雅思写作题目:Many people think that arts (painting and music) do not directly improve people's life, so the government should spend money on other important areas. Do you agree or disagree?
学习啦在线学习网 第一段:引入话题,艺术是否该获得政府资金支持。
学习啦在线学习网 第四段:政府应该既投资社会基础服务,也投资艺术。这样才能创造一个健康有生机的社会。
While the economy is booming in many countries, the funding for arts has been decreasing. The main reason is that some people overly emphasize social services such as medical care and education, but underestimate the intangible role of the arts as they find it difficult to quantify their benefits.
学习啦在线学习网 If we were to judge something by its material value, social service surely plays a more direct role in benefiting people’s life than the arts. For example, education empowers people with knowledge and skills that make capable workers. Improving healthcare system leads to better public health and better quality of life. Tackling environmental issues can make the earth a better place for us to live. If the taxpayers’ money is put into the development of infrastructure, living standard would be increased. However, these do not necessarily increase the happiness of people as they are by nature emotionally connected to the world around them. That is to say the quality of life does not solely depend on materialism.
学习啦在线学习网 如果以物质价值来评判事物,社会服务肯定比艺术更能直接地造福于人们的生活。例如,教育赋予人们知识和技能,使其成为有能力的工人。改善医疗体系,改善公众健康,提高生活质量。解决环境问题可以让地球成为我们生存的好地方。如果纳税人的钱投入基础设施建设,生活水平就会提高。然而,这些并不一定能增加人们的幸福感,因为他们天生就与周围的世界有情感上的联系。也就是说,生活质量不仅仅取决于物质主义。
Humans are emotional beings and need not only bread to eat but also roses to enjoy. It is the arts that deal with the non-material aspects of life such as passions, values and relationships which significantly influence people’s feelings and judgments. The arts in many various forms have to do with human’s inner feelings and value system which are ultimately central to people’s behaviors. Another important benefit is that the arts inspire people to see their world from a personal point of view which is usually very unique and creative. And creativity and innovation is a crucial quality for an individual to excel in society and make the best of their life. Other values of the arts include relaxation and entertainment, safe way of channeling energy and passion, enhancing understanding between cultures and races.
学习啦在线学习网 人类是有情感的,不仅需要面包来吃,而且需要玫瑰来享受。它是一种处理生活中非物质方面的艺术,如情感、价值观和关系,它们显著地影响人们的感觉和判断。许多不同形式的艺术都与人的内在情感和价值体系有关,而这些情感和价值体系最终都是人们行为的核心。另一个重要的好处是,艺术启发人们从自身的角度来看待他们的世界,而这通常是非常独特和富有创造性的。创造力和创新是一个人在社会中胜出的关键品质。艺术的其他价值包括放松和娱乐,传递能量和激情的安全方式,加强文化和种族之间的理解。
学习啦在线学习网 To conclude, the arts are as important as basic social services for humans, although they benefit us in different ways. To maintain a healthy and robust society, governments should offer financial support in all areas of society including the arts.
学习啦在线学习网 最近澳大利亚总理Tony Abbot 非议不断,今天小编整理了一篇Tony Abbot “下台门”的雅思写作范文赏析,希望对正在备考雅思写作的烤鸭们能有很大帮助。
背景资料:Tony Abbot ,澳大利亚执政党联盟领导人,先后毕业学习啦在线学习网于悉尼大学和英国牛津大学,并取得政治学和哲学硕士学位。2013年9月7日在大选中获胜,成为澳大利亚第29任政府总理。2013年9月18日,阿博特在澳大利亚总督府宣誓就职。
学习啦在线学习网 Hours after the PM succeeded in forcing Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to declare? she would not challenge, a string of disaffected MPs went public, with WA backbencher Dennis Jensen calling for the PM to resign.—with 伴随状语
“We can’t continue with Mr Abbott as leader,” he said. 介词with的使用
学习啦在线学习网 “I don’t think fundamentally he understands what the problem is, and therein lies the problem,” therein的使用
学习啦在线学习网 Queenslander Warren Entsch backed Dr Jensen by saying Tuesday’s partyroom meeting must be used to bring the leadership crisis to an end. bring….to an end 让…终结
“It is my very strong view ... that the Prime Minister is there while he retains the strong support, the majority support of the party room. When he loses that then he or she no longer enjoys that position.’’
学习啦在线学习网 Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop has ruled out challenging Mr Abbott for the prime ministership. It is my very strong view ... 雅思写作中表达自己观点的另一种方式
学习啦在线学习网 Abbott, who took his wife Margie to a press conference in Sydney, again warned his colleagues that voters would not tolerate the chaos of leadership changes. 非限制性定语从句
He ruled out a leadership spill and tried to fend off questions about the strength of his leadership as “insider gossip’’. rule out 排除…
“Julie and I, we’re friends, we are part of the leadership team. We support each other. We always have, and we always will,’’ he said, after Ms Bishop emerged from a tense Cabinet meeting to declare she would not challenge the PM, and was not campaigning for his job. We always have, and we always will,’’ 时态的灵活使用,雅思口语很好的句子
Despite the seemingly orchestrated nature of the late-night attacks on the PM, the rebels do not yet seem to have the 52 votes required to force a spill at next Tuesday’s meeting.
学习啦在线学习网 Mr Abbott believes there is no challenger, and several Cabinet ministers have told the Herald Sunthere is no protagonist in the field. protagonist 支持者
Mr Brough last night said the PM no longer had his “unequivocal support.’’ unequivocal support 坚定的支持—unwavering
He called for the axing of the Government’s bungled GP co-payment scheme, saying it made no economic or health sense. Mr Brough also attacked? what he called a real cut to Defence Force pay.
made no economic or health sense.—经济上和健康上没有道理
He said he would not challenge the PM for the leadership, but said it was a “reasonable thing’’ for Dr Jensen and Mr Enstch to discuss resolving the crisis on Tuesday.
Senator Macdonald said a change of approach was needed, not necessarily a change of leadership. not necessarily 不必要的
“I don’t think bringing on some sort of spill at this stage is the best way to resolve these issues that have followed from the Victorian and Queensland elections.”
Mr Dutton on Tuesday night urged his colleagues to give Mr Abbott “a fair go’’ a fair go – 一个公平的机会
“He’s made mistakes, we’ve all made mistakes, and we’re listening to colleagues, and, most importantly, to Australians,” Mr Dutton told ABC.
学习啦在线学习网 “He’s made it very clear he’s not going to stand down. make it clear that… it 形式宾语
Mr Dutton said the Cabinet was unanimously in support of Mr Abbott, and that without a challenger, there was no point to a spill. He said … and that…. 平行宾语从句第一个that可以省略,第二个不能省
学习啦在线学习网 1、涉及政府政策或是投资相关题目,比如
题目1:It is more important for the government to spend money on new buildings than to preserve historic or traditional buildings and homes...
学习啦在线学习网 对政府来说,花钱修建新建筑比保护历史建筑和传统住宅更为重要。
题目2:It is important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not just for things that are practical.
学习啦在线学习网 对政府来说,重要的是提供资金给美好的事物,而不仅仅是实用的事物。
学习啦在线学习网 这类关于政府投资的话题。
学习啦在线学习网 2、涉及政府作用的话题。比如
题目3:People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no need for the government to help them.
Do you agree or disagree? The government should support scientific researches even though these researches have no practical use.
学习啦在线学习网 During times of economic crisis, which area of spending do you think the government should reduce: education, healthcare or support for the unemployed?
一般学生可以从两个角度出发寻找思路,一种是政府在实行政策或措施或是投资时有没有给当地带来经济收入( financial benefit)或者刺激经济发展(stimulate economic development)。另一个角度则是政府是否通过该举措满足了人民的某种需求。比如对于对于以上题目1,如果选择政府建设新房,从带来经济收入来看,房地产可以带动当地经济发展;又可以解决人的住房需求。选择修缮旧建筑,则是对历史建筑的保存,可以带动当地旅游业,也可以帮助当地人了解当地文化。
学习啦在线学习网 对于题目2,政府投资在一些外在美的建设上还是更实用的事务上。这一点从选择实用事务角度写思路更好找,可以从医疗、教育领域的相关投资来说明这些实用性的领域投资的重要性。
human development index HDI 人类发展指数
regulate 调节,管理
学习啦在线学习网 sensible policy 合理的政策
学习啦在线学习网 allocate money for… 为…拔款
学习啦在线学习网 budget 预算
学习啦在线学习网 tax revenue 税收
unemployment rate 失业率
学习啦在线学习网 workforce 劳动力
healthcare system 医疗体系
学习啦在线学习网 authorities 当局
priority 优先
学习啦在线学习网 democratic 民主的
lay down strict rules and regulations
Only when government pays heed to these issues and take feasible actions can the environment situation can be improved.
