choice.
例子(新):especially, for instance, my favorite is some American country music, such as the famous one “ take me home, country roads”, it makes you feel a world where there are nice people, clear streams, fresh air, vast farmland and country roads with daisies and beautiful sunshine.
新的答案在语法是7分,词汇也是7分;如果学生在表达的时候能做到完美,即流利获得9分和发音也获得9分,那么,四项平均以后的得分就是8分的口语。在现实的考试当中,如果学生的Fluency 6分,Pronunciation也6分,那得分就是6.5分。
学习啦在线学习网 Describe a city that you like best ①
Where it is ②
学习啦在线学习网 What are the general features ③
学习啦在线学习网 What you can do there ④
Explain why it is your favorite city ⑤
Describe a city that you like:描述一个你喜欢的城市:
学习啦在线学习网 观点:杭州是我去过的最印象深刻的城市之一
学习啦在线学习网 Hangzhou is one of the most impressive cities where I have even been
学习啦在线学习网 理由:因为我感到印象很深刻对于交通、风景如画的景点,和地方特色美食。
because I was deeply impressed by the transport, the picturesque scenery spot, and the food specialty there.
To be more precise, I’m gonna talk about the intercity express train, the west lake and the soysauced Dongpo Pork.
② Whre it is, 他在哪里
学习啦在线学习网 观点:我很喜欢她的地理位置,杭州位于中国的南部,在长江三角洲上。
学习啦在线学习网 I particularly like its situation. Hangzhou is located on the southern part of china, on the Yangtze river delta.
学习啦在线学习网 You know, from shanghai to Hangzhou, it is really convenient to go by CRH (china railway highspeed), namely, the inter-city express.
学习啦在线学习网 Actually, I just went there last week, I paid 54 kaui, it took me 2 hours on the train, by the way, the CRH was really comfy and cozy, smooth and stable, roaring down the rail at 198 kilometers per hour,quite similar to the EuroStar express train under the English Channel.
③What are the general features 什么是主要的总体特色?
it is the west lake that greatly contributes to my fondness for the city.
The Lakeside naturally serves as a place for people to have a bit of walk,enjoying the fresh air at the same time.
Since the west lake is in the downtown area of Hangzhou, right among the concrete jungle of the city, nearly everyone who visits Hangzhou likes to come and enjoy the harmonious integration between the Nature of the lake and the modernization of buildings nearby.
学习啦在线学习网 ④What you can do there 你能在那里做什么?
Soysauced Dongpo Pork is a very popular specialty dish among tourists and locals as well.
学习啦在线学习网 理由:因为他味道很重很咸,很肥很好吃但不油腻。
Because it has strong flavour, very savoury, fatty, yummy but not greasy.
The most authentic Dongpo Pork can be served in the restaurant, Building Beyond Building, beside the west lake, it is always packed with customers. They usually chose a window seat to enjoy the delicate cuisine while appreciating the placidness of the lake. That is what we call LIFE!
⑤Explain why it is your favorite city解释为什么这是你最喜欢的城市
学习啦在线学习网 观点:这是一次难忘的旅行
this trip is the one which I shall never forget.
It made my mind open.
学习啦在线学习网 例子:我高度推荐您有空也去看一看
学习啦在线学习网 I highly recommend you to go and have a look.
学习啦在线学习网 第三部分社会客观分析问答题
学习啦在线学习网 考官问道:what kind of qualities a good leader should have?
观点1:A good leader should be passionate,
理由1:Because his passion will help him do well.
学习啦在线学习网 例子1:In business, a passionate boss can do his business better when he likes it. 观点2:A good leader also should be like a model.
理由2:Because followers will all learn from their leader.
学习啦在线学习网 例子2:In Business, successful leadership is mainly about whether his employees work as hard as their boss does.
学习啦在线学习网 根据雅思口语考试的四大评分标准,我们来提高答案:
学习啦在线学习网 Fluency流利,Grammar语法,Vocabulary词汇,pronunciation发音
学习啦在线学习网 观点1(旧):A good leader should be passionate.
观点1(新):successful leaders would probably be quite passionate and enthusiastic about what they do.
学习啦在线学习网 理由1(旧):Because his passion will help him do well.
理由1(新):Success comes easily when someone is obsessed with his career. He will be more relentless in the pursuit of his goals if he’s keen on his business. He will achieve his peak performance only when he’s doing the thing which interests him or something he cares about.
学习啦在线学习网 例子1(旧):In business, a passionate boss can do his business better when he likes it.
学习啦在线学习网 例子1(新):Entrepreneurs who succeed do not mind the fact that they are putting in 15 or 18 hours a day to their business because they absolutely love what they do.Success in business is all about patience and hard work, which can only be attained if someone is passionate and crazy with his tasks and activities. So, most of the time, the more passionate a man is, the more successful he can be.
学习啦在线学习网 观点2(旧):A good leader also should be reliable.
学习啦在线学习网 观点2(新): True leaders should have trustworthiness built on good relationship with his followers.
理由2(旧):because no one will work for the person who can not be trusted.
理由2(新):the way they deal with people will lay the foundation for the strength of their groups. The stronger the relationship is, the stronger the subordinates’ trust and confidence is in their capabilities.
学习啦在线学习网 例子2(旧):In Business, successful leadership is mainly about whether his employees believe in their boss or not.
例子2(新):Studies have shown that one fundamental basis of business leadership is the trust and confidence that employees have on their manager. Only when they have faith in their leader will they go through hell and high water for him and for the organization。
