我们举例子是为了什么?当然是为了论证论点。当我们在写中间段的时候,不就是先给论点,然后通过例子来进行说明吗?那么当修辞目的题题目中问到的内容是例子的时候,即作者举了这个例子是为了什么,我们的目标非常明确,就是在文章中找到这个例子说明的那个论点。根据西方典型的论证方式,先给论点,后进行论证,我们要找的答案就在这个例子的前一句或是前几句。切记,作者一定会给出论点,千万不要通过例子帮作者去想这个例子为了说明什么。那么首先我如何确定题目中的内容就是例子呢?常见的举例形式会有哪些呢?在这里,我把例子分成两种:明例和暗例。何为明例?即出现了直接举例词,如for example,for instance等。出现在这类词之后的内容毫无疑问一定就是例子。那么这些例子论证的论点是什么呢?根据这些词的使用习惯,一般是直接出现在论点之后,那么我们就只要找到前一句话就可以了。这是明例的情况,但在真题中出现的频率较低,出现频率更高的是暗例。何为暗例?暗例就是出现了暗举例词或者完全没有举例词。首先我们来看一下何为暗举例词。我把暗举例词定义为在特定语境下可以充当举例词的词。比如在TPO4的第一篇DEER POPULATIONS OF THE PUGET SOUND中,原文有这么两句话:No doubt the numbers of deer declined still further. Recall the fate of the Columbian white-tailed deer, now in a protected status. 在第二句中有个单词叫recall,它并不是完全意义上的举例词,但在这个语境中recall就充当了一个举例词,那么后面的内容就是一个例子,那么这个例子论证的论点就是它前面这句话。这类词会有很多,比如remember,include等。暗例中还有一种情况,就是完全没有出现举例词。那么我如何确定举例关系呢?其实论点和例子之间会存在某种形式的对应,在做题时常用到的就是通过某个或某几个词上面的对应来体现出这种关系。如在OG PRACTICE TEST 1第二篇THE EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS中有这么三句话It turns out that the expression of many emotions may be universal. Smiling is apparently a universal sign of friendliness and approval. Baring the teeth in a hostile way, as noted by Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century, may be a universal sign of anger. 在这三句话中,第一句是论点,二三句都是例子。那么这两个例子通过什么方式与论点联系起来呢,首先,当然是通过顺序体现出来,但更重要的是论点与例子之间出现了词上的对应,这三句话中都出现了这个核心词universal。以这个词为主线,例子在悄无声息中就与论点起到到对应。
1. 不完整的句子
学习啦在线学习网(1) If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard. One of the hardest things that people do.
If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard—one of the hardest things that people do.
(2) Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world. A gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.
Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world, a gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.
学习啦在线学习网Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.
2. 分词短语作状语的错误
Holding her in his arms, the moon hid behind the cloud.
As soon as the moon hid behind the cloud, he held her in his arms.
3. 修饰词错位
(1) Romeo received word that Juliet was dead from another messenger.
Romeo received word from another messenger that Juliet was dead.
(2) After leaving the stage, the audience’s applause called the musicians back for an encore.
学习啦在线学习网After the musicians left the stage, the audience’s applause called them back for an encore.
(3) Disruptive in the classroom, a teacher may become exasperated with hyperactive children.
Disruptive in the classroom, hyperactive children may exasperate a teacher.
4. 串句
Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization, for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance, but when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.
学习啦在线学习网Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization; for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance. But when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.
5. 时态错误
The researchers admitted that they falsified crucial data in the study.
The researchers admitted that they had falsified crucial data in the study.
6. 代词错误
(1) Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take it our on others.
Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take them our on others.
(2) Each girl and boy must do their part to keep the home fires burning.
学习啦在线学习网Each girl and boy must do her or his part to keep the home fires burning.
学习啦在线学习网(3) This college has their own entrance requirements.
学习啦在线学习网This college has its own entrance requirements.
(4) If one wishes to participate in the political process, you can begin by voting regularly.
If one wishes to participate in the political process, one can begin by voting regularly.
学习啦在线学习网(5) The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, they thought an unhappy employee might have started it.
The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, the library staff thought an unhappy employee might have started it.
7. 结构混乱
Because Hemingway’s style is simple makes his writing accessible to all readers.
Because Hemingway’s style is simple, his writing is accessible to all readers.
学习啦在线学习网Hemingway’s simple style makes his writing accessible to all readers.
托福独立写作的命题形式一般为“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement…”(你是否同意下面的论断……),要求考生就题目中的论断给出自己的观点,并用例证来支撑自己的观点。字数要求300字以上,考试时间为30分钟。题目中的论断涉及各种话题,比如成功类话题、工作类话题、金钱类话题、科技类话题等等。
学习啦在线学习网第一类,有些写作题目中含有“should”或者“should not”的字眼,对于这类题目中的观点,考生既可以同意,也可以反对。例如以下这道题目“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in university.”,考生就可以在开头这样写:“Whether or not students should take part-time jobs while they are studying in university has been a controversial issue.”,然后提供合适的理由进行论证。
第二类,有些写作题目中含有“best”、“most”、“all”等表示绝对语气的字眼,对于这类题目,小编建议考生选择反对的观点。因为这类题目大都夸大了某些因素的重要性,否认了其他因素的影响。例如以下这道题目“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for parents to teach children responsibility is to have them care for animals.”考生就可以在开头这样写:“This argument exaggerates the importance of A and denies the significance of other factors such as B, C, and D which can also contribute to sth./sb.”
第三类,这类题目通常是将A和B两种事物进行比较,题目中含有“more…than…”或者“better”的字眼,对于这类题目,考生可以采取让步式的写法。例如以下这道题目“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s better to spend money on pleasant things such as vacations than to save money for the future.”考生可以在开头这样写:“Although A/B has some benefits for…, I still believe that B/A will exert more significant influence on…”
在新托福写作考试中,很多考生看到题目头脑会一片空白,不知道从何入手。要想解决这个问题,考生可以将历年托福独立写作备考资料进行归类,总结出每类话题的写作思路以及通用论据。例如以下几个题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 1)People are now easier to become educated than in the past. 2)Nowadays it’s easier to maintain health than the past. 3)It is easier for parents to raise their children than 50 years ago. 如果考生同意上述观点,我们就可以把 “各方面意识的提高”作为一个通用论据,也可以把“经济发展以及收入的提高”作为通用论据。总之,虽然写作话题多种多样,但是总结起来不外乎那么几类。只要考生善于归纳、勤于思考,就能解决写作“无话可说”的问题。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
A person’s childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a person’s life.
Childhood build the very foundation of an individual development. Although many theorists emphasize the importance of environs, family background, and community atmosphere to which an individual is exposure during the adolescence period, childhood times have been figuratively described by such neurologist as Freud as the seeds in which all genes are ingrained or embedded. Environs are the soil in which the seed grows. Mark Twain, the greatest American novelist, is said to write in Vienna of images that he began storing at age four. The childhood sunny delights naturally shaped Mark Twain’s metaphor. The Mississippi river, the boat, the prairie, the woods in autumn dress, the motionless hanging hawk in the sky, the oaks, and the rustles of the fallen leaves in his childhood all created the novels and thus the novelist, whom the course of human events has never ever had before and the one who will be able to match him in the talent of writing has not yet loomed. Perhaps the unique childhood cannot be duplicated.
学习啦在线学习网Childhood time lists itself at the top of importance to personal development because it is in the childhood that human beings form the rudimentary language skills that develop in the course of growing into one of the most important abilities to live and learn. Child behavior researchers claim that at the age of about two years old human beings begin to speak, and this is the very start point of childhood. In the following five years child language ability grows at a tremendous speed. At seven years old, children have already had the basic language skills in presentation, discourse, and self-expression. In a certain sense, at the childhood time, human beings foster or forge the verbal communication competence. In fact, many linguists also claim that childhood is the best time to learn a foreign language.
Childhood is the most important period also because during this period children shape the competence to observe and perceive natural and society. The ability to perceive is the first step for human beings to learn or cognize. Language follows. Childhood time also implants the personality, characteristics, and interest, although all of these possibly yield to the changes and challenges in the post-childhood environment.
In fact, the importance of childhood time to the development of an individual human being has not yet fully unfolded. If we study this topic with insights and details, the restriction of 250 words in an essay seems to be too narrow.
