学习啦在线学习网 2、字数太少不行。(细节展开不充分,语言信息量太少)所以字数与高分之间应当存在一个匹配的范围,而不是“字数越多,成绩越高”。超过这个范围的字数本身不会减低你的分数,但是逐渐增加的语法错误、拼写错误都成了扣分点。
字数与成绩之间存在一个调节阀:信息量。当我们阅读一些出自native speaker的英语文章时,会发现他们能够用最精炼的语言表达出许多信息量。打个比方,他们用1句话就能表达出6个信息点;而我们或许1句话撑死也只能表达3个信息点。那我们就需要比他们多花一倍的笔墨去说同样信息容量的故事。如果你的语言能力够好,那么就会削弱字数的影响。但遗憾的是,我们大多数人并不具备这样的能力,因此字数仍旧是一个不可忽视的部分。
学习啦在线学习网 合理字数范围:独立写作450左右
学习啦在线学习网 3.字数之于独立写作
学习啦在线学习网 第一,对于不同类型的作文模板要烂熟于胸。模板熟了就不至于到了考场现场组织文章框架,并且模板会多少启发我们的思路。
新托福(课程)考试写作部分的第一个任务是“Integrated Task”即综合写作,它是一种全新的题型,大部分学生对于如何应对综合写作缺乏相关的知识和经验,很大程度依赖于教师的指导,其中一个重要的方面就是如何安排文章的结构。对此,ETS并没有给出详细的官方建议,只是在ETS公开的综合写作评分标准中,给出了5分(即满分)作文的定义如下:
A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections。
学习啦在线学习网 一、“点对点”的结构
学习啦在线学习网 二、“面对面”的结构
学习啦在线学习网 附:新托福综合写作sample answer 两篇,针对的是同一个考题,第一篇用的是“点对点”结构,第二篇用的是“面对面”的结构。
学习啦在线学习网 Sample answer 1
学习啦在线学习网 Urban sprawl is defined as the growth of cities in an unplanned manner, spreading outward rather than upward. Although urban sprawl brings some positive influence to our lives such as new homes and businesses, better schools, less noise and crime, etc., many people, especially environmental campaigners, see it as harmful to human life and the nature, as it robs people of nature, wiping out parks and farmland, and also brings traffic congestion to roads linking cities and suburbs。
学习啦在线学习网 The New Urbanism movement is designed to address urban sprawl, and communities such as Celebration in Florida, which is constructed applying New Urbanism principals, have proved very effective in solving this problem. The first principle of New Urbanism is to provide effective transportation system and environmental protection. To achieve this, the town of Celebration has a large area of greenbelt dedicated to wildlife preservation. It also has buildings that are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. New Urbanism’s second principle is to provide housing and jobs that are close together. This is reflected in Celebration’s office and apartment buildings which are all densely constructed in a small area to avoid sprawling. Finally, New Urbanism requires neighborhoods to have both single and multi-family residences, and this is exactly what can be seen in the town of Celebration, where residents live close together and find it easy to socialize。
学习啦在线学习网 Urban sprawl is low-density, outward growth and mostly single-family residences. Its negative effects are robbing us of our nature and having us meeting traffic jams between cities and suburbs, while its positive effects are providing home construction, new business and better schools, making less noise and causing less crime。
学习啦在线学习网 Sample Answer 2
学习啦在线学习网 New urbanism has emerged to solve the problem of urban sprawl. Regions have to create transportation systems and environmental protection; Cities need to offer housing and jobs that are close together; Neighborhoods should have single- and multi-family housing where residence can walk to stores, public transportation and parks。
学习啦在线学习网 Take the community of Celebration for example. It meets the goal of social and civic interaction by setting up a central market street district and housing including single- and multi-family residences. It also meets the goal of environment preservation with its good environmentally-friendly town design, and with high-rise offices and apartment buildings which help reduce the population density。
学习啦在线学习网 New urbanism like celebration will bring new changes to urban sprawl。
Movies and TV made in your country are more interesting compared with movies and programs made in another country?是否同意本国的电影比外国的电影更加有趣?(2013.03.16)
学习啦在线学习网 作家立场: 外国的电影电视比本国的电影电视更加有趣。
1. 外国的电影更加有趣,因为探究未知,满足好奇心是人之本性,由于文化和历史的差异,外国的电影通常对于人们的吸引力更大。例如,我个人喜欢看外国科幻电影,科幻电影畅想未来,可以激发我的想象力和创造力。然而,本国的电影,叙述历史,情节老套,背景熟悉,可以预测故事结局,因此,很多像我一样的年轻人不感兴趣。
2. 看外国电影是一种很好的拓宽视野的方式,放松身心的方式。
学习啦在线学习网 3. 外国电影吸引年轻人的另外一个重要的原因就是其优质的制作,很多外国电影,场面恢弘,人物俊美,情节起伏,因此可以给观影人带来持续的新鲜感。
1. foreign movies or TV programs = movies or TV programs made in another country 外国的电影电视
2. home-made movies or TV programs 本国的电影电视
3. exert a far more profound influence on sb 对于…… 施加了更加深远的影响
4. I enjoy a fairly diverse range of films and TV programs 我喜欢看很多类型的电影和电视节目。
5. The movies and TV shows made in foreign countries can,to larger extent, intrigue my personal interest 外国的电影电视,更大程度上使我感兴趣。
6. arouse my sympathy 引起我的共鸣
7. Science fiction movies can stir my wild imagination and develop my vivid creativity 科幻电影可以激发我丰富想象力以及创造力。
学习啦在线学习网 8. bring me constant sense of refreshment 给我带来持久的新鲜感
学习啦在线学习网 9. deepen my insight into exotic cultures 加深对于异国文化的洞察
解析:exotic adj.异国情调的
学习啦在线学习网 10. When I watch a foreign movie or show, I can always be greatly attracted by its gripping plot,eye-catching heroes and unexpected ending 看外国的影视剧,我总是被其引人入胜的情节,帅气美丽的主角以及出人意料的结局所吸引。
11. Language is another reason why foreign movies and TV programs can be more fascinating than the counterpart made in one's own country. 语言是另外一个原因,为何外国电影比本国电影更加有吸引力。
学习啦在线学习网 12. The debate reminds me of An American classic movie, Titanic ……争议使得想起了经典的美国电影,泰坦尼克
13. Success only favors those who dare to give it a try, take risk, assume responsibilities and accept challenges 成功青睐哪些敢于尝试,敢于冒险,承担责任以及接受挑战的人。
学习啦在线学习网 14. The brave ended up wining honor and enjoying tremendous reputation故事的结局是,勇敢者最终获得荣誉以及声名远播
解析:end up doing sth 最终以 ……为结局
学习啦在线学习网 15. Many home-made movies fail to arouse my interest and impulse of watching 很多本国电影无法引起我观看的兴趣和冲动
学习啦在线学习网 解析:impulse n冲动
16. A good domestic movie or TV show might also be captivating. 本国制作的电影电视,也许也是有意思的。
解析:captivating 引起兴趣的;有魅力的
学习啦在线学习网 拓展:amusing = interesting 有意思的
拓展:fascinating =attractive 有吸引力的
17. arouse our patriotism 激发我们爱国热情
学习啦在线学习网 18. deepen our insight into national culture and history. 加深我们对于民族历史和文化洞察
学习啦在线学习网 19. In comparison with A, I have a preference for B 和…… 对比,我更加喜欢……
学习啦在线学习网 20. I prefer to do sth rather than do sth 我喜欢做…… 胜过做……
