学习啦在线学习网 新旧对比一直是雅思写作Task2大作文钟爱的话题之一,像之前2019年1月19日的雅思大作文真题开启复古模式,考的是媒体类的,旧题网上看新闻和报纸上读新闻的比较:More and more people are reading news online, but newspapers are still the main source of news for many people. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 那么,到底怎么比较呢?
媒体有很多种形式,在雅思考试中主要是以新旧对比的形式出现,那么究竟何为“新”何为“旧”,首先我们要有个具体的划分,这里的“新旧”主要是从时间概念上来区分,出现较早的媒体主要是我们日常所说的“纸媒”,最经典要推newspapers。此外包括magazines 和printed books也属传统媒体之列,与之相比,新兴媒体则多指电子产品发展之后随之而来的其他媒体如mobile phones, computers。
学习啦在线学习网 同学B:新媒体啥都能看到啊。
学习啦在线学习网 1.方便→为什么方便?如何方便?随时随地可以看新闻。
New media forms based on the technology of internet could provide people more open access to various information regardless of spacial and temporal restriction.
2.啥都能看到→ 看到的是啥
There is a wide range of information available on the internet, ranging from international news to learning materials for the IELTS exam.
Modern media forms are interactive. They provide a platform where people sharing similar interest or aims could communicate with each other.
Compared with traditional media, modern ones are environmentally friendly for the reason that they do not consume large amount of wood.
学习啦在线学习网 说到传统媒体,大家可以从形式和内容两个角度来分析:
学习啦在线学习网 从形式上看,有同学会说到啊“读纸质书才有读书的感觉/就是喜欢读纸质书”,归纳起来说就是“读纸质材料更加符合人们的阅读习惯”。
学习啦在线学习网 People find it challenging to alter their deep-rooted habit of reading printed materials.
学习啦在线学习网 另外,从形式上说,传统的东西往往能跟健康搭上关系,传统食物有营养,传统媒体不伤眼不伤身。但是究竟如何去表达不伤眼不伤身呢,很多同学到这里开始陷入困惑,其实从反面来说是不是就很清楚了呢?为什么说传统媒体形式健康,主要是跟现代的以电子产品为依托的新兴媒体做对比吧。
学习啦在线学习网 那么,再进一步,为什么新兴媒体会伤害健康呢?一方面是长时间盯着屏幕伤害视力,另外如手机之类的电子产品本身还有辐射。
Staring at the shiny screen for a long time is harmful to users' eyesight and radiation from those electronic products is also physically detrimental.
学习啦在线学习网 为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth.
接触到……的途径/方法 access to
学习啦在线学习网 不论…… regardless of
时间和空间上的限制 spacial and temporal restriction
可获得的,可得到的 available
学习啦在线学习网 包括,囊括了…… ranging from A to B
学习啦在线学习网 对身体有害 physically detrimental
学习啦在线学习网 雅思写作题目:News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?
学习啦在线学习网 雅思写作题目讲解:
学习啦在线学习网 本文建议采用五段式。正文分三段,分别交代原因、好处、坏处。原因:信息化时代 information era 的到来和全球一体化 globalization 的发展使得现代人越来越依赖于媒体传递的信息。
好处:新闻给人们提供了大量的信息。关于国家的政治动向、政策变化的报道可以指导个人和公司的发展计划、投资理财 ; 天气预报、路况信息等为个人的出行提供了指导 ; 一些针对社会弱势群体的社会新闻也唤起公众的同情心,使有困难的人得到社会的帮助。
坏处:有些新闻来源不靠谱,特别是网络媒体。由于人人都可以通过 twitter 之类的社交网站 social networking site 来传播信息,因此给谣言 rumor 的传播提供了可能。有些媒体受政党控制,因此传递的是一些带偏见 biased 的消息,公众无法客观地从媒体中 获取真相。甚至有些无良记者 unscrupulous journalists 为了引起轰动 sensation,通过捏造一些假新闻来吸引读者眼球。
学习啦在线学习网 结论:国家可以出台相关的法律法规 related laws and regulations should be constituted,媒体应该进行自我审查 impose auto-censorship,来规范媒体和记者的行为。而公众应当有独立思考能力和批判性思维能力 independent thinking and critical thinking ability,来辨别新闻的真假。
I think the news media mainly plays two important roles in modern society – providing information and influencing public opinion – and I think its influence is generally positive.
学习啦在线学习网 Obviously, the news media provides people with vast amounts of information in various forms. We can access it by listening to the radio, reading newspapers and magazines, watching television and by surfing the Internet. The ability to access news media is important for individuals and organizations because we make many decisions based on the news provided to us. Some of these decisions are mundane. We check the weather forecast to see whether we should take an umbrella to work. Other news, such as that about the business world, could influence whether we invest our savings in certain companies listed on the stock exchange.
学习啦在线学习网 显然,新闻媒体为人们提供了各种形式的大量信息。我们可以通过收听广播,阅读报纸和杂志,看电视和上网。访问新闻媒体的能力对于个人和组织很重要,因为我们根据提供给我们的新闻做出许多决定。这些决定中有些是平凡的。我们检查天气预报看我们是否应该带把伞去工作。其他的消息,比如关于商业世界的消息,可能会影响我们是否把存款投资于某些在证券交易所上市的公司。
The news is often presented to us in certain ways, using specific words to try to control our feelings and thoughts. This can be the main negative influence of the news media. Very often, the news media portrays people in simplistic ways, giving us some facts, but not the whole story. In the USA, some news media tends to support the Republicans whilst others tend towards the Democrats and the portrayal of individuals can reflect this. This is somewhat inevitable, because the editors, journalists and owners of the news media have opinions and biases. So, I think that it would be better if people checked news stories from different sources instead of only using one source.
学习啦在线学习网 新闻经常以某种方式呈现给我们,用特定的词语来控制我们的感情和思想。这可能是新闻媒体的主要负面影响。新闻媒体常常以简单的方式描绘人们,给我们一些事实,而不是整个故事。在美国,一些新闻媒体倾向于支持共和党,而另一些则倾向于支持民主党,个人形象也反映了这一点。这是不可避免的,因为新闻媒体的编辑、记者和所有者都有意见和偏见。因此,我认为如果人们从不同的来源查看新闻报道,而不是只使用一个来源,那就更好了。
Despite the fact that the news media can report events incorrectly or with bias, I think that the general influence on society is good. More factual information gives us the chance to make better decisions, both in our personal lives and in our working lives.
学习啦在线学习网 尽管新闻媒体可以不正确地或带有偏见地报道事件,但我认为对社会的总体影响是好的。更多的事实信息使我们有机会做出更好的决定,无论是在个人生活还是在工作生活中。
News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 负面影响:以新闻为主的生活方式会让人们筋疲力尽。举例,报纸和电视吸取了人们所有的关注,这让人们无法关注自己的事情,也缺乏时间来维持家庭关系。
2. 负面影响:负面新闻会引发社会不安。举例,很多谣言,关于社会传染病,或是很多逃犯的信息,会让人们生活在恐惧中。
3. 负面影响:媒体是洗脑工具。举例,处于政治目的,很多新闻媒体会对某些进行毫无根据的攻击和抹黑。这会误导投票人的判断和立场。
4. 正面影响:新闻媒体能提供有用的信息,建议和指导。举例,天气预报和交通堵塞的信息能帮助人们制定合适的出行计划和路线。
Nowadays, the expanding influence of news media on the society has been a heated social issue in debate. Some believe this trend is negative because the media controls minds of the public. Personally, I partially agree with this view, and my reasons will be explored as below.
学习啦在线学习网 The most worrying aspect of new media is that it overwhelms people's daily lives. Actually, our lives of today are news-oriented, because of the 24-hour nonstop news cycles on TV, radio and Internet. Under such news bombardment, the information overload takes place, which means people's attentions and minds have to be glued to focusing on and interpreting endless news, comments, gossips and rumors, necessary and unnecessary, no matter where they are, in workplaces, schools, buses or homes. As a result, news media is a huge distraction, which makes people exhausted and reduces their concentration and energy on their tasks or families.
学习啦在线学习网 Another big concern of news media is about its roles in manipulating people's thoughts. Psychologically speaking, watching news media is a strong process of washing brain, in which the personal judgments of individual viewers might be removed and replaced with the media-established ideas. For example, for the purpose of politics, many influential newspapers, TV programs and online websites disclose the foibles of privacy, and even deliberately fabricate false rumors, scandals to diminish some political candidates in an election. Obviously, the cheatings and lies on news media are detrimental to the social equity and democracy, because they keep voters from thinking freely and independently.
学习啦在线学习网 However, the positive impact news media bring to our lives can never be ignored. In fact, the exposure to these news and reports can give the audience valuable messages and suggestions in day-to-day life. For example, the information about forecasts of weather and traffic situations in rush hours on regional newspapers or radio channels can instruct local residents to make proper schedules, plans and routers for travelling outside. In addition, reports about pressing social problems like epidemics, natural disasters, violence and crimes in streets also help to arouse the public's awareness of the importance of improving education and health care systems, as well as the necessity of saving environment.
In conclusion, the demerits caused by news media override its benefits for the public. Although it can provide useful and practical information to the audience, it influences people in more negative ways, including an unbalanced life due to addiction in news, as well as the misunderstanding about social issues.
学习啦在线学习网 (417 words)