criminals 名词,罪犯(值得注意的是,该词有形容词性)。
offenders 名词,罪犯,违法者。
学习啦在线学习网 convicts 名词,罪犯,囚徒(前段时间很红的一套书《囚徒健身》,“Convict Conditioning”)。
学习啦在线学习网 culprits 名词,犯人。同时,本词可以指的是被指控犯罪的人。
outlaws 名词,罪犯,_。也有动词词性,并且为及物动词,译为宣布某事为不合法。
suspect (criminal suspect)名词,犯罪嫌疑人。其实,在法庭最终宣判之前,我们口中的罪犯多数情况下应该用这个词表达,更为严谨。
prisoner 名词,犯人,囚犯。
juvenile criminals 名词,青少年罪犯。
学习啦在线学习网 minor criminals 名词,未成年罪犯。
juvenile delinquent / juvenile offender 名词,少年犯,或行为不端的青少年
commit a crime (commit crimes) 动宾,犯罪
violate the law / break the law 动宾,犯罪,违法
学习啦在线学习网 offend against the law 动宾,违法
violent crimes / non-violent crimes 形容词+名词,暴力犯罪/非暴力犯罪
delinquent behaviors / illegal acts / lawless behaviors形容词+名词,不法的行为
学习啦在线学习网 juvenile delinquency 名词,特指青少年的不法行为
illegality 名词,泛指所有违法行为。此外,immorality 名词,指的是不道德的行为,其实近似于违法行为,但是略有区别。同理,副词illegally和immorally也是类似的区别
学习啦在线学习网 wrongdoing / misconduct / delinquency 名词,都是指的是行为不端
学习啦在线学习网 今天内容是讲解关于犯罪类话题的常用词汇,目的在于帮助学生提升对于“犯罪类”这一比较生僻话题的词语表达能力。
一般来说,写作分数在5-5.5分的学生在面对有关犯罪的话题时会觉得无话可说,无从下笔,除了对于这类话题的思路不了解不熟悉以外,一些特殊的话题词汇的匮乏对于他们来说也是巨大的挑战。例如如果没有词汇,在今年3月3日的考试中,有的学生会写:Prison is important, as it will make people dare not to do bad things。这样的句子学习啦在线学习网显然是不能满足写作LR中6分对于词汇多样性的要求。
在基础词汇的补充方面,除了认识新词,学生最好能够尝试把已知词语进行词性变化,这样可以更有效率的记住更多词汇。例如罪犯的表达是criminals,那么学生可以把犯罪的动词表达一并记住:commit crimes;类似的例子是offenders, law breakers对应commit offences(美式拼写offenses)和break laws。可见,扩充词汇的方式不要局限于背诵新词,要优先考虑在已有词汇的基础上进行变化。
犯罪类话题经常谈论“威慑力”,英文表达是deter,可以说某种措施学习啦在线学习网可能会威慑犯罪或者罪犯:may deter crime或者deter criminals。还可以对威慑力的产生进行进一步的说明,加上原因状语从句as the fear of sth might/may prevent people from committing crimes。犯罪类常用的话题还包括“青少年重罪犯是否要和成年人一样量刑”,或者“更长的刑期是否可以减少犯罪率”,这些话题都能从以上基础词汇和威慑力的论证角度进行拓展。
Sending criminals to prison is not the effective method to deal with them. Education and job training should be used instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 将犯罪分子送进监狱不是有效的方式解决犯罪,我们应该给他们提供接受教育和工作培训的机会,是否认同?
学习啦在线学习网 1. 周围的环境引起犯罪:贫困;择业难;校园暴力;枪支泛滥等
2. 本性就是坏人:人性本恶,有人天生就是注定犯罪的
学习啦在线学习网 薛鹏解析:两种观点讨论;必须支持给出的一方观点。
首段:背景介绍(个性开篇)+争议焦点(淡化模板)+ 作家立场(清晰表达)
尾段:再次亮明观点 + (总结理由)
贫困和社会问题导致犯罪 = 外因引起犯罪:
1. 贫困的家庭孩子没有受到良好教育,不能明辨是非,容易被引入迷途。
2. 科技发展,传媒多元,色情暴力节目的传播,毒害心灵,误导人生观,诱发犯罪冲动。
学习啦在线学习网 3. 枪支泛滥,为犯罪提供了便利,例如,在一些西方国家,枪支买卖合法。
1. 有人认为,人性本恶,嫉妒,贪婪,自私,都是人的固有本质,一旦在后天被激发,没有正确的引导,会导致一些反社会行为的发展。
2. 例如,女性经济犯罪;黑社会大哥的惯性犯罪,报复社会,诅咒和憎恨他们认为不公平的社会。
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
Alarmingly, various stories concerning crimes have been pushing into spotlight. Conflicting ideas clash in finding out the root causes of misdeeds. My stand is that external reasons have a bigger influence on those misconducts. Nobody is born to be a criminal.
学习啦在线学习网 薛鹏点评:淡化模板;观点鲜明。
1. various stories 公众新闻报道
学习啦在线学习网 2. concerning 关于
学习啦在线学习网 3. have been pushing into spotlight …… 成为关注的焦点
4. conflicting ideas clash in …… 矛盾的观点在……方面互相碰撞
解析:clash v碰撞
My arguments could be easily explored. One contributing factor triggering manifold malefactions could be owed to the external circumstances in which the one is raised. To put in details, in some poverty-stricken or violent families, children are usually not properly taken care of and they stand few chances of receiving fine education, it is likely that such children may easily be led astray and even worse, they may conduct some anti-social offences. Still, pornographic or otherwise vulgar forms of media, have a really adverse impact on the young because the young can, in most cases, find it rather difficult to make positive choices about the types of influences in their lives, thus,it is possible for them to turn to a life of crime. Last, many perilous products that could be harnessed commit crimes are very easily and cheaply available to the youths. In fact, guns are sold in a number of stores in some countries. This fact alone makes it very easy for some people to embark on the criminal road.
学习啦在线学习网 三段:反方二个观点的展开
学习啦在线学习网 Granted, some people might remain suspicious of my stand and believe that those perpetrators are born to be evil. Some people argue that habitual malefaction is the main root cause of high crime rate. As for those felons such as gangsters boss or professional blackguards, to break the law is to take revenge on the society which they think unfair. Besides, some people contend that such is human nature to be greedy, selfish and jealous, which accounts for many types of crimes. It is also found that some women commit economic crimes simply because they are more vain and avaricious than others.
学习啦在线学习网 1. habitual malefaction 惯性犯罪
2. felons 重罪人
学习啦在线学习网 3. gangsters boss or professional blackguards 黑帮大哥和职业流氓
4. take revenge on the society which they think unfair 报复认为不公平的社会
学习啦在线学习网 5. vain and avaricious 虚荣的贪婪的
学习啦在线学习网 尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由
学习啦在线学习网 In a nutshell, I re-affirm my stand that different crimes could be combination of various elements, however, in comparison with evil nature, external factors actually play a profound influence in leading some immature or inexperienced people to go astray.
学习啦在线学习网 薛鹏全文点评:本文依然保持小鹏哥原创范文的高质量,符合雅思写作评分各项标准,建议背诵精彩词汇句法。
The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 有人认为:父母工作,无暇照顾孩子,导致少年发展,是否同意?
学习啦在线学习网 1. juvenile crime = adolescent crime青少年犯罪
2. teenage crime = juvenile delinquency青少年犯罪
学习啦在线学习网 3. young offenders = teenage criminals = young law-breakers 少年犯
学习啦在线学习网 4. embark on the criminal road 走上犯罪道路
学习啦在线学习网 5. turn to a life of crime 开始罪恶的人生
学习啦在线学习网 6. conduct some anti-social offenses 做出反社会行为
学习啦在线学习网 7. commit crime = violate the law 犯罪
学习啦在线学习网 8. domestic violence = family violence家庭暴力
9. pornographic or bloody contents色情的血腥的内容
解析:porno (色情)+ graph(记录)+ic (…… 的) = pornographic 色情的
10. blindly model after sth 盲目效仿
学习啦在线学习网 11. to be led astray被引入歧途
12. Some criminalities can be owed to the disadvantaged family background such as poverty, violence or parental divorce. 不良的家庭成长环境,例如贫困,暴力和父母离异。
13. According to the statistics, the rate of youth crime is in proportion to that of divorce rate. 少年犯罪率和离婚率成正比。
学习啦在线学习网 解析:is in proportion to 成正比
学习啦在线学习网 14. An environment of poverty, violence and fear. Such a growing environment often results in low self-esteem and other growth-related concerns. 较低的自尊心和一些成长相关的问题。
学习啦在线学习网 解析:self-esteem 自尊
15. It is also found that some women commit economic crimes simply because they are more vain and avaricious than others. 人们发现,有些女性进行经济犯罪,仅仅是因为她们比其他人更加的虚荣和贪婪而已。
学习啦在线学习网 It is shown that many criminals have a low level of education. Some people argue that the best way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave prison. Do you agree or disagree?
Crime from the juvenile to the adults, obviously, has become an serious social problem, which cannot be ignored. Gradually, more people focus on the future of criminal released from the prison, and believe that to provide them educational opportunities does help the reduction of crime; as for me, I am an advocate of this idea.
As the major reason of high crime rate in today's society, low education level has been blamed. People without receiving enough education would be attempted easily, and do not have the equal and excellent skills to compete with others when looking for a job; besides, lacking sufficient moral knowledge to distinguish right from wrong contributes to go astray on their way to pursue the goals. It is worth providing the prisoners, especially committing minor crimes, with education opportunities before free, which not only can give them another chance to learn some practical skills and accumulate certain knowledge to find a job and start again after the sentence, but also decline the risk that they would turn to crime again.
学习啦在线学习网 On the other hand, educational opportunities in prison cannot be the universal solution of all the problems the prisoners face. The huge life pressure and the attitude from other citizens could lead them to go back to the old lifestyle, or even cause more serious problems to both the society and the individuals financially and mentally. However, no one can doubt the function of education as the basic mean to provide people and the society a brighter future; thus, though education cannot solve all the problems at once, it is necessary for a long time.
In conclusion, in spite of many causes in high crime rate, our society should realize the importance of education, and give all the criminals the second chance to do something right and have a better development in the future life.
