学习啦在线学习网 对于备考托福的人来说,历年的真题也是有参考价值的,所以下面小编就给大家分享2020年2月23日新托福写作回忆,仅供参考!
The reading and the listening are discussing three unexplained features of Titan, Saturn’ satellite.
①Unusual Orbit
Normal satellites orbit the main star in a circle. Instead, Titan has elliptical orbit when surrounding Saturn.
学习啦在线学习网 ②Massive Depression
学习啦在线学习网 At the surface of Titan, there are many depressions and craters. Generally, these marks are created by volcanic activities. However, no evidence has proved volcanoes existence. When it comes to craters, the positions are random.
③Slope Facing
学习啦在线学习网 The slope of sand dunes on Titan faces opposite directions with the wind direction.
①Because Titan is not a single satellite of the Saturn when it counteracts with nearby constellations, its orbit will be affected and show ellipse shape.
学习啦在线学习网 ②Heavy rainfall causes depressions and craters, rather than volcanic activities and collisions.
③Sands at Titan are heavy, so the wind will not affect them in general. However, at Titan, storms, which occur several times a year, will carry sands to the east side since wind power is very strong, dozens of times compared with normal wind power.
The reading and the listening are discussing three unexplained features of Titan, Saturn’ satellite. The reading professes that these three features are unusual and cannot be explained. Nevertheless, the listening forcefully contradicts the reading by providing three opposite counterparts.
学习啦在线学习网 First of all, the reading proclaims that normal satellites orbit the main star in a circle. Instead, Titan has elliptical orbit when surrounding Saturn. By contrast, the listening considers that because Titan is not a single satellite of the Saturn when it counteracts with nearby constellations, its orbit will be affected and show ellipse shape.
Besides, the reading alleges that at the surface of Titan, there are many depressions and craters. Generally, these marks are created by volcanic activities. However, no evidence has proved volcanoes existence. When it comes to craters, the positions are random. Reciprocally, the listening believes that heavy rainfall in Titan has caused depressions and craters, rather than volcanic activities and collisions.
Finally, the reading asserts that the slope of sand dunes on Titan faces opposite directions with the wind direction. On the contrary, the listening deems that Sands at Titan are heavy, so the wind will not affect them in general. However, at Titan, storms, which occur several times a year, will carry sands to the east side since wind power is very strong, dozens of times compared with normal wind power.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is difficult for a teacher to be both popular (well-liked) and effective in helping students in learning.
Education, the most basic way for leading students to be successful in their careers, is paid more attention in modern times than in the past. As a result, people now concern much about teachers’ abilities, since teachers is an essential part of education. However, an agreement has been made by contemporary people that even if those teachers are popular, they are not able to effectively help students mainly because they have to use much time to learn how to be popular. Coincidentally, I will support the idea that people cannot be popular and effectively help students at the same time. A couple of reasons could be responsible for my perspective.
学习啦在线学习网 First of all, teachers are too busy to have even a little time to learn how to be popular. Usually, teachers are mainly charged for teaching, so they have to prepare well before helping students in classes. In the meanwhile, they also need to have a rest after preparing classes. As a result, they do not have enough time to learn how to be welcomed. For instance, when I was in grade eleven, my Chemistry teacher often instructed us in philosophy and taught us how to remember some parts of Chemical Elements Table quickly. One day, after school, I went to his office to ask chemical reaction problems, and I saw him in his office preparing for something. After having a brief conversation, he helped me figure out the problems quickly. I also asked him why he was still here. He said he needed to use some time to review teaching plans and a long time to prepare for some other things, like presentations around the public and projects in chemical researches. Imaginable, teachers do have much work to do.
学习啦在线学习网 Besides, teachers themselves do not want to be popular for many reasons. Generally, teachers want their classes to be quiet, so this would allow teaching processes going smoothly. For example, when I was a freshman in October 2010, one of my major course, Mineralogy, instructors was very popular because he was handsome and good at teaching. Whenever he had a class, there would be crowded, even if some no major students, and they just want to take photos and videos. As a result, his classes were under the control of university policemen to ensure the major students could have a quiet place to study. Hence, being popular and effectively helping students at the same time would not be a wise choice.
In a nutshell, most teachers do not want to be popular and helpful to students at the same time. Not only do teachers be too busy to have time learning how to be popular, but they do not like being popular for reasons. Consequently, it is better for teachers not to be both popular and effectively help students simultaneously. Such a crucial case it is, one can never be too concerned about it.
学习啦在线学习网 对于一个想法,本来就并没有什么万能理由,只是将“好坏”这个概念进行多项拆分,就可以形成万能理由的构造:
学习啦在线学习网 对于微观和宏观都适用的判断标准:
学习啦在线学习网 (7)健康(空气、医疗条件。生活压力、运动、温饱……);(8)乐趣(人多的乐趣、人少的乐趣、娱乐项目的乐趣、技术进步的乐趣……);(9)成就感;(10)生活质量(设施、工作压力……);(11)身边的其他人(朋友、家人……)
学习啦在线学习网 主要对于宏观适用(针对国家和社会)的判断标准:
学习啦在线学习网 万能理由往往可以很好地适用于偏好类的题目,因为这些题目是直接探讨好坏的,但也同时使用于有些观点类的题目,但是有一些观点类的题目,由于本身范围小,所以很难用万能理由直接构造层次,而需要用下面的第二个套路或者索性直接构思一些对应的理由或层次。
学习啦在线学习网 People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.
学习啦在线学习网 分析:在这个题目中,“人们不喜欢做的事”是一个抽象概念,可以细分为“作业”、“家务”、“考试”三个层面去谈。
学习啦在线学习网 Progress is always good.
学习啦在线学习网 分析:在这道题目中,“进步”是一个抽象概念,可以细分为“方便食品”、“便捷交通”、“电脑通讯”三个层面去谈。
学习啦在线学习网 (2)分情况、分领域讨论:
学习啦在线学习网 Parents are the best teachers.
Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good?
学习啦在线学习网 分析:在这道题目中,很难直接考虑宠物和人的关系对人不好,因此可以换个思维,考虑“对于小孩子来讲”,“对于年轻夫妇来讲”,“对于老年人来讲”三个角度。
95.Goverment spending: Outer space exploration V.S Basic needs on Earth
学习啦在线学习网 Opinion: Outer space exploration
1: better ways to produce food and clothing:
学习啦在线学习网 {ways to preserve and store food}
{ways to grow vegetables and fruits}
{new types of clothing}
学习啦在线学习网 2: important developments in communications technologies:
学习啦在线学习网 {Satelite communications} [→TV, telephone, GPS]
3: promote international cooperation
学习啦在线学习网 {international space station}
学习啦在线学习网 在题材分类训练的基础之上:
学习啦在线学习网 2、为这些题目列提纲,要求每个题目有2-3个层次;或者虽然只有1个层次,担忧2-3层细节;
Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer?
In most cases, some people think that it is parents’ responsibility to take care of the whole family (1) out of various reasons and factors in situations, while others do not think so, which sound reasonable but ironical based on the fickle situations in society and history. As for me, despite the adventure of being entitled as “absolutist”, I will consistently support that older children should share the burden and be required to take care of their younger siblings (2).
学习啦在线学习网 在大多数情况下,有些人认为父母有责任出于各种状况和因素来照顾整个家庭(1),而另一些人则不这么认为,这听起来很合理,但基于孩子多变的情况而具有讽刺意味。 社会和历史。 对于我来说,尽管冒险被称为“绝对主义者”,但我将一如既往地支持年龄较大的孩子应该分担负担,并需要照顾年幼的兄弟姐妹(2)。
(1) 转述题目,或反对的观点
(2) 自己的立场态度
Maybe a lot of people stress the suspect of the authenticity of my point of view, but what I want to demonstrate is, this idea has been certified by our predecessor hundreds of years ago. Abraham Lincoln, for instance, is known as a great man respected by all of the American people, not merely because of his remarkable feat of leading the Union in Civil War and of emancipating the slaves in the South but because of the records and the anecdotes popular in politicians and socialists, telling the story of his family, education background and policies he made to seek his dream. And the reason why he can achieve such a howling success is closely related to the opinion I am holding now. However, despite the seeming irrelevance of the example, try to imagine, if this idea is not accepted doubtlessly, that means Lincoln refused to take the responsibility to take care of his little brothers (3). Consecutively, Lincoln would, in no ways become the man in our memory with integrity and love, as a result of which, he would never be supported by his senators and his people, let alone the fact that he can lead all the northern people to win such a historical battle.
也许很多人都对我的观点的真实性感到怀疑,但是我想证明的是,这个想法已经在我们的前辈几百年前得到了证明。例如,亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)被誉为全美人民尊敬的伟人,这不仅是因为他领导内战,解放南方奴隶的杰出成就,而且还因为其记录和轶事在政客和社会主义者中广为流传,讲述了他的家人,受教育的背景以及为寻求梦想而制定的政策的故事。他之所以能够取得如此how跃的成功,与我现在持有的观点密切相关。然而,尽管这个例子似乎无关紧要,但请尝试想象一下,如果这个想法毫无疑问地被接受,那就意味着林肯拒绝承担照顾他的弟弟的责任(3)。连贯地,林肯绝不会以正直和爱心成为我们记忆中的人,因此,他将永远不会得到他的参议员和他的人民的支持,更不用说他可以领导所有北方人民赢得如此历史性的战斗。
学习啦在线学习网 (3) 结合例子引入反对的观点
学习啦在线学习网 注意,这边不是直白地表达自己反对的观点!而是,结合林肯的例子,假设林肯他拒绝照顾弟弟妹妹,拒绝分担家庭责任,那么他也不会成为我们记忆中那个正直有爱的伟人了,那么他也无法获得人们的支持和信赖,更不用说最后在美国自由史上书下光辉的一笔了。这样写,在保证例子完整性的同时,又突出了观点。
学习啦在线学习网 Admittedly there are still some people who probably think that the time and space makes Lincoln a rare example, which cannot be cited as a ground support to the idea mentioned above. In our daily life, another example, the experience of my friend Jane can help to substantiate what I have held. Jane is a single mother in our lab who always wants to get success in her field. However, the efforts she has made never yield any return. The factor leading to this is thatshe wants to fully control both her work and children while her elder son has repeatedly expressed his willing to share the burden and look after his little brother (3). Although we cannot attribute the unpromising end to the assumption she takes granted, it is a fact that she never thought about other alternative options and just go straight in her own way. So the influence originated, developed and stimulated by the insane hypothesis should be considered a critical element.
诚然,仍有一些人可能认为时间和空间使林肯成为一个罕见的例子,不能将其作为上述思想的基础。 在我们的日常生活中,另一个例子是,我的朋友简的经历可以帮助证实我持有的东西。 简是我们实验室里的单身母亲,她一直想在自己的领域取得成功。 但是,她所做的努力从未产生任何回报。 导致这种情况的因素是,她希望完全控制自己的工作和孩子,而大儿子一再表示愿意分担负担并照顾他的弟弟(3)。 尽管我们不能将毫无希望的结局归因于她理所当然的假设,但事实是她从未考虑过其他选择,而只是以自己的方式前进。 因此,由疯狂的假设产生,发展和激发的影响应被视为关键因素。
(3) 结合例子引入反对的观点
学习啦在线学习网 结合朋友Jane的例子,分析她为什么无法在工作上取得成功的原因。因为她既想全力扑在工作上,又不想放弃对孩子的照顾。然而,鱼和熊掌不可兼得,尽管她的大儿子反复表达了他愿意分担家庭重担,照顾弟弟的态度,但她仍然不放心,全权控制。尽管我们不能把这个作为她失败的唯一因素,但她无法平衡家庭和工作的事实,也是不可忽略的。
There also exists the fact that some other people still think that parents would be a better mentor for children’s growth (1), but it is obvious that it just helps in some specific situations, which pales in comparison to its opposite claim to such a huge extent that it is unnecessary to approve or disprove it.
还有一个事实是,还有一些人仍然认为父母会更好地指导孩子的成长(1),但很明显,它仅在某些特定情况下会有所帮助,与它对如此巨大的说法相反 不需要批准或拒绝的程度。
(1) 反对的观点
学习啦在线学习网 第四段是个小的让步段。点明:还是有一些人支持对立的观点,认为家长是更合适的导师来引导孩子的成长。但这是要在特定环境下才成立的。权衡左右,其实我们也无须过于纠结于此。注意,这段的重点在于让步的态度,逻辑方面体现作者的批判性思维,语言方面体现作者运用的娴熟。所以只需简单带到反对的态度即可。
学习啦在线学习网 So, judging from the reasoning and examples as well as the sub points I presented as above, we can easily draw the conclusion that older children of the family should be required to look after the younger children (2). Just as everybody knows, coins has their sides, but this fact cannot weaken the argument that there is always a side can be considered more by some people, and cannot weaken the argument that older children also play an indispensable role in a family(2).
因此,从我上面介绍的推理和示例以及子要点来看,我们可以轻松得出结论,应该要求家庭中的较大孩子照顾较年幼的孩子(2)。 众所周知,硬币有其优势,但这一事实不能削弱某些人可以更多地考虑总是存在优势的观点,也不能削弱年龄较大的孩子在家庭中也起着不可或缺的作用的观点(2) 。
(2) 自己的立场态度