以教育学习啦在线学习网类的题目为例:Some people think that watching television is bad for children. Others say it is good for children to get knowledge. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
学习啦在线学习网该题甲方观点是说,看电视对于小孩来说有坏处,其分论点并不难想:一方面看电视在身体上(physically) 有坏处:比如造成近视的(short-sighted)问题,长期坐着不运动肥胖(obesity)问题;另一方面看电视在行为上(behaviorally)也对小孩有不良影响:比如暴力内容(violent content)以及危险行为(dangerous behaviors)会让小朋友模仿(imitate),对他人造成伤害,比如以下新闻:
学习啦在线学习网而该题乙方观点是说,看电视对小孩获得知识有好处(good for children to get knowledge),这就很抽象了。很多小伙伴能够首先想到的是看新闻(news),然后能想到看纪录片(documentary films),之后就一片空白,开始进入卡壳状态,以至于在考场上浪费了时间还写不够字数。
你会看《动物世界》《Animal World》
学习啦在线学习网所以我们能在其中获得的知识就是自然科学(natural science)有关的知识。让看电视的小盆友们学习到物种多样性(diversity of species) 、各种生态环境(Various ecological environments)以及适者生存(survival of the fittest)的自然法则(law of nature)。
学习啦在线学习网再者,有的电视节目能起到独特的功效,比如一档节目,如果想增肥的话在吃饭以后看(因为看完它你又饿了),如果想减肥的话就在饭前看(因为看完之后就不想吃自己面前的饭了)。它就是:《舌尖上的中国》(A BITE OF CHINA).
看《舌尖上的中国》能让大家了解到中华饮食文化(Chinese diet culture)
教给小盆友们厨艺技能(cooking methods and skills)。同时节目里还会描述当地人的生活方式(lifestyle of local residents) ,会跨越不同的中国省份,也就有了地理知识(knowledge of geography)和当地礼节与风俗习惯(local manners and customs)。
除了这些其实还有可以获得知识的,不像以上科目这么划分,它是一种语言学习(language learning)。比如CCTV有一个频道专门用英语来讲--《CCTV News》, 小伙伴们在看该节目的时候可以学习英语学习啦在线学习网(learn English),积累不同领域的词汇(vocabulary in different sectors and fields)和专业知识理论(professional knowledge and theories)。
乙方观点说看电视 is good for children to get knowledge,其实还有另一方面也比较具体可以提及,那就知识传递方式(the way of knowledge transmission)。 看电视和看书不同,电视有鲜明的动画(vivid animations)和悦耳的声音(melodious sound),这些可以帮助小盆友们更好地吸收知识(absorb knowledge efficiently)。
那话说回来,讲了这么多,全都是大家熟悉的电视节目,为什么自己在写作文的时候就是想不起来呢? 这是一个抽象变具体的过程(abstractions turn into details),小伙伴们需要敢于并且善于把抽象的事物变具体,就像这个考题里的,把knowledge变具体,变成不同领域的知识。
那反过来想,为什么考官不给我们具体的方向呢,比如natural science。那题目中的乙方观点就成了Others say it is good for children to learn natural science。如果题目真这么出的话,可写的内容就太少了,就只能关注在自然科学上,其他的领域都不可以写了。所以考官不会这么出题,会故意在出题的时候把范围扩大,那范围一扩大了,关键词就变得抽象了,真实目的是不限制大家思路的发挥。
学习啦在线学习网Task:A family has a great influence on children's development, but the outside of home plays a bigger part in children's life. Do you agree or disagree?
学习啦在线学习网1. 首先,家庭造成的影响不可小觑。毕竟父母是孩子生命当中的第一个老师,每天陪伴孩子们最长时间。举例,他们直接教会孩子们基本的生存技能,如语言,做饭,收拾屋子,卫生习惯,以及基本的学术能力,如数学计算,阅读,思考和判断。
2. 然而,其他因素同样有影响力。举例,在孩子们的学术教育上,学校的老师影响是第一位的。他们是学生教育的领路人,教会他们各个学科的基础知识,学习方式,以及培养他们对于某些学科的热爱。
3. 媒体同样对孩子们的影响很大。举例,电视和电影镜头中的暴力内容会扭曲孩子们的价值观,让他们变得富有侵略性,产生对于暴力的崇拜,并且错误地认为采用暴力手段解决问题是合适的。
The development of children depends on many factors, including parents, school education, media, peers and so forth. Personally, I agree that the family is less influential than other aspects working together, and my reasons would be explored as below.
Admittedly, the influence of family on children is very deep, because parents, primary teachers in the life of children, set the first role models for them to learn and imitate, and which would be logged into the impressionable childhood mind and determine basic behaviors and thinking of them. For example, by observing and learning the daily activities of parents, like speaking, cooking and house cleaning, washing hands before eating, a child can master the language, self-care ability and hygienic habits. Besides, parents also play a key role in developing the intelligence of children. For instance, with day-to-day teaching, communication and storytelling, a parent can help a child to improve cognitive skills like basic mathematic calculation, memorizing, reading, and thinking and judging in a proper way.
学习啦在线学习网However, I strongly believe outside-of-home elements make greater contributions to the overall growth of children. Firstly, in terms of academic education, teachers in school have priority over parents. For example, compared with some parent who have low-level or even no education, teachers are professionally educated and trained in formal university, and well-experienced in teaching. That is to say, school teachers are more advantageous and influential, in terms of comprehensively and accurately instructing, explaining and demonstrating common knowledge about laws of nature and universe, theories and formulas of math and physics, and events and people in history. What is more, forming social skills also relies on a school environment where children have opportunities to communicate, play and argue with other peers. This strong interpersonal interaction can make children proficient in real-world socialization.
Besides, mass media is another external factor affecting children’s development. For example, violent video on the Internet, TV programs and computer games are very likely to twist social values of the young audience, because children, unlike adults, are lack of abilities to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, with long-term exposure to ill information, children would be rude, aggressive and self eccentric. As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even only way to solve problems, thereby leading to school bullying.
In conclusion, when it comes to the importance in influencing children, other aspects like teachers in school and media override the parents, for the reasons that the formers have incomparable effects on the education, social skills and personalities of children.
(423 words)
Task:Some people think modern games can help children to develop a wide range of skills, but others argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. What is your opinion?
1. 现代游戏的好处:打电子游戏能锻炼孩子们的眼手协调,反应。还有,在处理游戏的数据过程中,孩子们也学会了计算,分析和推导能力。此外,电脑游戏也让孩子们学会使用鼠标,键盘和社交网络。
2. 然而,我仍然认为传统游戏更好。第一,下棋有效地提高了孩子们的智商和认知能力。举例,孩子们需要学会记忆,在大脑中推测和假设,还要学会将分析视觉化。
学习啦在线学习网3. 此外,传统的户外游戏,如野外定向运动,培养了孩子们的生活技能,如识别地图,做饭,以及急救知识。
学习啦在线学习网What kind of games should a child choose to play, modern games or traditional ones? Personally, In terms of contributions of games to improving skills of children, I believe traditional games have a better overall performance, and my reasons will be explored as below.
学习啦在线学习网Admittedly, benefits stemming from modern games should not be ignored. Generally speaking, playing video games is an interactive process that stimulates the neural mechanism of children. By this way, the eye-hand coordination, reaction and decision-making ability can be improved. Many puzzle games also sharpen cognition capacities like calculating, interpreting, logic thinking and reasoning. In addition, another practical skill trained from playing online games is computer operation, such as how to use mouse, keyboard and the Internet, as well as communicate with others by social networking.
However, I still believe traditional games are superior to modern ones, in many aspects. For example, board games, a typical entertainment, improve cognitive skills of children. For example, chess optimizes the memory performance. During a game, a player's mind is driven to actively recall every previous move, as well as recognize techniques and tricks. Secondly, Chess improves the ability of visualization. Before making a move, a child visualizes the possibilities and variations of patterns, and picks the most appropriate action. Thirdly, it also strengthens the concentration, because a player would learn to focus on the main goal--to checkmate and become the victor.
学习啦在线学习网Finally, scouting, a traditional outdoor game, is very beneficial for the independent ability of children, physically and mentally. First, when camping or hiking in forests, these young-age scouts quickly have a high-level proficiency in practical living skills, such as ways of packing, knotting, cooking and firing, reading map and compass for orientation, and first aid skills to coping with illness or injuries.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that advantages brought from traditional games are more than that of modern one. Although technology-based games can make children skilled in operating computer, traditional games like bricks, chess and scouting can do more and better for developing the intelligence, cognitive abilities and independence among children.
学习啦在线学习网(343 words)
Task:Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
In recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes towards the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlife conservation. Some people suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.
学习啦在线学习网Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we known, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural balance. For instance, the demise of any species will lead to the growth or decline of other species. In some extreme cases, some species may at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans would be affected in the end.
学习啦在线学习网However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting animals. In current social context, the primary task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty line. Only when people are in a good living condition, can they pay attention to other social problems. Besides, technology and education are another two aspects of governments to concern. These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.
学习啦在线学习网In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it is better for governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.
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